18 research outputs found

    Genomic screening of 16 UK native bat species through conservationist networks uncovers coronaviruses with zoonotic potential

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    There has been limited characterisation of bat-borne coronaviruses in Europe. Here, we screened for coronaviruses in 48 faecal samples from 16 of the 17 bat species breeding in the UK, collected through a bat rehabilitation and conservationist network. We recovered nine complete genomes, including two novel coronavirus species, across six bat species: four alphacoronaviruses, a MERS-related betacoronavirus, and four closely related sarbecoviruses. We demonstrate that at least one of these sarbecoviruses can bind and use the human ACE2 receptor for infecting human cells, albeit suboptimally. Additionally, the spike proteins of these sarbecoviruses possess an R-A-K-Q motif, which lies only one nucleotide mutation away from a furin cleavage site (FCS) that enhances infectivity in other coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. However, mutating this motif to an FCS does not enable spike cleavage. Overall, while UK sarbecoviruses would require further molecular adaptations to infect humans, their zoonotic risk warrants closer surveillance

    Cryogenic Electron Microscopy enables Drug Research for Membrane Protein Targets

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    This thesis is a collection of my main projects performed over the course of my PhD studies in the past three years. The Results section (Chapters III to V) of this thesis are manuscripts prepared for submission. Due to global health crises and the growth of pharmaceutical market, drug discovery is in high demand. It is more and more clear that the protein structure determination is an important aspect of the early stages of drug research and development. Furthermore, membrane proteins constitute the majority of druggable targets. Structure determination of membrane proteins is quite challenging with well-established approaches such as NMR and X-ray crystallography. Taking this into account, the goal of my thesis is to apply the new approach of cryogenic electron microscopy single particle analysis in real cases to study membrane proteins as potential drug targets. Here I have presented three case studies to bring the perspective: How cryo-EM is dealing with the membrane protein and drug researches

    New insights on the structure of alpha-synuclein fibrils using cryo-electron microscopy

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    Fibrils of alpha-synuclein are significant components of cellular inclusions associated with several neuropathological disorders including Parkinson’s disease, multiple system atrophy and dementia with Lewy bodies. In recent years, technological advances in the field of transmission electron microscopy and image processing have made it possible to solve the structure of alpha-synuclein fibrils at high resolution. This review discusses the results of structural studies using cryo-electron microscopy, which revealed that in-vitro produced fibrils vary in diameter from 5 nm for single-protofilament fibrils, to 10 nm for two-protofilament fibrils. In addition, the atomic models hint at contributions of the familial Parkinson’s disease mutation sites to inter-protofilament interaction and the locations where post-translational modifications take place. Here, we propose a nomenclature system that allows identifying the existing alpha-synuclein polymorphs and that will allow to incorporate additional high-resolution structures determined in the future

    Structure-function analysis of the cyclic β-1,2-glucan synthase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    Abstract The synthesis of complex sugars is a key aspect of microbial biology. Cyclic β-1,2-glucan (CβG) is a circular polysaccharide critical for host interactions of many bacteria, including major pathogens of humans (Brucella) and plants (Agrobacterium). CβG is produced by the cyclic glucan synthase (Cgs), a multi-domain membrane protein. So far, its structure as well as the mechanism underlining the synthesis have not been clarified. Here we use cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and functional approaches to study Cgs from A. tumefaciens. We determine the structure of this complex protein machinery and clarify key aspects of CβG synthesis, revealing a distinct mechanism that uses a tyrosine-linked oligosaccharide intermediate in cycles of polymerization and processing of the glucan chain. Our research opens possibilities for combating pathogens that rely on polysaccharide virulence factors and may lead to synthetic biology approaches for producing complex cyclic sugars

    Structural investigation of ACE2 dependent disassembly of the trimeric SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein

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    The human membrane protein Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) acts as the main receptor for host cells invasion of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The viral surface glycoprotein Spike binds to hACE2, which triggers virus entry into cells. As of today, the role of hACE2 for virus fusion is not well understood. Blocking the transition of Spike from its prefusion to post-fusion state might be a strategy to prevent or treat COVID-19. Here we report a single particle cryo-electron microscopy analysis of SARS-CoV-2 trimeric Spike in presence of the human ACE2 ectodomain. The binding of purified hACE2 ectodomain to Spike induces the disassembly of the trimeric form of Spike and a structural rearrangement of its S1 domain to form a stable, monomeric complex with hACE2. This observed hACE2 dependent dissociation of the Spike trimer suggests a mechanism for the therapeutic role of recombinant soluble hACE2 for treatment of COVID-19

    Structural Basis of Drug Recognition by the Multidrug Transporter ABCG2

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    ABCG2 is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter whose function affects the pharmacokinetics of drugs and contributes to multidrug resistance of cancer cells. While its interaction with the endogenous substrate estrone-3-sulfate (E1S) has been elucidated at a structural level, the recognition and recruitment of exogenous compounds is not understood at sufficiently high resolution. Here we present three cryo-EM structures of nanodisc-reconstituted, human ABCG2 bound to anticancer drugs tariquidar, topotecan and mitoxantrone. To enable structural insight at high resolution, we used Fab fragments of the ABCG2-specific monoclonal antibody 5D3, which binds to the external side of the transporter but does not interfere with drug-induced stimulation of ATPase activity. We observed that the binding pocket of ABCG2 can accommodate a single tariquidar molecule in a C-shaped conformation, similar to one of the two tariquidar molecules bound to ABCB1, where tariquidar acts as an inhibitor. We also found single copies of topotecan and mitoxantrone bound between key phenylalanine residues. Mutagenesis experiments confirmed the functional importance of two residues in the binding pocket, F439 and N436. Using 3D variability analyses, we found a correlation between substrate binding and reduced dynamics of the nucleotide binding domains (NBDs), suggesting a structural explanation for drug-induced ATPase stimulation. Our findings provide additional insight into how ABCG2 differentiates between inhibitors and substrates and may guide a rational design of new modulators and substrates.ISSN:0022-2836ISSN:1089-863

    Structures of ABCG2 under turnover conditions reveal a key step in the drug transport mechanism

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    ABCG2 is a multidrug transporter that affects drug pharmacokinetics and contributes to multidrug resistance of cancer cells. In previously reported structures, the reaction cycle was halted by the absence of substrates or ATP, mutation of catalytic residues, or the presence of small-molecule inhibitors or inhibitory antibodies. Here we present cryo-EM structures of ABCG2 under turnover conditions containing either the endogenous substrate estrone-3-sulfate or the exogenous substrate topotecan. We find two distinct conformational states in which both the transport substrates and ATP are bound. Whereas the state turnover-1 features more widely separated NBDs and an accessible substrate cavity between the TMDs, turnover-2 features semi-closed NBDs and an almost fully occluded substrate cavity. Substrate size appears to control which turnover state is mainly populated. The conformational changes between turnover-1 and turnover-2 states reveal how ATP binding is linked to the closing of the cytoplasmic side of the TMDs. The transition from turnover-1 to turnover-2 is the likely bottleneck or rate-limiting step of the reaction cycle, where the discrimination of substrates and inhibitors occurs.ISSN:2041-172

    Identification of a Binding Site for Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting Human TRPM4

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    Transient receptor potential (TRP) melastatin 4 (TRPM4) protein is a calcium-activated monovalent cation channel associated with various genetic and cardiovascular disorders. The anthranilic acid derivative NBA is a potent and specific TRPM4 inhibitor, but its binding site in TRPM4 has been unknown, although his information is crucial for drug development targeting TRPM4. We determined the cryo-EM structures of full-length human TRPM4 embedded in native lipid nanodiscs in an unbound, a state bound to NBA, and a new anthranilic acid derivative known as IBA-bound state. We found that the small molecules NBA and IBA were bound in a pocket formed between the S3, S4, and TRP helices and the S4-S5 linker of TRPM4. Our structural data and results from patch clamp experiments enable validation of a binding site for small molecule inhibitors, paving the way for further drug development targeting TRPM4

    Mechanism of cyclic β-glucan export by ABC transporter Cgt of Brucella

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    Polysaccharides play critical roles in bacteria, including the formation of protective capsules and biofilms and establishing specific host cell interactions. Their transport across membranes is often mediated by ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, which utilize ATP to translocate diverse molecules. Cyclic β-glucans (CβGs) are critical for host interaction of the Rhizobiales, including the zoonotic pathogen Brucella. CβGs are exported into the periplasmic space by the cyclic glucan transporter (Cgt). The interaction of an ABC transporter with a polysaccharide substrate has not been visualized so far. Here we use single-particle cryoelectron microscopy to elucidate the structures of Cgt from Brucella abortus in four conformational states. The substrate-bound structure reveals an unusual binding pocket at the height of the cytoplasmic leaflet, whereas ADP-vanadate models hint at an alternative mechanism of substrate release. Our work provides insights into the translocation of large, heterogeneous substrates and sheds light on protein-polysaccharide interactions in general.ISSN:1545-9993ISSN:1545-998