145 research outputs found

    Danskhed i debatten

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    Nå! en skiftemarkør med mange funktioner

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    Overvejelser fra et projekt med at kortlægge brug og funktion af "nå" i det danske sprog

    Danskhed i debatten

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    Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med, om danskhed er essens eller konstruktion. Er det noget man er eller er det noget man gør? Uanset hvad, så gør vi noget med danskheden, når vi henviser til den i vores kommunikation. Danskheden bruges til noget i identitetskonstruktionen i debatten. Som en hjælp til at føre denne diskussion videre, introduceres et tænkeredskab i form af en model, der giver en skelnen mellem de lag, man kan operere med, når man taler om identitet. Artiklen beskæftiger sig således med, hvordan begrebet danskhed bliver brugt i den offentlige debat og i den forbindelse med, hvad debattører siger om sig selv og modparten i debatten ved hjælp af bl.a. danskhedsbegrebet

    Examining Group Facilitation In Situ:The Use of Formulations in Facilitation Practice

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    Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.In this paper we examine how the talk of the facilitator shapes group workshop interactions by using the conversational object 'formulation'. The data consist of video recordings of a corpus of four facilitated workshops held with management and development teams. By adopting an exploratory video-based investigation using conversational analysis to examine our data, we highlight the significance of three distinct set of formulations used by facilitators in workshops. Specifically, our findings show how formulations that encourage reflection or facilitate action, together with those collaboratively produced, enable sense making and the achievement of a temporal conversational order among participants. This research contributes to the study of facilitated workshops by offering a more nuanced approach to the understanding of the craftsmanship of doing facilitation, its effects on the workshop process and, ultimately, workshop outcomes


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