114 research outputs found

    Elementary approach to homogeneous C*-algebras

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    A C*-algebra is n-homogeneous (where n is finite) if every its nonzero irreducible representation acts on an n-dimensional Hilbert space. An elementary proof of Fell's characterization of n-homogeneous C*-algebras (by means of their spectra) is presented. A spectral theorem and a functional calculus for finite systems of elements which generate n-homogeneous C*-algebras are proposed.Comment: 22 page

    Spaces of measurable functions

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    For a metrizable space XX and a finite measure space (Ω,M,μ)(\Omega,\mathfrak{M},\mu) let Mμ(X)M_{\mu}(X) and Mμf(X)M^f_{\mu}(X) be the spaces of all equivalence classes (under the relation of equality almost everywhere mod μ\mu) of mathfrakMmathfrak{M}-measurable functions from Ω\Omega to XX whose images are separable and finite, respectively, equipped with the topology of convergence in measure. The main aim of the paper is to prove the following result: if μ\mu is (nonzero and) nonatomic and XX has more than one point, then the space Mμ(X)M_{\mu}(X) is a noncompact absolute retract and Mμf(A)M^f_{\mu}(A) is homotopy dense in Mμ(X)M_{\mu}(X) for each dense subset AA of XX. In particular, if XX is completely metrizable, then Mμ(X)M_{\mu}(X) is homeomorphic to an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space.Comment: 22 page

    Isometry groups of proper metric spaces

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    Given a locally compact Polish space X, a necessary and sufficient condition for a group G of homeomorphisms of X to be the full isometry group of (X,d) for some proper metric d on X is given. It is shown that every locally compact Polish group G acts freely on GxY as the full isometry group of GxY with respect to a certain proper metric on GxY, where Y is an arbitrary locally compact Polish space with (card(G),card(Y)) different from (1,2). Locally compact Polish groups which act effectively and almost transitively on complete metric spaces as full isometry groups are characterized. Locally compact Polish non-Abelian groups on which every left invariant metric is automatically right invariant are characterized and fully classified. It is demonstrated that for every locally compact Polish space X having more than two points the set of proper metrics d such that Iso(X,d) = {id} is dense in the space of all proper metrics on X.Comment: 24 page

    Universal valued Abelian groups

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    The counterparts of the Urysohn universal space in category of metric spaces and the Gurarii space in category of Banach spaces are constructed for separable valued Abelian groups of fixed (finite) exponents (and for valued groups of similar type) and their uniqueness is established. Geometry of these groups, denoted by G_r(N), is investigated and it is shown that each of G_r(N)'s is homeomorphic to the Hilbert space l^2. Those of G_r(N)'s which are Urysohn as metric spaces are recognized. `Linear-like' structures on G_r(N) are studied and it is proved that every separable metrizable topological vector space may be enlarged to G_r(0) with a `linear-like' structure which extends the linear structure of the given space.Comment: 60 page

    Unitary equivalence and decompositions of finite systems of closed densely defined operators in Hilbert spaces

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    An \textit{ideal} of NN-tuples of operators is a class invariant with respect to unitary equivalence which contains direct sums of arbitrary collections of its members as well as their (reduced) parts. New decomposition theorems (with respect to ideals) for NN-tuples of closed densely defined linear operators acting in a common (arbitrary) Hilbert space are presented. Algebraic and order (with respect to containment) properties of the class CDDNCDD_N of all unitary equivalence classes of such NN-tuples are established and certain ideals in CDDNCDD_N are distinguished. It is proved that infinite operations in CDDNCDD_N may be reconstructed from the direct sum operation of a pair. \textit{Prime decomposition} in CDDNCDD_N is proposed and its (in a sense) uniqueness is established. The issue of classification of ideals in CDDNCDD_N (up to isomorphism) is discussed. A model for CDDNCDD_N is described and its concrete realization is presented. A new partial order of NN-tuples of operators is introduced and its fundamental properties are established. Extremal importance of unitary disjointness of NN-tuples and the way how it `tidies up' the structure of CDDNCDD_N are emphasized.Comment: 115 page
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