1,035 research outputs found
Beyond manucentrism: Some fresh facts about job and worker flows
This paper gives a comprehensive picture of job and worker flows for the entire Danish economy. We exploit a unique central administrative register encompassing all employees of all workplaces across all sectors throughout two business cycles. This enables us to broaden the focus of the previous literature about job and worker flows which has been concerned exclusively with larger workplaces, especially in the manufacturing sector. We find that manufacturing data underestimate the levels of flows in the other private sector industries as well as the role of small workplaces in the job and worker reallocation processes. As for the cyclicality of job and worker flows, the results of Davis and Haltiwanger are confirmed for the whole Danish economy and the manufacturing industry, but not for the private sector. Thus, the results are sensitive to the exclusion of the large public sector
Forsyningskæder i forandring konsekvenser for logistik og transport
En omfattende og grundlæggende forandring af logistik- og godstransportmarkedet i Europa er i gang. Drivkræfterne i denne forandringsproces er bl.a. teknologisk udvikling, globalisering af samhandelsrelationerne og deraf følgende vækst i transportindhold. Alle disse udviklinger resulterer i strukturelle forandringer i den europæiske transportsektor bl.a. kendetegnet ved at kompleksiteten i forsyningskæderne og det samlede transportsystem forøges. I dette paper sammenfattes hovedresultaterne fra et projekt, der afklarer hvordan globaliseringen påvirker danske forsyningskæder og distributionssystemer, samt hvilke konsekvenser det har for logistik og godstransport i fremtiden. Resultaterne af undersøgelsen viser, at forsyningskæder påvirkes af globaliseringen, men konsekvenserne for logistik og transport afhænger af den specifikke kæde. Globaliseringen resulterer i et øget behov for transporter mellem kontinenterne og/eller landene, men transportindholdet i kæden behøver ikke nødvendigvis at stige i samme omfang, da tilpasningen af logistikken giver muligheder for effektiviseringer. Derfor er det nødvendigt at forholde sig til de enkelte kæders særpræg for at kunne vurdere ydre påvirkningers effekter på de konkrete kæder og konsekvenser heraf for logistik og godstransport
The Western Denmark Cardiac Computed Tomography Registry:a review and validation study
BACKGROUND: As a subregistry to the Western Denmark Heart Registry (WDHR), the Western Denmark Cardiac Computed Tomography Registry (WDHR-CCTR) is a clinical database established in 2008 to monitor and improve the quality of cardiac computed tomography (CT) in Western Denmark. OBJECTIVE: We examined the content, data quality, and research potential of the WDHR-CCTR. METHODS: We retrieved 2008–2012 data to examine the 1) content; 2) completeness of procedure registration using the Danish National Patient Registry as reference; 3) completeness of variable registration comparing observed vs expected numbers; and 4) positive predictive values as well as negative predictive values of 19 main patient and procedure variables. RESULTS: By December 31, 2012, almost 22,000 cardiac CTs with up to 40 variables for each procedure have been registered. Of these, 87% were coronary CT angiography performed in patients with symptoms indicative of coronary artery disease. Compared with the Danish National Patient Registry, the overall procedure completeness was 72%. However, an additional medical record review of 282 patients registered in the Danish National Patient Registry, but not in the WDHR-CCTR, showed that coronary CT angiographies accounted for only 23% of all nonregistered cardiac CTs, indicating >90% completeness of coronary CT angiographies in the WDHR-CCTR. The completeness of individual variables varied substantially (range: 0%–100%), but was >85% for more than 70% of all variables. Using medical record review of 250 randomly selected patients as reference standard, the positive predictive value for the 19 variables ranged from 89% to 100% (overall 97%), whereas the negative predictive value ranged from 97% to 100% (overall 99%). Stratification by center status showed consistently high positive and negative predictive values for both university (96%/99%) and nonuniversity centers (97%/99%). CONCLUSION: WDHR-CCTR provides ongoing prospective registration of all cardiac CTs performed in Western Denmark since 2008. Overall, the registry data have a high degree of completeness and validity, making it a valuable tool for clinical epidemiological research
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