40 research outputs found

    Hidden variables with nonlocal time

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    To relax the apparent tension between nonlocal hidden variables and relativity, we propose that the observable proper time is not the same quantity as the usual proper-time parameter appearing in local relativistic equations. Instead, the two proper times are related by a nonlocal rescaling parameter proportional to |psi|^2, so that they coincide in the classical limit. In this way particle trajectories may obey local relativistic equations of motion in a manner consistent with the appearance of nonlocal quantum correlations. To illustrate the main idea, we first present two simple toy models of local particle trajectories with nonlocal time, which reproduce some nonlocal quantum phenomena. After that, we present a realistic theory with a capacity to reproduce all predictions of quantum theory.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in Found. Phys., misprints corrected, references update

    Quantum mechanics: Myths and facts

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    A common understanding of quantum mechanics (QM) among students and practical users is often plagued by a number of "myths", that is, widely accepted claims on which there is not really a general consensus among experts in foundations of QM. These myths include wave-particle duality, time-energy uncertainty relation, fundamental randomness, the absence of measurement-independent reality, locality of QM, nonlocality of QM, the existence of well-defined relativistic QM, the claims that quantum field theory (QFT) solves the problems of relativistic QM or that QFT is a theory of particles, as well as myths on black-hole entropy. The fact is that the existence of various theoretical and interpretational ambiguities underlying these myths does not yet allow us to accept them as proven facts. I review the main arguments and counterarguments lying behind these myths and conclude that QM is still a not-yet-completely-understood theory open to further fundamental research.Comment: 51 pages, pedagogic review, revised, new references, to appear in Found. Phy

    Thermodynamic Gravity and the Schrodinger Equation

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    We adopt a 'thermodynamical' formulation of Mach's principle that the rest mass of a particle in the Universe is a measure of its long-range collective interactions with all other particles inside the horizon. We consider all particles in the Universe as a 'gravitationally entangled' statistical ensemble and apply the approach of classical statistical mechanics to it. It is shown that both the Schrodinger equation and the Planck constant can be derived within this Machian model of the universe. The appearance of probabilities, complex wave functions, and quantization conditions is related to the discreetness and finiteness of the Machian ensemble.Comment: Minor corrections, the version accepted by Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Studies on Chlorate Cell Process: III . Depolarization of Cathodic Hydrogen Evolution in the Bipolar Chlorate Cell Process

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    The cathode process of hydrogen evolution in chlorate cells, including possible depolarization, has not been studied to date. High hydrogen polarization at graphite electrodes delayed the industrial application of bipolar cells for more than 80 years. A new method of depolarization has been developed which consists of depositing on the cathode side of a graphite electrode metallic chromium and/or an addition of small amounts of molybdate. The finely divided cathode molybdenum deposit decreases the cathode polarization for the hydrogen evolution reaction (h.e.r.). The Tafel lines obtained on metallized graphite exhibit nearly the same slopes as the ones for the parent metals, but are shifted to more positive values. This represents a further extension of the methods for depolarized hydrogen cathode evolution with metallized graphite (8,9)

    Thermoelastic and electronic strain contributions to the frequency transmission photoacousticeffect in semiconductors

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    The photoacoustic effect is investigated as a function of the modulation frequency in a transmission detection configuration for semiconductor samples. The theoretical model for this configuration is given for the thermal and elastic processes besides the carrier-transport characteristics. The dependence of the photoacoustic effect on thermodiffusion, thermoelastic, and electronic-transport parameters is identified. The experimental photoacoustic data for Si samples are tested and they exhibit satisfactory agreement with the theoretical model

    Odredivanje promene linearnih dimenzija tekstilnih površina pri multiaksijalnom naprezanju

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    Breaking characteristics of loose woven and knitted fabrics are frequently determined by the ball penetration resistance (bursting) (test). The Yugoslav Standard JUS F.S2.022 does not include the determination of sample dimensional change and in the foreign literature there are only empirical equations for the estimating this property. In this work an attempt is made to calculate exact linear deformations of textile samples in function of ball dimensions and measured length of its movement during the bursting test. Detailed calculation of an approximate equation for estimating dimensional changes and relating them in a simple form with the motion of the ball is also given. This calculation is necessarily approximate, because of the transcendental character of corresponding geometrical relations, but this does not diminish its general validity