21 research outputs found


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    Objective. To evaluate the epicardial fat thickness (EFT) in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS), including paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). To relate EFT to the fibroid heart marker, i.e. galectin 3. Materials and methods. We examined 100 patients with MS (50 with AF), and 50 healthy persons made the control group. Serum galectin 3 was measured by ELISA method. The EFT was measured with echocardiography. Results. EFT in patients with MS was twofold higher than in healthy persons. EFT in patients with MS and AF didn't differ significantly from that in patients with MS without AF. Positive correlation between the levels of EFT and galectin 3 in serum was revealed. Serum galectin 3 and EFT were associated with atrial fibrillation in patients with MS (OR:1,27, 95% CI 1,02-1,58 and OR:1,73, 95% CI 1,37-2,19, correspondingly).Conclusion. Definition of EFT at echocardiography can be used in the assessment of risk AF in patients with MS.Цель работы - определить толщину эпикардиального жира (ТЭЖ) у пациентов с метаболическим синдромом (МС), в том числе с пароксизмальной и персистирующей формой фибрилляции предсердий (ФП); установить связь ТЭЖ с маркером фиброза миокарда - галектином-3. Обследованы 100 пациентов с МС (IDF, 2005), из них 50 больных с ФП. Группу контроля составили 50 практически здоровых людей. Уровень галектина-3 в сыворотке крови оценивался методом ИФА. ТЭЖ определена с помощью ЭхоКГ. Значение ТЭЖ у пациентов с МС было в 2 раза больше, чем у здоровых. У больных с ФП и МС значение данного показателя значимо не отличалось от пациентов с МС без ФП. Установлена корреляция ТЭЖ с уровнем галектина-3. Га-лектин-3 и ТЭЖ были ассоциированы с ФП у пациентов с МС (ОШ: 1,27, 95 % ДИ, 1,02- 1,58 и ОШ: 1,73, 95 % ДИ, 1,37-2,19 соответственно). Определение ТЭЖ при ЭхоКГ может быть использовано в оценке риска развития ФП у пациентов с МС

    Особенности сосудистого ремоделирования после установки эверолимус-покрытых стентов при остром коронарном синдроме без подъема сегмента ST по результатам оптической когерентной томографии

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    Highlights. Vascular healing response after stenting depends on both, procedure- and patient-related factors. The patient's age, lipid metabolism, the presence of heart failure, myocardial infarction, and the thickness of epicardial adipose tissue affect vascular remodeling after everolimus-eluting stent implantation.Aim. To identify factors affecting vascular healing response after everolimus-eluting stent implantation in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome.Methods. 45 patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome who underwent everolimus-eluting stent implantation were included in a study. Stenting was performed without intravascular imaging guidance. All patients underwent repeated coronary angiography and optical coherence tomography of the stented segment 6 (±2) months after the indexed procedure. 39,860 struts in 4,576 sections were analyzed. The number of uncovered and malapposed struts was estimated, and the healing score was calculated. Cardiovascular death, repeated myocardial infarction, and repeated revascularization of the stented segment 12 months after the stenting were evaluated as a combined endpoint.Results. 5 patients out of 45 reached the endpoint (11.1%), the main component of which was repeated revascularization. Patients who reached the endpoint had a lower healing score (4.5±2.6 and 19.9±17.9, respectively; p = 0.038). The healing score was lower in men (13.7±14.7 and 26.0±20.0, respectively; p = 0.041), those who had myocardial infarction at the time of stenting (5.5±6.7 for myocardial infarction and 19.8±17.9 for unstable angina, p = 0.045), and those who did not have heart failure (12.2±12.4 and 36.7±19.0, respectively; p = 0.0006). The healing score depended on the severity of the coronary lesion (24.8±19.4 for multivessel lesions, 10.0±8.7 for single-vessel lesions, and 7.3±6.3 for two-vessel lesions, respectively; p = 0.019). The linear regression reported the correlation of the healing score with age, atherogenicity coefficient, and the presence of chronic heart failure. The modified healing score depended on the epicardial fat thickness, atherogenicity coefficient, and blood urea level.Conclusion. The nature and degree of vascular remodeling after everolimus-eluting stent implantation depends on the patient's age, diagnosis, heart failure, lipid metabolism, and the severity of the coronary lesion. The evaluation of vascular healing response may influence the decision on the duration of dual antiplatelet therapyОсновные положения. Характер заживления сосудистой стенки после стентирования зависит не только от типа стентов и особенностей реваскуляризации, но и показателей, ассоциированных с клинико-анамнестическими данными пациента. На процесс сосудистого ремоделирования после установки эверолимус-покрытых стентов влияют возраст больного, данные липидного обмена, а также наличие сердечной недостаточности, инфаркта миокарда и толщина эпикардиальной жировой ткани.Цель. Выявить факторы, потенциально влияющие на характер сосудистого заживления после установки эверолимус-покрытых стентов пациентам с острым коронарным синдромом без подъема сегмента ST.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 45 пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом без подъема сегмента ST, которым установлены стенты с эверолимус-содержащим лекарственным покрытием. Имплантация выполнена без применения внутрисосудистой визуализации. Через 6 (±2) мес. после стентирования коронарной артерии больным проведены повторная коронарография и оптическая когерентная томография ранее стентированного сегмента. Проанализированы 39 860 страт в 4 576 срезах. Оценено количество непокрытых и мальпозированных страт, рассчитан показатель индекса заживления. Комбинированная конечная точка включала сердечно-сосудистую смерть, повторные инфаркт миокарда (ИМ) в бассейне стентированного сосуда и реваскуляризацию стентированного сегмента через 12 мес. после вмешательства.Результаты. Из 45 участников конечной точки достигли 5 пациентов (11,1%), основным компонентом которой стала повторная реваскуляризация. Среди данных больных, по сравнению с пациентами без повторной реваскуляризации, отмечено более низкое значение индекса заживления (4,5±2,6 и 19,9±17,9 соответственно; р = 0,038). Показатель индекса заживления был ниже у мужчин (13,7±14,7 против 26,0±20,0; р = 0,041), при наличии ИМ на момент стентирования (5,5±6,7 при ИМ и 19,8±17,9 при нестабильной стенокардии; р = 0,045) и отсутствии сердечной недостаточности (12,2±12,4 против 36,7±19,0; р = 0,0006). Также степень заживления зависела от характера поражения коронарного русла (24,8±19,4 при многососудистом поражении, 10,0±8,7 при однососудистом, 7,3±6,3 при двухсосудистом поражении; р = 0,019). По результатам линейной регрессии, на индекс заживления влияли возраст, коэффициент атерогенности и наличие хронической сердечной недостаточности, на модифицированный индекс заживления - толщина эпикардиального жира, коэффициент атерогенности и уровень мочевины крови.Заключение. Характер и степень сосудистого ремоделирования при установке эверолимус-покрытых стентов зависят от возраста пациента, диагноза, наличия сердечной недостаточности, параметров липидного обмена, степени поражения коронарного русла. Оценка показателей заживления может влиять на решение вопроса о длительности двойной антиагрегантной терапии


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    The aim of this study is determination of predictors of efficiency of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and metabolic syndrome (MS). Material and methods. 98 patients with AF (78 patients with AF and MS (IDF, 2005) and 20 patients without MS) have been examined. Comparison groups included 50 patients with MS without arrhythmia and 50 practically healthy subjects. RFA was performed with Carto 3 navigation system. Follow-up period after RFA was 12 months. Epicardial fat thickness (EFT) was measured with help of echo-cardiography. Results: patients with AF relapse had more MS components than those with effective procedure (3.21±1.18 and 1.73±1.14, accordingly, p<0.001). Initially, EFT of patients with AF relapse after RFA was larger that in patients without arrhythmia after exposure. EFT in patients with AF more than3.5 mmincreases probability of arrhythmia relapse in 1.87 times (OR: 1.87, 95 % CI 1.03 — 3.41, р = 0.04). Conclusion: determination of EFT with echo-cardiogaphy can be used in estimation of AF relapse risk after RFA.Цель исследования — определение предикторов эффективности радиочастотной аблации (РЧА) у пациентов с фибрилляцией предсердий (ФП) и метаболическим синдромом (МС). Обследованы 98 пациентов с ФП (78 пациентов с ФП и МС (IDF, 2005) и 20 больных без МС. Группы сравнения составили 50 пациентов с МС без аритмии и 50 практически здоровых людей. РЧА выполнялась с помощью навигационной картирующей системы Carto 3. Период наблюдения после РЧА составил 12 месяцев. Толщина эпикардиального жира (ТЭЖ) определена с помощью ЭхоКГ. Число компонентов МС у больных с рецидивом ФП после РЧА больше, чем у больных с эффективной процедурой (3,21±1,18, 1,73±1,14 соответственно, р = 0,001). Исходно ТЭЖ у пациентов с рецидивом ФП после РЧА больше, чем у пациентов без аритмии, после воздействия. ТЭЖ у пациентов с ФП более3,5 ммповышает вероятность рецидива аритмии после РЧА в 1,87 раза (ОШ:1,87, 95 % ДИ 1,03 — 3,41, р = 0,04). Определение ТЭЖ при ЭхоКГ может быть использовано в оценке риска рецидива ФП после РЧА

    Digital mammography with multi-electrode ionization chamber

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    For viewing micro-calcifications smaller than 100 mu m investigation of image formation in mammography shows that a significant dose to the patient is imperative. We propose a novel one-dimensional Multi- electrode Ionisation Chamber (MIC), with high spatial resolution, and lowered doses. In this work, first results from a prototype are presented. High spatial resolution is demonstrated working with Xe mixture at high pressure. An addition of a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) allowed an improvement in sensitivity up to almost single- photon level. (8 refs)


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    Aim. To evaluate the prominence of fibrosis of the left atrium myocardium and to define the value of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta1) and galectin-3 in development of myocardial fibrosis in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with metabolic syndrome (MS).Material and methods. Totally, 58 patients with AF included, of those 27 with MS. Controls were 50 almost healthy participants. Levels of galectin-3 and TGF-beta1 in blood serum were measured by immune enzyme assay. For fibrosis assessment, the anatomical and amplitude charts of the left atrium (LA) were built up with nonfluoroscopic system of electroanatomical charting CARTO3 (Biosense Webster, USA) and catheter measurement of the contact power with myocardium of LA  (Smart Touch Thermocool, Biosense Webster, USA). In “off-line” regimen the evaluation performed of the zones of low voltage in amplitude specters 0,2-0,5 mV and 0,2-1,0 mV with the area measurement by navigation software function “area measurement”.Results. Volume of LA and volume index of LA in AF with MS were higher than in AF with no MS: 78,0±20,4 mL and 60,4±19,8 mL (p=0,005) and 37,8±9,5 mL/m2 and 30,4±9,0 mL/m2 (p=0,005), respectively. The percent of LA fibrosis area in AF with MS was higher than in AF with no MS (16,1 [12,8;20,5]% and 10,5 [7,3;16,2]%, respectively, p=0,028). The positive correlations revealed of the level of galectin-3 (r=0,410, р<0,001) and TGF-beta1 (r=0,594, р<0,001) in blood serum with the percentage of LA fibrosis in AF patients. By the linear regression, the influence found of galectin-3 levels (β=0,549, p<0,001) and of TGF-beta1 (β=0,297, p=0,025) on the area of LA fibrosis in AF patients.Conclusion. The area of fibrosis in the LA myocardium in AF patients with MS is larger than in AF no MS patients. Myocardial fibrosis markers evaluation (galectin-3, TGF-beta1) in blood serum may have diagnostic significance in prediction of AF fibrosis severity in AF patients


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    Aim. To study the levels of galectin 3 and aldostrone in blood serum of metabolic syndrome (MS) patients and atrial fibrillation (AF) for their importance evaluation. Material and methods. Totally 100 patients with MS (IDF, 2005) studied, of those 50 with AF: 28 with paroxysmal and 22 with persistent types. Controls were 50 almost healthy persons without cardiovascular pathology and metabolic disorders. Levels of galectin 3 and aldosterone in serum were measured by ELISA. All participants also underwent anthropometry, lipid profile and fasting glycemia measurements, transthoracal echocardiography.Results. Galectin 3 level in MS and AF patients' serum was higher than in MS without AF and than in healthy persons (0,72 [0,44;1,36], 0,44 [0,42;1,22] and 0,32[0,28;0,42]ng/ml, resp.; p<0,01). Level of aldosterone in serum of MSwith AF patients was also 2 times higher than in healthy persons (202,2±82,4 and 98,4±51,2 pg/ml, p<0,001) and higher than in MS without AF (202,2±82,4 and 148,3±73,3 pg/ml, p<0,001). In patients with persisting AF there was higher level of galectine 3 and aldosterone comparing to those with paroxysmal. We found positive correlation in aldosterone levels and galectin 3 in serum (r=0,521, p<0,001).Conclusion. Markers of myocardial fibrosis galectin 3 and aldosterone in serum of atrial fibrillation patients with metabolic syndrome were higher than in metabolic syndrome without that type of arrhythmia and than in healthy persons. In persisting type of atrial fibrillation the level of galectin3 was higher than in paroxysmal type

    Biomarkers of inflammation, parameters characterizing obesity and cardiac remodeling in patients with atrial fibrillation and metabolic syndrome

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    Aim. To determine the blood level of inflammatory markers, parameters characterizing obesity and cardiac remodeling in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in combination with metabolic syndrome (MS).Material and methods. This single-stage case-control study included 677 subjects aged 35 to 65 years: patients with MS (n=407), of which 128 patients with AF; comparison group — patients with AF without MS (n=75); control group — practically healthy subjects without cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders (n=195).Results. It was found that the blood concentration of circulating pro-inflammatory biomarkers in patients with AF and MS is higher than in patients with AF without MS: C-reactive protein (CRP) (4,43 (2,68-4,98) and 2,33 (1,08-4,7) mg/L, p<0,0001), interleukin-6 (IL-6) (2,5 (1,28-5,13) and 1,27 (0,68-2,7) pg/ml, p<0,0001) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) (5,18 (2,63-7,32) and 3,42 (2,115,48) pg/ml, p<0,0001). The serum CRP concentration positively correlates with left (ρ=0,451, p<0,0001) and right atrial (ρ=0,412, p<0,000) volumes, as well as with the waist circumference (ρ=0,503, p<0,001) and epicardial fat thickness (ρ=0,550, p<0,001). Plasma IL-6 and serum TNF-α levels correlated to a lesser extent with parameters characterizing atrial remodeling, but had a strong positive relationship with epicardial fat thickness. According to multivariate analysis, it was found that an increase in the epicardial fat thickness had a greater effect on an increase in blood concentration of CRP, IL-6 and TNF-α, in contrast to other parameters characterizing obesity, such as body mass index and waist circumference.Conclusion. An increase in the blood concentration of proinflammatory biomarkers CRP, IL-6, and TNF-α is associated with cardiac remodeling and epicardial fat thickness in patients with MS and probably has a pathogenetic role in increasing the AF risk in this cohort of patients