291 research outputs found

    Study on the suitable lighting design of Beato Angelico’s artworks displayed at the National Museum of San Matteo in Pisa (Italy)

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    The lighting design of exhibition space has a great impact on visual and colour perception and different lighting arrangements can create very different visual impression of artworks and, if not carefully designed, compromise the enjoyment of the viewers. This study involved the design of a new lighting solution for two of Beato Angelico’s artworks displayed at the National Museum of San Matteo (Pisa, Italy). Multiple test lighting configurations were designed using different LED luminaires and different settings of the luminaires. The test lighting configurations were evaluated by a restricted group of observers through a survey in order to individuate the most suitable solution, able to enhance the two artworks simultaneously and to provide a good visual experience for museum visitors

    Long-term 8-year outcomes of coronally advanced flap for root coverage.

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    Ants modulate stridulatory signals depending on the behavioural context

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    Insect societies require an effective communication system to coordinate members’ activities. Although eusocial species primarily use chemical communication to convey information to conspecifics, there is increasing evidence suggesting that vibroacoustic communication plays a significant role in the behavioural contexts of colony life. In this study, we sought to determine whether stridulation can convey information in ant societies. We tested three main hypotheses using the Mediterranean ant Crematogaster scutellaris: (i) stridulation informs about the emitter’caste; (ii) workers can modulate stridulation based on specific needs, such as communicating the profitability of a food resource, or (iii) behavioural contexts. We recorded the stridulations of individuals from the three castes, restrained on a substrate, and the signals emitted by foragers workers feeding on honey drops of various sizes. Signals emitted by workers and sexuates were quantitatively and qualitatively distinct as was stridulation emitted by workers on different honey drops. Comparing across the experimental setups, we demonstrated that signals emitted in different contexts (restraining vs feeding) differed in emission patterns as well as certain parameters (dominant frequency, amplitude, duration of chirp). Our findings suggest that vibrational signaling represents a flexible communication channel paralleling the well-known chemical communication system

    Contribution of irisin pathway in protective effects of mandarin juice (Citrus reticulata Blanco) on metabolic syndrome in rats fed with high fat diet

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    The beneficial effects of Citrus fruits and their secondary metabolites on the cardio- vascular system are well established. Moreover, growing evidence suggests beneficial role for prevention of obesity and related dysfunctions. Citrus reticulata Blanco (Rutaceae) is one of the most consumed Citrus fruits, but it is poorly investigated. Mandarin juice obtained from C. reticulata fruits, collected in the Horti Simplicium of Pisa Charterhouse, presents a high amount of flavanone glycosides, including hesper- idin and a number of polymethoxyflavonoids, in particular nobiletin and tangeretin. On Wistar rats fed with a high fat diet for 21 days, mandarin juice significantly con- tained the percentage weight gain, reduced visceral adipose tissue and the inflamma- tory markers TNF and IL-6. Furthermore, mandarin juice influenced irisin pathway, increasing its plasma levels. Finally, supplementation with mandarin juice contributed to improve mitochondrial membrane potential, partially compromised with high fat diet, making mitochondria less susceptible to harmful events, such as ischemia. Taken together, these results suggest that C. reticulata, through its main metabolites, is able to produce beneficial effects in metabolic syndrome and to promote browning pro- cess, through involvement of the novel interesting irisin pathway
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