985 research outputs found

    Six month old neglected metacarpophalangeal joint volar complex dislocation: a case study

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    Metacarpophalanegal dislocations are rare, accounting for 3-5% of all dislocations with thumb being the most common finger affected. these dislocations can be decided into volar and dorsal and further into simple and complex, depending upon direction of dislocation and reducibility respectively. Although there is no approach superior over another, we selected volar approach for better visualization and direct reduction of dislocation and found reduction was unstable. hence a temporary fixation was attempted with K-wire which was removed 7th day postoperative and started with physiotherapy. Postoperatively patient was having near total range of motion (25-90 degree) and patient was able to do all the routine daily activities with his affected hand post operative 2 month. Complex metacarpophangeal joint dislocations needs intervention and should be combined with vigorous postoperative physiotherapy to achieve good clinical outcomes

    Aircraft measurements of aerosol black carbon from a coastal location in the North-East part of peninsular India during ICARB

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    During the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB) over India, high-resolution airborne measurements of the altitude profiles of the mass concentrations (MB) of aerosol black carbon (BC) were made off Bhubaneswar (BBR, 85.82°E, 20.25°N), over northwest Bay of Bengal, in the altitude region upto 3 km. Such high-resolution measurements of altitude profiles of aerosols are done for the first time over India. The profiles showed a near-steady vertical distribution of MB modulated with two small peaks, one at 800m and the other at ~2000m. High resolution GPS (Global Positioning System) sonde (Vaisala) measurements around the same region onboard the research vessel Sagar Kanya (around the same time of the aircraft sortie) revealed two convectively well mixed layers, one from ground to ~700m with an inversion at the top and the other extends from 1200m to ~2000m with a second inversion at ~2200m and a convectively stable region in the altitude range 700-1200m. The observed peaks in the MB profile are found to be associated with these temperature inversions. In addition, long-range transport from the Indo- Gangetic Plain (IGP) and deserts lying further to the west also influence the vertical profile of BC. Latitudinal variation of MB showed a remarkable land ocean contrast at the 500m altitude (within the well mixed region) with remarkably lower values over oceans, suggesting the impact of strong sources over the mainland. However, above the ABL (at 1500m), the latitudinal variations were quite weak, and this appears to be resulting from the impact of long-range transport. Comparison of the altitude profiles of MB over BoB off BBR with those obtained during the earlier occasion over the inland stations of Hyderabad and Kanpur showed similarities above ~500m, with MB remaining around a steady value of ~1 μg m-3. However, large differences are seen within the ABL. Even though the observed MB values are not unusually high, their near constancy in the vertical column will have important implications to radiative forcing


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    Mental Health affects how we think, feel and act. Mental Health Problems (MHP) affect our thinking, behaviorand mood. The Conversational Model which is being proposed for MHP is an AI based model for slight to moderatemeasurement users who have MHP like depression, mental stress. The learning techniques used in this work is a neuralframework exhibit for setting up the model to give activities and solutions for the users. Here, we are using NLTK for Pythonto analyse text. The human responses are captured by designing an intelligent engine. The dataset used to train this neuralframework is designed and curated under the supervision of psychologists. Here the model helps people with light tomoderate level of MHPs by giving simple and easy to perform activities and solutions for their appropriate problems. Themodel identifies particular phrases which is matched with the data corpus and helps providing appropriate solutions for thatparticular problem. The Data Corpus has been developed under the guidance of Psychiatrists to help users with MHPs. Theuser must pass a preliminary test before getting access to the Chat bo

    Probabilistic Neural Network based Approach for Handwritten Character Recognition

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    In this paper, recognition system for totally unconstrained handwritten characters for south Indian language of Kannada is proposed. The proposed feature extraction technique is based on Fourier Transform and well known Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The system trains the appropriate frequency band images followed by PCA feature extraction scheme. For subsequent classification technique, Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is used. The proposed system is tested on large database containing Kannada characters and also tested on standard COIL-20 object database and the results were found to be better compared to standard techniques

    Prediction of a Switchable Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at Ferroelectric Oxide Interfaces

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    The demonstration of a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in LaAlO3=SrTiO3 heterostructures has stimulated intense research activity in recent years. The 2DEG has unique properties that are promising for applications in all-oxide electronic devices. For such applications it is desirable to have the ability to control 2DEG properties by external stimulus. Here, based on first-principles calculations we predict that all-oxide heterostructures incorporating ferroelectric constituents, such as KNbO3=ATiO3 (A = Sr, Ba, Pb), allow creating a 2DEG switchable between two conduction states by ferroelectric polarization reversal. The effect occurs due to the screening charge at the interface that counteracts the depolarizing electric field and depends on polarization orientation. The proposed concept of ferroelectrically controlled interface conductivity offers the possibility to design novel electronic devices

    Cross-understanding will help complex and diverse teams achieve mutually agreeable solutions

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    Teams whose members have diverse backgrounds can experience differences in task knowledge, sensitivities to various aspects of the task system, as well as beliefs and preferences about how to best approach or solve a problem. How might managers deal with this? Niranjan Janardhanan, Kyle Lewis, Rhonda R. Reger, and Cynthia K. Stevens write that, rather than focusing on common ground, team leaders should emphasise cross-understanding. Understanding the bases of someone’s views will help get to the real reasons behind differences in opinion, and therefore help to achieve mutually agreeable solutions
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