690 research outputs found

    Investigation of Compact Low Pass Filter with Sharp Cut–Off using Metamaterial

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    In this paper a new compact microstrip Bessel low pass filter (LPF) is experimentally validated using complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) which has sharper cut-off and improved spurious band suppression characteristics. The Richard’s transformation and Kuroda’s identities are used for realizing distributed Bessel LPF from the lumped element Bessel LPF. Traditionally Butterworth and Chebyshev LPFs are used in communication systems. Those LPFs exhibits high reflection in the pass-band and it is also very difficult to achieve sharper cut-off. Because of its poor cut-off and non linear phase characteristics, it will create cross talk between microwave systems. In order to overcome the above issues our proposed LPF which has linear phase and sharper cut-off behavior is on ideal subsystem in future microwave systems. Furthermore, to prove its practical viability of the proposed design, a compact microstrip Bessel LPF was designed, simulated, fabricated and measured. It was observed from the experimentally compared results of the proposed Bessel LPF with CSRR has better sharper cut-off characteristic than the without CSRR structure

    Comparative study of intra and post-operative complications between total abdominal hysterectomy and laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy

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    Background: Vaginal hysterectomy is preferable due to faster recovery, decreased morbidity and absence of an abdominal incision. The aim was to compare the risks and complications of laparoscopy assisted vaginal hysterectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy in terms of intra-operative and post-operative complications.Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in the Gynaecology ward at Vinakaya Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospitals, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. The data for the past 1-year record was taken for analysis. A total of 80 subjects were included in the study and were divided into two groups with 40 patients under TAH (total abdominal hysterectomy) group and 40 under LAVH (Laproscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy) group. The primary outcome of the present analysis was incidence of perioperative complications like blood loss and the secondary outcomes were operating time, blood loss, urinary tract injury, rate of conversion to laparotomy, postoperative pain, and length of postoperative stay.Results: The mean intra-operative blood loss was measured among both the groups and it was found to be very high among TAH group (201 ml) compared to LAVH group (149.8 ml) and the difference was found to be statistically significant (p <0.05). Similarly, the duration of operative procedure was found to be less in LAVH group (57.9 mins) compared to TAH group (72.6 mins) and the difference was found to be statistically significant (p <0.05). Post-operative wound infection (14 vs 0) was found to be more among the patients in TAH group than that of the LAVH group and the difference was found to be statistically significant (p <0.05).Conclusions: LAVH is a safe and effective surgical treatment for benign gynaecological diseases and should be offered whenever possible, taking into account the low rate of complications and cost-effectiveness


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    ABSTRACTOver many years, D-serine and glycine were found to be the endogenous ligands for glycine-binding site for N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. D-serinebefore being used up by the cells undergoes oxidative deamination by the enzyme D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) and makes D-serine levels reduced inthe brain, thereby affecting brain functions. In this review, we will discuss about the synthesis, location, therapeutic potential of DAAO function, rolein cognition, and neuropathic pain.Keywords: D-serine, Glycine, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, D-amino acid oxidase, Cognition, Neuropathy


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    Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate the antioxidant potential of sinapic acid in both in vitro and in vivo. Recently, we have reported that oral administration of sinapic acid (3,5-dimethoxy 4-hydroxycinnamic acid) an active phyto ingredient widely distributed in rye, mustard, berries, and vegetables has been shown to ameliorate hyperglycemia.Methods: Experimental Type 2 diabetes was induced in male Wistar rats by feeding high-fat diet to induce insulin resistance followed by intraperitoneal administration of a single low dose streptozotocin (35 mg/kg body weight [bw]). Sinapic acid was administered orally at a concentration of 25 mg/kg bw/rat/day for 30 days, and its efficacy was compared with metformin. In vitro, antioxidant scavenging properties of sinapic acid were determined using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS), superoxide, and nitric oxide (NO) assay.Results: Sinapic acid treatment showed a significant decline in the levels of lipid peroxides, hydroperoxides and protein carbonyls in the plasma and vital tissues of diabetic rats. The treatment also improved the antioxidant status in diabetic rats indicating the antioxidant potential of sinapic acid. In addition, the results of DPPH, ABTS, superoxide, and NO radical scavenging assays substantiate the free radical scavenging efficacy of sinapic acid.Conclusion: The results of this study evidenced that sinapic acid possess significant antioxidant properties which in turn may be responsible for its antidiabetic properties

    Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Prediction-based Band Reordering Technique

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    The hyperspectral image represents various spectral properties Because it consists of broad spectral information of ground materials that can be used for various applications, These images are collected as large amounts of data that must be processed and transmitted to the ground station. These acquired images contain redundant spectral information that has to be reduced in order to reduce transmission and storage capacity. This work focuses on preserving their quality while compressing them using band reordering techniques and prediction coding. This can be accomplished by preprocessing in which sub-bands are decomposed and bands are reordered into unsequenced compression can be accomplished through using the technique of linear prediction. The report discusses the Pavia University hyperspectral image data cube, which was acquired via a sensor known as a reflected optics system imaging spectrometer (ROSIS-3) over the city of Pavia, Italy

    A Tutorial on Cross-layer Optimization Wireless Network System Using TOPSIS Method

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    Each other, leading to issues such as interference, limited bandwidth, and varying channel conditions. These challenges require specialized optimization techniques tailored to the wireless environment. In wireless communication networks is to maximize the overall system throughput while ensuring fairness among users and maintaining quality of service requirements. This objective can be achieved through resource allocation optimization, where the available network resources such as bandwidth, power, and time slots are allocated to users in an optimal manner. Optimization-based approaches in wireless resource allocation typically involve formulating the resource allocation problem as an optimization problem with certain constraints.. These techniques provide practical solutions with reduced computational complexity, although they may not guarantee optimality. In summary, optimization-based approaches have been instrumental in studying resource allocation problems in communication networks, including the wireless domain. While techniques from the Internet setting have influenced the understanding of congestion control and protocol design, specific challenges in wireless networks necessitate tailored optimization techniques that account for interference, limited bandwidth, and varying channel conditions. power allocation problem in wireless ad hoc networks Cross-layer optimization refers to the process of jointly optimizing the allocation of resources across different layers of wireless networks, the interactions between different layers become more complex due to the shared medium and time-varying channel conditions.&nbsp; Nash equilibrium, where no user can unilaterally improve its own performance by changing its strategy. Game theory can capture the distributed nature of wireless networks and provide insights into the behavior of users in resource allocation scenarios Additionally, heuristics and approximation algorithms are often employed in wireless resource allocation due to the complexity of the optimization problems involved. In traditional cellular systems, each user is allocated a fixed time slot for transmission, regardless of their channel conditions. However, in opportunistic scheduling. Alternative parameters for “Data rate Ž kbps, Geographic coverage ,&nbsp; Service requirements , cost ” Evaluation parameter for “Circuit-switched cell, CDPD, WLAN, Paging, Satellite.” “the first ranking training is obtained with the lowest quality of compensation.


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    Objective: D-amino acid oxidase inhibitors (DAAOIs) are of particular focus for cognition study. Atypical antipsychotics are known DAAO inhibitors. The present examination was done to check out the binding affinity of atypical antipsychotics by docking toward the DAAO protein; in conclusion, the picked antipsychotic drug was checked for their cognition enhancing activity with scopolamine-induced amnesia.Methods: The crystal structure of DAAO was obtained from Protein Data Bank, the energy minimization was performed with CHARMM program, then active site prediction was made out using Ramachandran plot, and finally, docking examination was finished using Autodock 4.2 tool. For in vivo study, the mice were divided into three groups. Group I - vehicle (Saline) treated, Group II – saline +scopolamine (1 mg/kg, intraperitoneal [i.p]) treated, and Group III - clozapine (20 mg/kg, i.p) + scopolamine (1 mg/kg, i.p).Results: The Autodock examination shows significant binding affinity of - 5.22 for brexpiprazole and least or positive binding affinity of +1 for iloperidone. Clozapine with binding energy of - 2.87 was decided for completing the in vivo cognition study. The in vivo shows up that clozapine (20 mg/kg, i.p) exhibits a change in the impairment of spatial memory.Conclusion: The results recommend that the clozapine produces cognitive enhancement through both DAAOI and antipsychotic action. Clozapine has cognitive improvement potential, favoring its usage in reducing toxic impacts of scopolamin


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    Nardostachys jatamansi is a flowering plant of the Valerianaceae family, which is a native plant of the Indian and Nepal Himalaya. It is found from 2200m to 5000m asl. in random forms. It is also called as spikenard, nard, nardin, or muskroot used in the formulation of traditional Ayurvedic medicines as well as modern herbal preparations for curing various ailments. The plant abounds in sesquiterpenes predominantly; jatamansone and nardostachone. Nardostachys jatamansi possesses biological properties such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticholinesterase, oxidative stress, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory activities. It is also useful in the management of insomnia and CNS disorders. This study has detailed information regarding the various activities and mainly focuses on the pharmacological activity of Nardostachys jatamansi.Â

    Some new generalizations of Domination using restrictions on degrees of vertices

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    A set DD of vertices in a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a degree restricted dominating set for GG if each vertex viv_i in DD is dominating atmost g(di)g(d_i) vertices of VDV-D, where gg is a function restricting the degree value did_i with respect to the given function value kik_i for a natural valued function ff from the vertex set of the graph. We define three different types of Degree Restricted Domination by varying the way how the restricted function g(vi)g(v_i) is defined. If g(di)=dikig(d_i)=\big\lceil \frac{d_i}{k_i}\big\rceil, the corresponding domination is called the ceil degree restricted domination, in short, CDRDCDRD, and the dominating set obtained in this manner is the CDRDCDRD-set. If g(di)=dikig(d_i)=\big\lfloor\frac{d_i}{k_i}\big\rfloor or g(di)=diki+1g(d_i)=d_i-k_i+1, then the corresponding dominations are respectively called the floor degree restricted domination, in short FDRDFDRD, or the translate degree restricted domination, TDRDTDRD. The dominating sets obtained in this manner are the FDRDFDRD-set and the TDRDTDRD-set respectively. In this paper, we introduce these new generalizations of the domination number in line with the different DRDDRD-sets and study these types of domination for some classes of graphs like complete graphs, caterpillar graphs etc. Degree restricted domination has a vital role in retaining the efficiency of nodes in a network and has many interesting applications.Comment: 9 page