642 research outputs found

    Generalized Second Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics and Quantum Information Theory

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    We propose a quantum version of a gedanken experiment which supports the generalized second law of black hole thermodynamics. A quantum measurement of particles in the region outside of the event horizon decreases the entropy of the outside matter due to the entanglement of the inside and outside particle states. This decrease is compensated, however, by the increase in the detector entropy. If the detector is conditionally dropped into the black hole depending on the experimental outcome, the decrease of the matter entropy is more than compensated by the increase of the black hole entropy via the increase of the black hole mass which is ultimately attributed to the work done by the measurement.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, submitted to PR

    Three-body problem in Fermi gases with short-range interparticle interaction

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    We discuss 3-body processes in ultracold two-component Fermi gases with short-range intercomponent interaction characterized by a large and positive scattering length aa. It is found that in most cases the probability of 3-body recombination is a universal function of the mass ratio and aa, and is independent of short-range physics. We also calculate the scattering length corresponding to the atom-dimer interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Universal physics of 2+1 particles with non-zero angular momentum

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    The zero-energy universal properties of scattering between a particle and a dimer that involves an identical particle are investigated for arbitrary scattering angular momenta. For this purpose, we derive an integral equation that generalises the Skorniakov - Ter-Martirosian equation to the case of non-zero angular momentum. As the mass ratio between the particles is varied, we find various scattering resonances that can be attributed to the appearance of universal trimers and Efimov trimers at the collisional threshold.Comment: 6 figure

    Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin Transformations and the Fermion Propagator in Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We study the gauge covariance of the massive fermion propagator in three as well as four dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Starting from its value at the lowest order in perturbation theory, we evaluate a non-perturbative expression for it by means of its Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin (LKF) transformation. We compare the perturbative expansion of our findings with the known one loop results and observe perfect agreement upto a gauge parameter independent term, a difference permitted by the structure of the LKF transformations.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, uses revte

    Non-abelian plane waves and stochastic regimes for (2+1)-dimensional gauge field models with Chern-Simons term

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    An exact time-dependent solution of field equations for the 3-d gauge field model with a Chern-Simons (CS) topological mass is found. Limiting cases of constant solution and solution with vanishing topological mass are considered. After Lorentz boost, the found solution describes a massive nonlinear non-abelian plane wave. For the more complicate case of gauge fields with CS mass interacting with a Higgs field, the stochastic character of motion is demonstrated.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 13 pages, 11 eps figure

    Correlated N-boson systems for arbitrary scattering length

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    We investigate systems of identical bosons with the focus on two-body correlations and attractive finite-range potentials. We use a hyperspherical adiabatic method and apply a Faddeev type of decomposition of the wave function. We discuss the structure of a condensate as function of particle number and scattering length. We establish universal scaling relations for the critical effective radial potentials for distances where the average distance between particle pairs is larger than the interaction range. The correlations in the wave function restore the large distance mean-field behaviour with the correct two-body interaction. We discuss various processes limiting the stability of condensates. With correlations we confirm that macroscopic tunneling dominates when the trap length is about half of the particle number times the scattering length.Comment: 15 pages (RevTeX4), 11 figures (LaTeX), submitted to Phys. Rev. A. Second version includes an explicit comparison to N=3, a restructured manuscript, and updated figure

    Nonparametric Information Geometry

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    The differential-geometric structure of the set of positive densities on a given measure space has raised the interest of many mathematicians after the discovery by C.R. Rao of the geometric meaning of the Fisher information. Most of the research is focused on parametric statistical models. In series of papers by author and coworkers a particular version of the nonparametric case has been discussed. It consists of a minimalistic structure modeled according the theory of exponential families: given a reference density other densities are represented by the centered log likelihood which is an element of an Orlicz space. This mappings give a system of charts of a Banach manifold. It has been observed that, while the construction is natural, the practical applicability is limited by the technical difficulty to deal with such a class of Banach spaces. It has been suggested recently to replace the exponential function with other functions with similar behavior but polynomial growth at infinity in order to obtain more tractable Banach spaces, e.g. Hilbert spaces. We give first a review of our theory with special emphasis on the specific issues of the infinite dimensional setting. In a second part we discuss two specific topics, differential equations and the metric connection. The position of this line of research with respect to other approaches is briefly discussed.Comment: Submitted for publication in the Proceedings od GSI2013 Aug 28-30 2013 Pari

    Ultracold Atoms in 1D Optical Lattices: Mean Field, Quantum Field, Computation, and Soliton Formation

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    In this work, we highlight the correspondence between two descriptions of a system of ultracold bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice potential: (1) the discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, a discrete mean-field theory, and (2) the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, a discrete quantum-field theory. The former is recovered from the latter in the limit of a product of local coherent states. Using a truncated form of these mean-field states as initial conditions, we build quantum analogs to the dark soliton solutions of the discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation and investigate their dynamical properties in the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We also discuss specifics of the numerical methods employed for both our mean-field and quantum calculations, where in the latter case we use the time-evolving block decimation algorithm due to Vidal.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; to appear in Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulatio

    Effective String Theory of Vortices and Regge Trajectories

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    Starting from a field theory containing classical vortex solutions, we obtain an effective string theory of these vortices as a path integral over the two transverse degrees of freedom of the string. We carry out a semiclassical expansion of this effective theory, and use it to obtain corrections to Regge trajectories due to string fluctuations.Comment: 27 pages, revtex, 3 figures, corrected an error with the cutoff in appendix E (was previously D), added more discussion of Fig. 3, moved some material in section 9 to a new appendi
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