35 research outputs found

    A heuristic description of high-pT hadron production in heavy ion collisions

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    Using a simplified model for in-medium dipole evolution accounting for color filtering effects we study production of hadrons at large transverse momenta pTp_T in heavy ion collisions. In the framework of this model, several important sources of the nuclear suppression observed recently at RHIC and LHC have been analysed. A short production length of the leading hadron lpl_p causes a strong onset of color transparency effects manifested themselves as a steep rise of the nuclear modification factor RAA(pT)R_{AA}(p_T) at large hadron pTp_T's. A dominance of quarks with higher lpl_p leads to a weaker suppression at RHIC than the one observed at LHC. In the RHIC kinematic region we include an additional suppression factor steeply falling with pTp_T, which is tightly related to the energy conservation constraints. The latter is irrelevant at LHC up to pT≲70p_T\lesssim 70 GeV while it causes a rather flat pTp_T dependence of the RAA(pT)R_{AA}(p_T) factor at RHIC c.m. energy s=200\sqrt{s} = 200 GeV and even an increasing suppression with pTp_T at s=62\sqrt{s} = 62 GeV. The calculations contain only a medium density adjustment, and for an initial time scale t0t_0 = 1 fm we found the energy-dependent maximal values of the transport coefficient, q^0=0.7,1.0\hat{q}_0 = 0.7, 1.0 and 1.3 GeV2^2/fm corresponding to s=62,200\sqrt{s} = 62, 200 GeV and 2.76 TeV, respectively. We present a broad variety of predictions for the nuclear modification factor and the azimuthal asymmetry which are in a good agreement with available data from experiments at RHIC and LHC.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures; extra clarifications added in Sects. II and III (with additional Figs. 1-6) and in the extended Sect. V B (with additional Fig.11), references added, conclusions unchange

    Drell-Yan process in pApA collisions: the exact treatment of coherence effects

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    In this work, we investigate production of Drell-Yan (DY) pairs in proton-nucleus collisions in kinematic regions where the corresponding coherence length does not exceed the nuclear radius, RAR_A, and the quantum coherence effects should be treated with a special care. The results for the nucleus-to-nucleon production ratio available in the literature so far are usually based on the assumption of a very long coherence length (LCL) lc≫RAl_c\gg R_A. Since the onset of coherence effects is controlled by the coherence length lcl_c, we estimated its magnitude in various kinematic regions of the DY process and found that the LCL approximation should not be used at small and medium c.m. collision energies (s≲200\sqrt{s} \lesssim 200 GeV) as well as at large dilepton invariant masses. In order to obtain realistic predictions, we computed for the first time the DY cross section using the generalised color dipole approach based on the rigorous Green function formalism, which naturally incorporates the color transparency and quantum coherence effects and hence allows to estimate the nuclear shadowing with no restrictions on the CL. In addition to the shadowing effect, we studied a complementary effect of initial state interactions (ISI) that causes an additional suppression at large values of the Feynman variable. Numerical results for the nuclear modification factor accounting for the ISI effect and the finite lcl_c are compared to the data available from the fixed-target FNAL measurements and a good agreement has been found. Besides, we present new predictions for the nuclear suppression as a function of dilepton rapidity and invariant mass in the kinematic regions that can be probed by the RHIC collider as well as by the planned AFTER@LHC and LHCb fixed-target experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Heavy flavor production in high-energy pppp collisions: color dipole description

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    We present a detailed study of open heavy flavor production in high-energy pppp collisions at the LHC in the color dipole framework. The transverse momentum distributions of produced bb-jets, accounting for the jet energy loss, as well as produced open charm DD and bottom BB mesons in distinct rapidity intervals relevant for LHC measurements are computed. The dipole model results for the differential bb-jet production cross section are compared to the recent ATLAS and CMS data while the results for DD and BB mesons production cross sections -- to the corresponding LHCb data. Several models for the phenomenological dipole cross section have been employed to estimate theoretical uncertainties of the dipole model predictions. We demonstrate that the primordial transverse momentum distribution of the projectile gluon significantly affects the meson spectra at low transverse momenta and contributes to the largest uncertainty of the dipole model predictions.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Theoretical uncertainties in exclusive electroproduction S-wave heavy quarkonia

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    In this work, we revise the conventional description of J/Psi(1S), Y(1S), Psi'(2S) and Y'(2S) elastic photo- and electroproduction off a nucleon target within the color dipole picture and carefully study various sources of theoretical uncertainties in calculations of the corresponding electroproduction cross sections. For this purpose, we test the corresponding predictions using a bulk of available dipole cross section parametrisations obtained from deep inelastic scattering data at HERA. Specifically, we provide the detailed analysis of the energy and hard-scale dependencies of quarkonia yields employing the comprehensive treatment of the quarkonia wave functions in the Schroedinger equation based approach for a set of available c-\bar{c} and b-\bar{b} interquark interaction potentials. Besides, we quantify the effect of Melosh spin rotation, the Q^2-dependence of the diffractive slope and an uncertainty due to charm and bottom quark mass variations.Comment: 43 pages of Latex including 29 figure

    Multiple Scattering Theory for the Photoproduction of Vector Mesons off Nuclei

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    The integrated cross section for the incoherent photoproduction of vector mesons on nuclei γ∗A→VX\gamma^* A \to VX, X≠AX\not=A, is calculated within Glauber theory and as a function of the photon energy. The inverse of the longitudinal momentum transfer is called coherence length lcl_c and depends on the virtuality and the energy of the photon. Nuclear transmission factors strongly depend on lc/RAl_c/R_A (RAR_A is the nuclear radius) and this effect may interfere with the search for color transparency effects.Comment: 9 pages, 1 Postscript figur

    Drell-Yan phenomenology in the color dipole picture revisited

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    An extensive phenomenological study of the Drell-Yan (DY) process in pppp collisions at various energies is performed in the color dipole framework. Besides previously studied γ∗\gamma^* production we have also included the Z0Z^0 contribution relevant at large dilepton invariant masses. We investigate the DY cross section differential in invariant mass, rapidity and transverse momentum of the dilepton pair in pppp collisions at RHIC and LHC. We consider three different phenomenological models for the dipole cross section and found a reasonable agreement with the available data. As a further test of the color dipole formalism, we also study the correlation function in azimuthal angle between the dilepton pair and a forward pion Δϕ\Delta\phi for different energies, dilepton rapidites and invariant masses. The characteristic double-peak structure of the correlation function around Δϕ≃π\Delta \phi\simeq \pi found for very forward pions and low-mass dilepton pairs is sensitive to the saturation effects and can be tested by future DY measurements in pppp collisions.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures; typos corrected, references added, conclusions unchange

    Spin rotation effects in diffractive electroproduction of heavy quarkonia

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    In this work we present for the first time the comprehensive study of the Melosh spin rotation effects in diffractive electroproduction of S-wave heavy quarkonia off a nucleon target. Such a study has been performed within the color dipole approach using, as an example and a reference point, two popular parametrizations of the dipole cross section and two potentials describing the interaction between Q and bar{Q} and entering in the Schroedinger equation based formalism for determination of the quarkonia wave functions. We find a strong onset of spin rotation effects in 1S charmonium photoproduction which is obviously neglected in present calculations of corresponding cross sections. For photoproduction of radially excited Psi'(2S) these effects are even stronger leading to an increase of the photoproduction cross section by a factor of 2-3 depending on the photon energy. Even in production of radially excited Y'(2S) and Y"(3S) they can not be neglected and cause the 20-30% enhancement of the photoproduction cross section. Finally, we predict that the spin effects vanish gradually with photon virtuality Q^2 following universality properties in production of different heavy quarkonia as a function of Q^2 + M_V^2.Comment: 23 pages of Latex including 10 figures. The version for resubmission to European Physical Journal