7 research outputs found

    Fast Triplet Formation via Singlet Exciton Fission in a Covalent Perylenediimide-Ī²-apocarotene Dyad Aggregate

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    A covalent dyad was synthesized in which perylene-3,4,:9:10-bisĀ­(dicarboximide) (PDI) is linked to Ī²-apocarotene (Car) using a biphenyl spacer. The dyad is monomeric in toluene and forms a solution aggregate in methylcyclohexane (MCH). Using femtosecond transient absorption (fsTA) spectroscopy, the monomeric dyad and its aggregates were studied both in solution and in thin films. In toluene, photoexcitation at 530 nm preferentially excites PDI, and the dyad undergoes charge separation in Ļ„ = 1.7 ps and recombination in Ļ„ = 1.6 ns. In MCH and in thin solid films, 530 nm excitation of the PDI-Car aggregate also results in charge transfer that competes with energy transfer from <sup>1</sup>*PDI to Car and with an additional process, rapid Car triplet formation in <50 ps. Car triplet formation is only observed in the aggregated PDI-Car dyad and is attributed to singlet exciton fission (SF) within the aggregated PDI, followed by rapid triplet energy transfer from <sup>3</sup>*PDI to the carotenoid. SF from Ī²-apocarotene aggregation is ruled out by direct excitation of Car films at 414 nm, where no triplet formation is observed. Time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance measurements on aggregated PDI-Car show the formation of <sup>3</sup>*Car with a spin-polarization pattern that rules out radical-pair intersystem crossing as the mechanism of triplet formation as well

    Picosecond Control of Photogenerated Radical Pair Lifetimes Using a Stable Third Radical

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    Photoinduced electron transfer reactions in organic donorā€“acceptor systems leading to long-lived radical ion pairs (RPs) have attracted broad interest for their potential applications in fields as diverse as solar energy conversion and spintronics. We present the photophysics and spin dynamics of an electron donor āˆ’ electron acceptor āˆ’ stable radical system consisting of a <i>meta</i>-phenylenediamine (mPD) donor covalently linked to a 4-aminonaphthalene-1,8-dicarboximide (ANI) electron-accepting chromophore as well as an Ī±,Ī³-bisdiphenylene-Ī²-phenylallyl (BDPA) stable radical. Selective photoexcitation of ANI produces the BDPAā€“mPD<sup>+ā€¢</sup>ā€“ANI<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup> triradical in which the mPD<sup>+ā€¢</sup>ā€“ANI<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup> RP spins are strongly exchange coupled. The presence of BDPA is found to greatly increase the RP intersystem crossing rate from the initially photogenerated BDPAā€“<sup>1</sup>(mPD<sup>+ā€¢</sup>ā€“ANI<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup>) to BDPAā€“<sup>3</sup>(mPD<sup>+ā€¢</sup>ā€“ANI<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup>), resulting in accelerated RP recombination via the triplet channel to produce BDPAā€“mPDā€“<sup>3*</sup>ANI as compared to a reference molecule lacking the BDPA radical. The RP recombination rates observed are much faster than those previously reported for weakly coupled triradical systems. Time-resolved EPR spectroscopy shows that this process is also associated with strong spin polarization of the stable radical. Overall, these results show that RP intersystem crossing rates can be strongly influenced by stable radicals nearby strongly coupled RP systems, making it possible to use a third spin to control RP lifetimes down to a picosecond time scale

    Photogenerated Quartet State Formation in a Compact Ring-Fused Perylene-Nitroxide

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    We report on a novel small organic molecule comprising a perylene chromophore fused to a six-membered ring containing a persistent nitroxide radical to give a perylene-nitroxide, or <b>PerNO</b><sup>ā€¢</sup>. This molecule is a robust, compact molecule in which the radical is closely bound to the chromophore but separated by saturated carbon atoms, thus limiting the electronic coupling between the chromophore and radical. We present both ultrafast transient absorption experiments and time-resolved EPR (TREPR) studies to probe the spin dynamics of photoexcited <b>PerNO</b><sup><b>ā€¢</b></sup> and utilize X-ray crystallography to probe the molecular structure and stacking motifs of <b>PerNO</b><sup><b>ā€¢</b></sup> in the solid state. The ability to control both the structure and electronic properties of molecules having multiple spins as well as the possibility of assembling ordered solid state materials from them is important for implementing effective molecule-based spintronics

    Electron Hopping and Charge Separation within a Naphthalene-1,4:5,8-bis(dicarboximide) Chiral Covalent Organic Cage

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    We present the stereoselective synthesis of a chiral covalent organic cage consisting of three redox-active naphthalene-1,4:5,8-bisĀ­(dicarboximide) (NDI) units by dynamic imine chemistry. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis shows that hostā€“guest interactions and racemic cocrystallization allow for controlling the solid state structure. Electronic interactions between the NDI units probed by absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopies, electrochemistry and theoretical calculations are shown to be weak. Photoexcitation of NDI leads to intracage charge separation with a longer lifetime than observed in the corresponding monomeric NDI and dimeric NDI cyclophane imines. The EPR spectrum of the singly reduced cage shows that the electron is localized on a single NDI unit at ambient temperatures and transitions to rapid hopping among all three NDI units upon heating to 350 K. Dynamic covalent chemistry thus promises rapid access to covalent organic cages with well-defined architectures to study charge accumulation and electron transport phenomena

    Spin-Selective Photoreduction of a Stable Radical within a Covalent Donorā€“Acceptorā€“Radical Triad

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    Controlling spinā€“spin interactions in multispin molecular assemblies is important for developing new approaches to quantum information processing. In this work, a covalent electron donorā€“acceptorā€“radical triad is used to probe spin-selective reduction of the stable radical to its diamagnetic anion. The molecule consists of a perylene electron donor chromophore (D) bound to a pyromellitimide acceptor (A), which is, in turn, linked to a stable Ī±,Ī³-bisdiphenylene-Ī²-phenylallyl radical (R<sup>ā€¢</sup>) to produce D-A-R<sup>ā€¢</sup>. Selective photoexcitation of D within D-A-R<sup>ā€¢</sup> results in ultrafast electron transfer to form the D<sup>+ā€¢</sup>-A<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup>-R<sup>ā€¢</sup> triradical, where D<sup>+ā€¢</sup>-A<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup> is a singlet spin-correlated radical pair (SCRP), in which both SCRP spins are uncorrelated relative to the R<sup>ā€¢</sup> spin. Subsequent ultrafast electron transfer within the triradical forms D<sup>+ā€¢</sup>-A-R<sup>ā€“</sup>, but its yield is controlled by spin statistics of the uncorrelated A<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup>-R<sup>ā€¢</sup> radical pair, where the initial charge separation yields a 3:1 statistical mixture of D<sup>+ā€¢</sup>-<sup>3</sup>(A<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup>-R<sup>ā€¢</sup>) and D<sup>+ā€¢</sup>-<sup>1</sup>(A<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup>-R<sup>ā€¢</sup>), and subsequent reduction of R<sup>ā€¢</sup> only occurs in D<sup>+ā€¢</sup>-<sup>1</sup>(A<sup>ā€“ā€¢</sup>-R<sup>ā€¢</sup>). These findings inform the design of multispin systems to transfer spin coherence between molecules targeting quantum information processing using the agency of SCRPs

    Positionally Defined, Binary Semiconductor Nanoparticles Synthesized by Scanning Probe Block Copolymer Lithography

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    We report the first method for synthesizing binary semiconductor materials by scanning probe block copolymer lithography (SPBCL) in desired locations on a surface. In this work, we utilize SPBCL to create polymer features containing a desired amount of Cd<sup>2+</sup>, which is defined by the feature volume. When they are subsequently reacted in H<sub>2</sub>S in the vapor phase, a single CdS nanoparticle is formed in each block copolymer (BCP) feature. The CdS nanoparticles were shown to be both crystalline and luminescent. Importantly, the CdS nanoparticle sizes can be tuned since their diameters depend on the volume of the originally deposited BCP feature

    Marked Consequences of Systematic Oligothiophene Catenation in Thieno[3,4ā€‘<i>c</i>]pyrrole-4,6-dione and Bithiopheneimide Photovoltaic Copolymers

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    As effective building blocks for high-mobility transistor polymers, oligothiophenes are receiving attention for polymer solar cells (PSCs) because the resulting polymers can effectively suppress charge recombination. Here we investigate two series of in-chain donorā€“acceptor copolymers, <b>PTPDnT</b> and <b>PBTInT</b>, based on thienoĀ­[3,4-<i>c</i>]Ā­pyrrole-4,6-dione (<b>TPD</b>) or bithiopheneimide (<b>BTI</b>) as electron acceptor units, respectively, and oligothiophenes (<b>nT</b>s) as donor counits, for high-performance PSCs. Intramolecular SĀ·Ā·Ā·O interaction leads to more planar <b>TPD</b> polymer backbones, however backbone torsion yields greater open-circuit voltages for <b>BTI</b> polymers. Thiophene addition progressively raises polymer HOMOs but marginally affects their band gaps. FT-Raman spectra indicate that <b>PTPDnT</b> and <b>PBTInT</b> conjugation lengths scale with <b>nT</b> catenation up to <i>n</i> = 3 and then saturate for longer oligomer. Furthermore, the effects of oligothiophene alkylation position are explored, revealing that the alkylation pattern greatly affects film morphology and PSC performance. The <b>3T</b> with ā€œoutwardā€ alkylation in <b>PTPD3T</b> and <b>PBTI3T</b> affords optimal Ļ€-conjugation, close stacking, long-range order, and high hole mobilities (0.1 cm<sup>2</sup>/(V s)). These characteristics contribute to the exceptional āˆ¼80% fill factors for <b>PTPD3T</b>-based PSCs with PCE = 7.7%. The results demonstrate that <b>3T</b> is the optimal donor unit among <b>nT</b>s (<i>n</i> = 1ā€“4) for photovoltaic polymers. Grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and time-resolved microwave conductivity measurements reveal that the terthiophene-based <b>PTPD3T</b> blend maintains high crystallinity with appreciable local mobility and long charge carrier lifetime. These results provide fundamental materials structure-device performance correlations and suggest guidelines for designing oligothiophene-based polymers with optimal thiophene catenation and appropriate alkylation pattern to maximize PSC performance