18 research outputs found
Image resampling using non-adaptive interpolation
Image resampling is a process which change the sizeof an image. It generates output image of thespecified dimension with the help of the interpolationtechniques. The up-sampled images are lost finedetailed information due to artifacts. This is aproblem to define detail content clearly. This is achallenge to restore the lost information. Manyrestoration methods have been developed Theproposed framework is based on non-adaptiveinterpolation method. Non-adaptive method is fasterthan adaptive one. This framework can interpolateand produce good image with fine detailedinformation. This approach can assit in photoediting process and other image processingapplication
Image Zooming with Linear Interpolation
Image zooming is a vital role in image processing. The zoomed images can be distorted because of blocky or jaggy effects. Sometimes, there is a problem to define the content of image or photo. The distorted image is needed to restore its fine detailed information. Our main idea is to restore or sharp blurred images. Many iterpolation methods have been developed in the last decade. We proposed an interpolation framework based on iterative linear interpolation method that can interpolate and produce good image with fine detailed information. Although linear interpolation use the same value for the whole image pixel values, our experiment show good and useful result with color image. This approach can assist in medical image analysis and photo editing process with efficient zooming method
Combination of Keyword and Visual Feature based Image Retrieval System
Keyword-based image retrieval systems havebecome popular for many image databaseapplications. To improve the performance ofkeyword-based web image queries, combination ofkeyword and visual feature based image retrievalsystem is presented in this paper. Firstly, DOM(Document Object Model) trees are constructed fromcollected web pages. And several text blocks aresegmented based on text cohesion. Then, visualfeatures are extracted from color images in RGB(Red, Green and Blue) color space by using colorhistogram. When user query is entered, text blockswhich contain web images are taken as theassociated texts of corresponding images andTF*IDF values are used to index web images.Finally, keyword and visual features are combinedby using Gaussian Mixture Model to produce therelevance images
Framework of Nutrient Information by Using Facet Classification
Effective information architecture (IA) is mapped to the structure of actual human systems. The IA of an information system must be hospitable to change as well. The representation of actual human knowledge is captured by taxonomic structures. A faceted classification system (FCS) which is essentially a multidimensional taxonomy. FCS can mimic more closely the structure of actual knowledge. Faceted classification is suitable for organizing digital information resources. Since a nutrient is a substance obtained from food and used in the body to promote growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues, everyone needs nutrient information. In this paper, nutrient information architecture is implemented by using facet classification. This paper provides search and browse for nutrient information retrieval and also supports query formation and expansion by browsing. In this paper, the system for nutrient information architecture is implemented based on XFML
Diagnosis System Using Case-Based Reasoning
Case-base Reasoning (CBR) is an artificialintelligent approach to learn and solve the problem emphasizesthe role of prior experience. Case-base reasoning methods haveto deal with the current problem to identify the situation , find apast case similar to the next one, and use that case to suggest asolution to the current problem, evaluate the proposed solution,and update the system by learning from this paper is to developa case-based system where a new consequence event could bequickly compared to the numerous cases in the databases. Theobjective is to find the closest match that can be reused tosupport the decision making for correct consequences event,punishment and knowledge. In this paper, diagnosis system isimplemented for Traffic Enforcement Supervisory Committee ofYangon Division System by using CBR. 150 sets of cases areused as training data and testing data
Web Based Bus Directory Service and Route Planning Using Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm
Yangon city is a highly populated city and bustransportation is an essential portion of most of the city people.Bus transport system in Yangon is facing multiple problems toimprove efficiency. One of the problems is finding the path to getthe destination that the commuter has never been there before.There are a lot of bus line information books but cannot providefor the above problem. Another problem is low occupancy rate,that a commuter normally does not know the bus routes. Aframework for Bus Directory Service and Route Planning usingDijkstra’s shortest path algorithm is implemented in this paper.For the route planning service, Dijkstra’s shortest algorithmwill be used to get the best path to the destination. This thesiswill provide user selects source and destination to calculate bestpath by using Dijkstra’s shortest algorithm and display theshortest paths for user select Bus Directory. Information of busline and bus-stops can be retrieved in this bus directory serviceand route planning. In this paper, Yangon Bus Directory is alsoprovided. Bus information is collected from Bus lines andYangon Bus Directory, 2007-08, First Edition
Content-based Image Retrieval System by Using Color Homogram Filter and Spatial Filter
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systemretrieves relevant images based on their contentssuch as color, texture, shape, volume, spatialconstraints and etc. In this paper, a CBIR system isimplemented by using color homogram filter andspatial filter to improve the image retrieval systemaccording to the image visual content by computervision. The color feature and spatial featureinformation are retrieved in offline feature extraction.The color feature of an image is retrieved by usingthe color homogram of a CIE Lab color space andthe spatial feature of an image is retrieved by theproposed spatial algorithm. A CBIR system iscreated by using color homogram filter and spatialfilter sequentially in online query processing. Thecolor-spatial query results from the final queryranking are ranked according to the total normalizeddistance in color and spatial features as the querypresentation. This system is implemented by usingMATLAB programming
Implementation of Cognitive Tutoring System
Now Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is used widely online learning and teaching. Intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is any computer system that provides direct customized instruction or feedback to students; i.e. without the intervention of human beings, while performing a task. Intelligent tutoring system implements the theory of social science. An intelligent tutoring system is presented for the domain of solving equation. In this paper, cognitive tutoring system is implemented for solving mathematical equations in computer graphic subject. There are two main parts in this system. One part is to instruct the whole theoretical concept by using with PowerPoint slides. Another part is to examine the understanding level of students. In this system, multiple choice questions are used to test the understanding level of theory concept and cognitive tutor is used to test the understanding level of mathematic equation