319 research outputs found

    Propuesta de modelo de gestión por competencias para mejorar la productividad de las empresas en Antioquia

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    Los cambios que exige constantemente el entorno a las organizaciones para sostenerse, lleva a que al interior de ellas, algunas áreas dejen de considerar algunos aspectos de vital importancia para su buen funcionamiento y concentren todos sus esfuerzos en el día a día, sin tener la posibilidad de planear y diseñar estrategias que las lleven a mejores resultados. Es así como en la mayoría de las organizaciones no se tiene conciencia de la importancia que tiene contar e implementar un modelo de gestión por competencias que sea integrador y que este alineado con la estrategia. Un modelo de gestión por competencias que logre impactar en el empleado, en sus conocimientos, habilidades, comportamientos y actitud frente a la organización, sin duda incidirá directamente en la productividad de ésta. Además, le ayudará a la empresa a que su Talento Humano se desarrolle dentro de un ambiente propicio y de esta manera se logre cumplir con los objetivos empresariales. Este trabajo es de gran utilidad para las PYMES, las cuales en muchas ocasiones no pueden o no tienen recursos para elaborar o adquirir modelos en el mercado, pues da a conocer un modelo de gestión por competencias, el cual puede ser adaptado a cualquier organización.The constantly changing environment requires organizations to hold, it leads to within them, some areas no longer consider some aspects of vital importance to proper functioning and focus all their efforts on a day to day, without being able planning and design strategies that lead to better results. Thus, in most organizations are not aware of the importance of having and implementing a competency management model that is inclusive and that is aligned with the strategy. A competency management model that impact on the employee, in their knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes toward the organization, without doubt have a direct effect on the productivity of it. In addition, the company will help to develop their human talent within an environment and thus be achieved to meet business objectives. This work is useful for SMEs, which often can not or do not have resources to develop or acquire models on the market, as it discusses a model of competence management, which can be adapted to any organization

    Enhancing the efficiency of compact patch antennas composed of split ring resonators by using lumped capacitors

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    A new type of small patch antenna with low profile and enhanced radiation efficiency is proposed in this letter. The antenna is realized with a double layer of low-permittivity material (polypropylene, εr = 2.2). The lower layer is used for the feeding of the antenna, and split ring resonators (SRRs) are printed on top of the upper layer acting as radiating elements. The compactness is provided by shorting the rings to the ground plane with two metal pins. Although this antenna presented initially a dual band of operation, it has been demonstrated how the use of a lumped capacitor in the inner ring can increase the total radiation efficiency of the antenna performing a single-band response. Therefore, when the two original operation frequency bands coincide, a manufactured prototype of the antenna demonstrated a measured radiation efficiency of 73% that can be provided at the operation frequency of 1.29 GHz

    Conceptualizing person-environment fit and the meaning of work for tourist guides in Malaysia during and post covid-19 pandemic

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    This paper aims to conceptualizes the influence of person-environment fit (P-E fit) towards the meaning of work (MoW) for tourist guides (TGs) in Malaysia during and post-COVID-19 pandemic. TGs are key frontline workers whose employment is affected by the pandemic. A multilevel construct of P-E fit is adopted (person-organizational fit, person-job fit, and person-group fit) conceptualized as a correlation towards the tripartite work orientation of the MoW (job, career and calling). Four propositions emerge. Junior TGs view their work as a job and/or career; senior TGs perceive their work as a calling. Secondly, person-organizational fit and person-group fit has no influence with ‘job’, while person-job fit could partially influence ‘job’ where demands-abilities has no influence on ‘job’ but need-supplies fit influences ‘job’. Next, person-organization fit and person-job fit correlate with guides’ ‘career’ but not with person-group fit. Finally, all three fits relate to ‘calling’. TGs with a ‘job’ relationship possess low meaning of work; ‘career’ has moderate meaning of work, and ‘calling’ experience high meaning of work. Practitioners benefit from knowledge of levels of correlations between constructs; useful for implementing resilience strategies for post crisis and beyond. A thorough understanding among TGs to remain engaged and motivated is useful for training courses

    A reflexive account of fieldwork experiences: Interviewing tourist guides about the meaning of work during a pandemic

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    Reflexivity is a methodological practice for qualitative researchers to show how their own subjectivity influences the entire research process by conducting self-critique and self-appraisal in order to justify knowledge creation. Situated within the axiological assumptions, values are an unusual albeit important subject of discussion. Positionality influences the decisions taken to conduct a study. This paper presents a reflexive account of the fieldwork experiences of a doctoral student undertaking semi-structured interviews focused on the Meaning of Work for tourist guides. Literature on unexpected circumstances during fieldwork remains limited and provided the impetus for this paper. Unforeseen contextual factors can alter well-laid-out research designs. In March 2020, the participants in this study, tourist guides, lost their source of income as borders closed due to the pandemic. The construct of inquiry, the Meaning of Work had taken on a different meaning, literally. Amidst the backdrop of a pandemic, this doctoral study proceeded to remain cognisant of the situation at all times. The method used to structure reflexive accounts was to apply four typologies of reflexivity focusing on contextual, personal, interpersonal and methodological reflexivity. Accounts presented include a short biography of the researcher, an appraisal of being an outsider with insider knowledge, the use of Zoom to conduct semi-structured interviews, obtaining a purposive sample, selecting and gaining access to participants. Additionally, the relationship between the researcher and participants was appraised and provided useful insights on making choices. Interviews were akin to therapy for the tourist guides and the researcher showed empathy and respect toward their role in the tourism industry. This novel paper will be of interest to novice researchers who have yet to embrace reflexivity as a necessary component of trustworthiness

    Influenza nucleoprotein DNA vaccination by a skin targeted, dry coated, densely packed microprojection array (Nanopatch) induces potent antibody and CD8+ T cell responses

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    DNA vaccines have many advantages such as thermostability and the ease and rapidity of manufacture; for example, in an influenza pandemic situation where rapid production of vaccine is essential. However, immunogenicity of DNA vaccines was shown to be poor in humans unless large doses of DNA are used. If a highly efficacious DNA vaccine delivery system could be identified, then DNA vaccines have the potential to displace protein vaccines. In this study, we show in a C57BL/6 mouse model, that the Nanopatch, a microprojection array of high density (>\ua021,000 projections/cm), could be used to deliver influenza nucleoprotein DNA vaccine to skin, to generate enhanced antigen specific antibody and CD8 T cell responses compared to the conventional intramuscular (IM) delivery by the needle and syringe. Antigen specific antibody was measured using ELISA assays of mice vaccinated with a DNA plasmid containing the nucleoprotein gene of influenza type A/WSN/33 (H1N1). Antigen specific CD8 T cell responses were measured ex-vivo in splenocytes of mice using IFN-γ ELISPOT assays. These results and our previous antibody and CD4 T cell results using the Nanopatch delivered HSV DNA vaccine indicate that the Nanopatch is an effective delivery system of general utility that could potentially be used in humans to increase the potency of the DNA vaccines

    Assessing the Quality of the Steps to Reproduce in Bug Reports

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    A major problem with user-written bug reports, indicated by developers and documented by researchers, is the (lack of high) quality of the reported steps to reproduce the bugs. Low-quality steps to reproduce lead to excessive manual effort spent on bug triage and resolution. This paper proposes Euler, an approach that automatically identifies and assesses the quality of the steps to reproduce in a bug report, providing feedback to the reporters, which they can use to improve the bug report. The feedback provided by Euler was assessed by external evaluators and the results indicate that Euler correctly identified 98% of the existing steps to reproduce and 58% of the missing ones, while 73% of its quality annotations are correct.Comment: In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '19), August 26-30, 2019, Tallinn, Estoni

    Blue Carbon Opportunities: seagrass carbon storage and accumulation rates at Johor and Penang, Malaysia

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    Report prepared as a contribution to the IKI Project “Conservation of biodiversity, seagrass ecosystems and their services – safeguarding food security and resilience in vulnerable coastal communities in a changing climate. The IKI Seagrass Ecosystem Services Project is a partnership between the CMS, Edith Cowan University, Project Seagrass, Seagrass Watch, Murdoch University, MRS, Blue Ventures, SAN, C3, ZSL, MareCet and Yapeka. The collaboration enhances the understanding of seagrass ecosystem services and the capacity to develop and deliver science-based policy solutions in seagrass conservation. It brings together scientists, policy experts, business development experts and conservation NGOs across the globe to provide expert and independent advice on seagrass ecosystems services and how these might be relevant to policy and financial solutions to marine conservation issues. This report deals specifically with the assessment of seagrass blue carbon ecosystem services