24 research outputs found

    Slovakia's 2020 Elections: Political Puzzling with Power and Populism

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    Slovakia is facing a decisive moment. At the end of February, the country will hold its first general elections since mass anti-corruption protests shook its political establishment and toppled veteran populist prime minister Robert Fico. While Slovakia is seen as a leader in the fight for democracy in Central Europe, political programs and ideas have been side-lined by a pre-election campaign that has turned into a clash of emotions and populist moves

    Andrej Babiš is not Central Europe's Game-Changer

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    The Czech election result seems worrying at first: Yet another populist leader has been catapulted into power in Central Europe. But billionaire Andrej Babiš and his populist ANO party, which received almost 30 percent of the vote, is not necessarily going to push the Czech Republic into an illiberal and anti-EU direction

    Eastern Challenges for Josep Borrell - and the EU

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    As the European Union's next designated HR/VP, Josep Borrell will have to deal with major global challenges and the EU's internal travails to shape foreign policy more assertively. In particular, two flash points on the EU’s doorstep - the eastern Ukraine and Serbia-Kosovo - will be early tests of Borell's ability to enhance the Union’s ability to project influence as a global power and help build its capacity for strategic autonomy

    Macron Looks East: the French president’s visit to the Baltics offers an opportunity for closer coordination with Germany on Russia policy

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    Part of French President Emmanuel Macron’s European policy is to improve the position of his country in the Eastern European member states of the European Union. Although this is not a change of strategy, but only a new method, it creates favorable conditions for intensified Franco-German dialogue on European strategic issues

    Tax interventions in the housing market

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    This article surveys possibilities of determining the value of building land as base for property taxes, done by municipalities. It is shown that reform is needed. Application of ad valorem taxation could be fairer. In such taxation owners of more valuable building land should pay proportionally larger taxes. Ad valorem taxation will offer a stable source of revenue with a potentially broad and expanding tax base for governments. It will provide the benefit of a more equitable distribution on taxes, as well as greater fiscal transparency and accountability. Administratively easy determination of real estate value is essential. Price maps of building land, administrated by municipalities, could be a solution.Tento príspevok sa zaoberá možnosťami stanovovania hodnôt pozemkov pre potreby určovania základu dane prostredníctvom miestnych samospráv. Reforma v tejto oblasti je potrebná. Zavedenie hodnotového princípu zdaňovania by bolo spravodlivejšie. Pri takejto forme zdaňovania by vlastníci hodnotnejších pozemkov platili dane priamoúmerné k ich hodnote. Hodnotové zdanenie by ponúklo stabilný zdroj príjmov s potenciálnym nárastom pre miestne samosprávy. Taktiež by to umožnilo intervenčné rozdelenie daní podporujúcich rozvoj, ako aj väčšiu fiškálnu transparentnosť a zodpovednosť. Základom je nájsť administratívne jednoduchý spôsob zdaňovania stavebných pozemkov. V budúcnosti by mohli cenovú mapu stavebných pozemkov viesť a aktualizovať miestne samosprávy

    How Poland's Postponed Election is Boosting Opposition Hopes

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    What was supposed to be a simple reelection campaign for President Andrzej Duda could be a political turning point for Poland. Contrary to expectations that authoritative leaders would use the pandemic to consolidate power, it exposed the ruling party’s vulnerability. The outcome of the new elections, which are expected to take place in late June or early July 2020, is now uncertain. Europe should pay attention, because a new president could help reconfigure domestic politics and restore Poland’s position as a more constructive EU partner

    To the Viktor Go the Spoils: What Orbán Needs to Form a New Political Camp in Europe

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    The next months will show whether Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán can retain his influence in Europe even outside its largest political family. Having left the center-right European People's Party before his party was finally pushed out, Orbán is now trying to regroup and unite the populist and Euroskeptic forces in European Parliament. What looks like a defeat could still be turned to his advantage if it leads to a lasting reshuffle of political alliances and strengthens illiberal voices

    Shaking Up the 2019 European Election: Macron, Salvini, Orbán, and the Fate of the European Party System

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    Trotz ihrer unterschiedlichen Positionierungen haben Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron, Italiens Vizepremier Matteo Salvini und Ungarns Premierminister Viktor Orbán eines gemeinsam: Sie treten im Vorfeld der Europawahlen als Protagonisten unterschiedlicher Narrative auf, die das Europäische Parlament signifikant verändern können.More fragmented than ever, Europe is at a crossroads, making the 2019 European Parliament election an immensely political event. Stakes are high for Emmanuel Macron, Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orbán, all of whom could shake up the balance of power in the EP. Macron has lost much of his initial vigor, and the disruptive potential of Salvini and Orbán is significant. If played well, their combined power could send shock waves across all European institutions