13 research outputs found

    Zilch: A Framework for Deploying Transparent Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    As cloud computing becomes more popular, research has focused on usable solutions to the problem of verifiable computation (VC), where a computationally weak device (Verifier) outsources a program execution to a powerful server (Prover) and receives guarantees that the execution was performed faithfully. A Prover can further demonstrate knowledge of a secret input that causes the Verifier’s program to satisfy certain assertions, without ever revealing which input was used. State-of-the-art Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge (ZKPK) methods encode a computation using arithmetic circuits and preserve the privacy of Prover’s inputs while attesting the integrity of program execution. Nevertheless, developing, debugging and optimizing programs as circuits remains a daunting task, as most users are unfamiliar with this programming paradigm. In this work we present Zilch, a framework that accelerates and simplifies the deployment of VC and ZKPK for any application transparently, i.e., without the need of trusted setup. Zilch uses traditional instruction sequences rather than static arithmetic circuits that would need to be regenerated for each different computation. Towards that end we have implemented ZMIPS: a MIPS-like processor model that allows verifying each instruction independently and compose a proof for the execution of the target application. To foster usability, Zilch incorporates a novel cross-compiler from an object-oriented Java-like language tailored to ZKPK and optimized our ZMIPS model, as well as a powerful API that enables integration of ZKPK within existing C/C++ programs. In our experiments, we demonstrate the flexibility of Zilch using two real-life applications, and evaluate Prover and Verifier performance on a variety of benchmarks

    Masquerade: Verifiable Multi-Party Aggregation with Secure Multiplicative Commitments

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    In crowd-sourced data aggregation, participants share their data points with curators. However, the lack of privacy guarantees may discourage participation, which motivates the need for privacy-preserving aggregation protocols. Unfortunately, existing solutions do not support public auditing without revealing the participants\u27 data. In real-world applications, there is a need for public verifiability (i.e., verifying the protocol correctness) while preserving the privacy of the participants\u27 inputs since the participants do not always trust the data curator. Likewise, public distributed ledgers (e.g., blockchains) provide public auditing but may reveal sensitive information. We present Masquerade, a novel protocol for computing private statistics, such as sum, average, and histograms without revealing anything about participants\u27 data. We propose a tailored multiplicative commitment scheme to ensure the integrity of data aggregations and publish all the participants\u27 commitments on a ledger to provide public verifiability. We complement our methodology with two zero-knowledge proof protocols that detect potentially untrusted participants who attempt to poison the aggregation results. Thus, Masquerade ensures the validity of shared data points before being aggregated, enabling a broad range of numerical and categorical studies. In our experiments, we evaluate our protocol\u27s runtime and communication overhead using homomorphic ciphertexts and commitments for a variable number of participants

    TERMinator Suite: Benchmarking Privacy-Preserving Architectures

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    Security and privacy are fundamental objectives characterizing contemporary cloud computing. Despite the wide adoption of encryption for protecting data in transit and at rest, data in use remains unencrypted inside cloud processors and memories, as computation is not applicable on encrypted values. This limitation introduces security risks, as unencrypted values can be leaked through side-channels or hardware Trojans. To address this problem, encrypted architectures have recently been proposed, which leverage homomorphic encryption to natively process encrypted data using datapaths of thousands of bits. In this case, additional security protections are traded for higher performance penalties, which drives the need for more efficient architectures. In this work, we develop benchmarks specifically tailored to encrypted computers, to enable comparisons across different architectures. Our benchmark suite, dubbed TERMinator, is unique as it avoids \u27termination problems\u27 that prohibit making control-flow decisions and evaluating early termination conditions based on encrypted data, as these can leak information. Contrary to generic suites that ignore the fundamental challenges of encrypted computation, our algorithms are tailored to the security primitives of the target encrypted architecture, such as the existence of branching oracles. In our experiments, we compiled our benchmarks for the Cryptoleq architecture and evaluated their performance for a range of security parameters

    Privacy-Preserving IP Verification

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    The rapid growth of the globalized integrated circuit (IC) supply chain has drawn the attention of numerous malicious actors that try to exploit it for profit. One of the most prominent targets of such parties is the third-party intellectual property (3PIP) vendors and their circuit designs. With the increasing number of transactions between vendors and system integrators, the threat of IP reuse and piracy has become a significant consideration for the IC industry. What is more, the correctness of 3PIP designs should be verified before integration, imposing another challenge for 3PIP vendors since they have to prove the functionality of their designs to system integrators while protecting the privacy of the circuit implementations. To eliminate this deadlock, we utilize the cryptographic technique of \u27zero-knowledge proofs\u27 to enable 3PIP vendors to convince system integrators about various functional properties of a circuit (e.g., area, power, frequency) without disclosing its netlist (i.e., in zero-knowledge). Our approach comprises a circuit compiler that transforms arbitrary netlists into a zero knowledge-friendly format and a library of modules that provide cryptographic guarantees for various properties of the netlist while hiding the actual gates. We evaluate our method using combinational and sequential circuits from the ISCAS and ITC benchmark suites

    HELM: Navigating Homomorphic Encryption through Gates and Lookup Tables

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    As cloud computing continues to gain widespread adoption, safeguarding the confidentiality of data entrusted to third-party cloud service providers becomes a critical concern. While traditional encryption methods offer protection for data at rest and in transit, they fall short when it comes to where it matters the most, i.e., during data processing. To address this limitation, we present HELM, a framework for privacy-preserving data processing using homomorphic encryption. HELM automatically transforms arbitrary programs expressed in a Hardware Description Language (HDL), such as Verilog, into equivalent homomorphic circuits, which can then be efficiently evaluated using encrypted inputs. HELM features two modes of encrypted evaluation: a) a gate mode that consists of standard Boolean gates, and b) a lookup table mode which significantly reduces the size of the circuit by combining multiple gates into lookup tables. Finally, HELM introduces a scheduler that enables embarrassingly parallel processing in the encrypted domain. We evaluate HELM with the ISCAS\u2785 and ISCAS\u2789 benchmark suites as well as real-world applications such as AES and image filtering. Our results outperform prior works by up to 65×65\times

    SoK: New Insights into Fully Homomorphic Encryption Libraries via Standardized Benchmarks

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) enables arbitrary computation on encrypted data, allowing users to upload ciphertexts to cloud servers for computation while mitigating privacy risks. Many cryptographic schemes fall under the umbrella of FHE, and each scheme has several open-source implementations with its own strengths and weaknesses. Nevertheless, developers have no straightforward way to choose which FHE scheme and implementation is best suited for their application needs, especially considering that each scheme offers different security, performance, and usability guarantees. To allow programmers to effectively utilize the power of FHE, we employ a series of benchmarks called the Terminator 2 Benchmark Suite and present new insights gained from running these algorithms with a variety of FHE back-ends. Contrary to generic benchmarks that do not take into consideration the inherent challenges of encrypted computation, our methodology is tailored to the secure computational primitives of each target FHE implementation. To ensure fair comparisons, we developed a versatile compiler (called T2) that converts arbitrary benchmarks written in a domain-specific language into identical encrypted programs running on different popular FHE libraries as a backend. Our analysis exposes for the first time the advantages and disadvantages of each FHE library as well as the types of applications most suited for each computational domain (i.e., binary, integer, and floating-point)

    PLASMA: Private, Lightweight Aggregated Statistics against Malicious Adversaries with Full Security

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    The private heavy-hitters problem is a data-collection task where many clients possess private bit strings, and data-collection servers aim to identify the most popular strings without learning anything about the clients\u27 inputs. The recent work of Poplar constructed a protocol for private heavy hitters but their solution was susceptible to additive attacks by a malicious server, compromising both the correctness and the security of the protocol. In this paper, we introduce PLASMA, a private analytics framework that addresses these challenges by using three data-collection servers and a novel primitive, called verifiable incremental distributed point function (VIDPF). PLASMA allows each client to non-interactively send a message to the servers as its input and then go offline. Our new VIDPF primitive employs lightweight techniques based on efficient hashing and allows the servers to non-interactively validate client inputs and preemptively reject malformed ones. PLASMA drastically reduces the communication overhead incurred by the servers using our novel batched consistency checks. Specifically, our server-to-server communication depends only on the number of malicious clients, as opposed to the total number of clients, yielding a 182×182\times and 235×235\times improvement over Poplar and other state-of-the-art sorting-based protocols respectively. Compared to recent works, PLASMA enables both client input validation and succinct communication, while ensuring full security. At runtime, PLASMA computes the 1000 most popular strings among a set of 1 million client-held 32-bit strings in 67 seconds and 256-bit strings in less than 20 minutes respectively

    zk-Sherlock: Exposing Hardware Trojans in Zero-Knowledge

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    As integrated circuit (IC) design and manufacturing have become highly globalized, hardware security risks become more prominent as malicious parties can exploit multiple stages of the supply chain for profit. Two potential targets in this chain are third-party intellectual property (3PIP) vendors and their customers. Untrusted parties can insert hardware Trojans into 3PIP circuit designs that can both alter device functionalities when triggered or create a side channel to leak sensitive information such as cryptographic keys. To mitigate this risk, the absence of Trojans in 3PIP designs should be verified before integration, imposing a major challenge for vendors who have to argue their IPs are safe to use, while also maintaining the privacy of their designs before ownership is transferred. To achieve this goal, in this work we employ modern cryptographic protocols for zero-knowledge proofs and enable 3PIP vendors prove an IP design is free of Trojan triggers without disclosing the corresponding netlist. Our approach uses a specialized circuit compiler that transforms arbitrary netlists into a zero-knowledge-friendly format, and introduces a versatile Trojan detection module that maintains the privacy of the actual netlist. We evaluate the effectiveness of our methodology using selected benchmarks

    Optimizing Homomorphic Encryption Parameters for Arbitrary Applications

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    Homomorphic encryption is a powerful privacy-preserving technology that is notoriously difficult to configure, even for experts. In this article, we outline methodologies for determining optimal cryptographic parameters for any arbitrary application. We provide guidelines for both leveled and fully homomorphic encryption, and demonstrate the presented strategies with the BGV cryptosystem

    E3: A Framework for Compiling C++ Programs with Encrypted Operands

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    In this technical report we describe E3 (Encrypt-Everything-Everywhere), a framework which enables execution of standard C++ code with homomorphically encrypted variables. The framework automatically generates protected types so the programmer can remain oblivious to the underlying encryption scheme. C++ protected classes redefine operators according to the encryption scheme effectively making the introduction of a new API unnecessary. At its current version, E3 supports a variety of homomorphic encryption libraries, batching, mixing different encryption schemes in the same program, as well as the ability to combine modular computation and bit-level computation