54 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Menggunakan Media Realita di Kelas II Sdn 09 Penabahan

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    The problem of this research is how to using the media reality in the weight measurement of learning can improve student learning outcomes second grade at elementary school 09 Penabahan District of Sanggau Ledo?". This research to describe the learning outcome of students in the learning weight measurement using the media reality in Class II SDN 09 Penabahan District of Sanggau. The method use descriptive methods with classroom action research. The subject is the second grade students of State Elementary School 09 Panabahan, instrument used IPKG one and two. Analysis of the data for the first and second sub-problems using the formula average and sub Problem 3 using the formula percentage. The data source is a second grade students and teachers (researcher). Research procedure includes planning, action, observation and reflection. The results in the first cycle the average value in the classical 67 or classical learning completeness 55% and the second cycle the average value in the classical 78.05 and classical learning completeness 100%. Concluded that by using the media reality in the weight measurement of learning can improve student learning outcomes second grade elementary school 09 Penabuhan District of Sanggau Ledo

    Strategi Employee Relations Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Dan Citra Pada PT Kereta Api (Persereo)

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    PT Kereta Api (Persero) is a state-owned company engages in the ground transportationservice. To maintain the existence and compete with other transport services is required toprovide optimum service to the community as the train service users to be satisfied with theservices provided by doing a variety of efforts to improve the quality of service for rail serviceusers through various strategies. One of them is an employee relations strategy to improve employeeperformance and company image, because the employees are the spearhead of a companythat have an important role for the progress of the company.This study aims to determine the program or employee relations activities organized bypublic relations to improve employee performance and image of the PT Kereta Api (Persero), tosee the strategy and planning of public relations and employee relations programs especially toimprove employee performance and company image, to know the media used and the constraintsin the implementation of employee relations programs.The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research, it is conducted bycollecting factual information that describes existing phenomena, and then identified in order toget a description that can be evaluated. Formulation data with interviews conducted with resourcepersons, observation and literature study.Based on the research conducted, it can be seen employee relations strategies that run onPT Kereta Api (Persero) is divided into programs that consist of various activities, includingprogram management and development of quality human resources, employee welfare programs,socialization programs corporate culture, achievement motivation programs, special events programs,and internal communications media programs. The results from studies show that employeerelations strategies in the PTKeretaApi (Persero) have been regarded as fairly successfulrun because it gives a fairly good response from the employee, be accepted by the employee andthe employee has been satisfied with the various activities organized by public relations at PTKereta Api (Persero). Public Relations of PT Kereta Api (Persero) play a role in establishing andmaintaining good relations and mutual understanding between the company and public so thatcan create a positive image of the company. For that reasons employee relations should beestablished well in order to provide satisfactory service to customers. The most important elementin employee relations is communication employees

    Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak di Kabupaten Karawang

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    Lt;emgt;Behavior of sexual violence to children (Child lt;/emgt;lt;emgt;Slt;/emgt;lt;emgt;exual lt;/emgt;lt;emgt;Alt;/emgt;lt;emgt;buse) is indication of any disturbance on mental health of someone. Data P2TP2A and LK3 assessed of sexual violence case on children were still high in Karawang City, data from the police station of Karawang city in 2014 -2015 were as many as 83 cases with the criteria for violence in the dating scene 56 cases, obscene/molestasi were 27 cases. Research purposes are looking at the social phenomena in the form of sexual violence on children in lt;/emgt;lt;emgt;Klt;/emgt;lt;emgt;arawang City with obtain information about abuse in sexual behavior, review of anticipatory measures and alternative solutions to overcome sexual violence on children.lt;/emgt; lt;emgt;The study was done with a qualitative approach, it is phenomenology namely the study who studies all relevant scene of sexual violence on children in lt;/emgt;lt;emgt;Klt;/emgt;lt;emgt;arawang City, data collecting were done with interview observation, study documentation and FGD. The subjects of study were 21 respondents with the criteria of key informants, main informants/triangulation additional data analysis used the contents or analysis content analysis.lt;/emgt; lt;emgt;Sexual violence on children in lt;/emgt;lt;emgt;Klt;/emgt;lt;emgt;arawang City, it was triggered by the sexual disorientation in adult people, lack of supervision parents against children, there is no control sources of information and social and cultural factors that are still taboo with sex education an early age. It is expected that the increasing the role of the police officers, P2TP2A , BKBPP, the social department or LK3 and stakeholders.lt;/emgt

    Perancangan Data Warehouse Pemetaan Data Mahasiswa di Jurusan Sistem Informasi STMIK Sumedang

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    Data warehouse merupakan sebuah cara yang digunakan untuk menampung data dalam jumlah besar, untuk merancang sebuah data warehouse salah satunya menggunakan sebuah tools microsoft SQL server 2008, microsoft SQL business intelligence development dan Nine-Step Methodology dari Connolly dan Begg untuk metodenya, dengan menggunakan tools dan metode tersebut dapat dibangun sebuah data warehouse mahasiswa dengan mengumpulkan data-data masiswa meliputi data mahasiswa, data IPK, data penelitian mahasiswa, data prestasi akademik/non akademik mahasiswa yang dimasukan kedalam Ms. Excel kemudian hasil dari Ms. Excel dimasukan kedalam database microsft SQL server 2008, setelah data masuk kedalam database kemudian data tersebut di load kedalam microsoft SQL business intelligence development untuk dianalisis. Hasil analisis data warehouse yang dibuat dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih jelas untuk manajerial jurusan Sistem Informasi STMIK Sumedang dan mempermudah dalam melihat perkembangan data mahasiswa berdasarkan IPK,  wilayah, asal sekolah, agama, jenis kelamin, umur,prestasi akademik/non akademik dan perkembangan penelitian mahasiswa jurusan sistem informasi berdasarkan semester dan tahun akademi

    Elderly Visit Routines to Elderly Integrated Service Post in the Working Area of Payung Sekaki Community Health Center, Pekanbaru City 2017

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      Posyandu elderly is integrated service kanggo general public wis agreed, sing dikendakan dening ngendi people they can get health services. In Indonesia based on Health Facilities Research (Rifaskes) in 2011 the national kanthi percentage of pus nenwsh health center posyandu elderly yaiku 78.8%. The number of posyandu elderly in the city of Pekanbaru yaiku 92 posyandu elder saka 20 puskesmas sing ana ing Pekanbaru city. The purpose of this research is to know the factors related to routine visit of elderly to posyandu elderly that is knowledge factor, attitude, family support, role of health worker, role of cadre, work, education and age. The type of research used is quantitative analytic observasional. The research design used was analytic cross sectional study. The population is all elderly in working area of health center of sekas kota Pekanbaru with sample of 210 people. The results showed that low knowledge had 4 times more risk to not regularly visit to posyandu elderly. The results showed that low knowledge had 4 times more risk to not regularly visit to posyandu elderly. The conclusion in this research is there is a causal relationship between knowledge with routine visit of elderly to posyandu elderly. It is recommended that the elderly improve the knowledge of posyandu elderly and the benefits of visiting elderly parachute services and suggested to Payung Sekaki Health Center Pekanbaru to provide counseling and socialization about posyandu elderly to elderly people. &nbsp

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPA dengan Metode Inkuiri Kelas V

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    A common problem in this study is Is using the method of inquiry in learning the properties of light can boost learning outcomes fifth grade students of SDN 33 Modah Parindu districts . This study aimed to describe the increase in student learning outcomes in learning the properties of light by using a method of inquiry . The method used is descriptive in the form of research is Classroom Action Research is collaborative . The results obtained are the ability of the teacher planning the implementation of learning The average score on the first cycle of 3:12 , 3:59 second cycle and the third cycle of 3.83 thus there is an increase of 0:24 of the second cycle and at 0.71 of the first cycle in the ability of teachers to implement study the properties of light using the inquiry method increased from cycle to cycle I to III . The average score on the first cycle of 3:16 , 3.80 second cycle and the third cycle of 3.95 thus there is an increase of 0:15 of the second cycle and at 0.79 of the cycle I value learning outcomes from the first cycle to the second cycle increased by 35 , an increase of second cycle to third cycle of 7.5 , thus an increase from the first cycle to cycle III increased by an average of 42.5

    Kerjasama Nigeria-Indonesia dalam Bidang Investasi Makanan Tahun 2008-2014

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    This research is intended to explain cooperation between Nigeria with Indonesia in the field of food investment. In the cooperation many Indonesian companies that invest in Nigeria. This research will discuss what the purpose of Nigeria cooperation with Indonesia in the field of food investment.As for the method used in the study is qualitative research metodhs with explanation analysis methods. Data collection techniques are used library research techniques which utilizes secondary data obtained through library were abstracted from the literature such as books, journals, reports, documents, and other materials that support this research. The writer uses neoliberalism perspective and nation state level analysis. Theory used in this research is theory of international cooperation by K.J Holsti and used used investment concept.This research find out that Nigeria in collaboration with Indonesia in the field of food investment because Nigeria want to improve the food industry in Nigeria. Growth in the industrial sector in Nigeria has a very large, it is seen with a contribution of 43% of the total GDP of Nigeria in 2012. The significant support of the Nigerian government in the industrial sector is also a major trigger industrial development in Nigeria which is fast enough with Nigeria government policy issued in the food industry to support the development of the food industry.Keywords: Cooperation, Food Investment, Food Industry, Government Polic

    Manajemen Usaha Pengolahan Abon Ikan Lele (Clarias Gariepinus) di P2MKP Jaya Mandiri Kecamatan Bulu, Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Abon merupakan makanan tradisional yang biasanya digunakan untuk lauk karena rasanya yang gurih. Abon ikan lele diolah dari daging ikan lele yang berukuran besar (>1 kg) sehingga abon yang diperoleh mempunyai serat seperti abon dari daging sapi. Usaha pengolahan abon ikan lele mempunyai prospek yang besar karena daging ikan lele yang mudah didapat dan orang mulai bergeser mengkonsumsi ikan daripada daging merah seperti sapi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari manajemen USAha pengolahan abon ikan lele. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama selama 21 hari dengan metode magang pada P2MKP Jaya Mandiri Kecamatan Bulu Kabupaten Temanggung. Data yang diambil adalah data primer yang diambil secara langsung yaitu observasi langsung di lapangan serta melakukan wawancara manajemen USAha pengolahan Abon Ikan Lele di P2MKP Jaya Mandiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan manajemen USAha pengolahan ikan lele tersebut terlaksana dengan baik dimulai dari input produksi, proses produksi, pasca produksi hingga pemasaran. Dari segi analisa USAha yang membuktikan bahwa P2MKP Jaya Mandiri adalah sebuah USAha pengolahan yang layak untuk dijalankan dan dapat menjadi sumber inovasi dan contoh dalam bidang USAha perikanan. Hasil analisa USAha ini bisa dikatakan layak dan dapat dilanjutkan karena dalam produk abon ikan lele ini mendapatkan nilai R/C sebesar 1,29, artinya bahwa setiap pengeluaran biaya sebesar Rp 1,000 maka akan di peroleh tambahan penerimaan sebesar Rp 1,290. Hasil perhitungan secara normal maka USAha ini layak untuk dilanjutkan
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