2,448 research outputs found

    End It, Don't Mend It: What to Do with No Child Left Behind

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    The looming expiration of the federal No Child Left Behind Act has prompted a flood of commission reports, studies, and punditry. Virtually all of those analyses have assumed that the law should and will be reauthorized, disagreeing only over how it should be revised. They have accepted the law's premises without argument: that government-imposed standards and bureaucratic "accountability" are effective mechanisms for improving American education and that Congress should be involved in their implementation. In this paper, we put those preconceptions under a microscope and subject NCLB to a thorough review. We explore its effectiveness to date and ask whether its core principles are sound. We find that No Child Left Behind has been ineffective in achieving its intended goals, has had negative unintended consequences, is incompatible with policies that do work, is at the mercy of a political process that can only worsen its prospects, and is based on premises that are fundamentally flawed. We further conclude that NCLB oversteps the federal government's constitutional limits -- treading on a responsibility that, by law and tradition, is reserved to the states and the people. We therefore recommend that NCLB not be reauthorized and that the federal government return to its constitutional bounds by ending its involvement in elementary and secondary education

    The impact of an innovative human resource function on firm performance: the moderating role of financing strategy

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    The current study examined the impact of the human resource function and financing strategy on the financial performance of 104 UK manufacturing firms. Hypotheses are drawn from a resource-based perspective on human resource management and a financial theory perspective on capital structure. Results show that an innovative HR function is significantly related to economic performance. However, the relationship between an innovative HR function and economic performance was moderated by the firmÂżs financing strategy. Firms obtained higher returns from an innovative HR function when pursuing a low leveraging (debt) financing strategy, a finding consistent with modern finance theory notions that firmspecific strategic assets provide greatest value when financed primarily through equity as opposed to debt

    The Impact of an Innovative Human Resource Function on Firm Performance: the Moderating Role of Financing Strategy

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    The current study examined the impact of the human resource function and financing strategyon the financial performance of 104 UK manufacturing firms. Hypotheses are drawn from aresource-based perspective on human resource management and a financial theoryperspective on capital structure. Results show that an innovative HR function is significantlyrelated to economic performance. However, the relationship between an innovative HRfunction and economic performance was moderated by the firmÂżs financing strategy. Firmsobtained higher returns from an innovative HR function when pursuing a low leveraging(debt) financing strategy, a finding consistent with modern finance theory notions that firmspecificstrategic assets provide greatest value when financed primarily through equity asopposed to debt.human resource function, manufacturing, firm performance, asset characteristics

    Do Organisational Climate and Strategic Orientation Moderate the Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Productivity?

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    Contingency formulations of Human Resource Management (HRM) theory suggest thatthe effectiveness of HRM practices should vary across firms. This study examinedwhether the relationship between HRM practices and productivity in manufacturingcompanies is contingent upon organizational climate and strategic orientation.Information on HRM, organizational structure, and competitive strategy was collected byinterviewing senior managers, whilst organizational climate was assessed via employeesurveys. Although organizational climate and HRM practices were both positivelyassociated with subsequent productivity, the relationship between HRM practices andsubsequent productivity was stronger for firms with a poor climate.Human Resource Management, organisational structure, organisationalclimate, productivity

    A study of information & knowledge generated during engineering design meetings

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    During the design process, there is a wealth of information generated, and although it may not be obvious at the time, this information can be extremely useful at a later instance when it may be no longer available. Many information capture solutions utilise tools such as video and media capture, incorporating the idea that if you capture all information then you will not miss anything. However, this creates another problem. Not all the information captured will be useful, therefore how can you distinguish the information that is useful from information that is not? The challenge many organisations face is how to capture and store valuable informal information in a way that is both simple and efficient, whilst remaining unobtrusive to the designers involved and without inhibiting the design activities. Through the undertaking of a series of case studies and test scenarios, it is possible to observe, identify and evaluate the various degrees of information and knowledge being generated and passed amongst design engineering teams whilst performing design activities in meeting situations. Using multi-media recording equipment and observation techniques, insight can be gained into the decision making process design engineering teams encounter during the course of a design project, and thus it is possible to evaluate where improved techniques can be applied to enhance the recording of information for re-use

    The parliamentarisation of security in the UK and Australia

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    Probing Satellite Quenching With Galaxy Clustering

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    Satellites within simulated massive clusters are significantly spatially correlated with each other, even when those satellites are not gravitationally bound to each other. This correlation is produced by satellites that entered their hosts relatively recently, and is undetectable for satellites that have resided in their hosts for multiple dynamical timescales. Therefore, a measurement of clustering statistics of cluster satellites may be used to determine the typical accretion redshifts of those satellites into their observed hosts. We argue that such measurements may be used to determine the fraction of satellite galaxies that were quenched by their current hosts, thereby discriminating among models for quenching of star formation in satellite galaxies.Comment: 7 page

    Epigenetics of marine stickleback: gene expression across a latitudinal gradient

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    Epigenetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic plasticity can be an important factor in the survival of a fish species through a changing climate or in migrating to a new habitat. The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is found throughout the northern hemisphere and can adapt via genetic change in relatively few generations to new environments. Epigenetic mechanisms work faster than genetic change, and have the potential to be passed on to future generations, possibly leading to population-wide changes in gene expression and phenotypic variation. To study genes involved in epigenetic mechanisms in stickleback, populations were selected for sampling between Northern Germany and northern Norway. Eleven populations of stickleback were successfully sampled across this latitudinal gradient, and four evenly distributed populations were selected for gene expression analyses in this research. Collected samples were dissected for gonads and pectoral fin muscle (in addition to other organs) and brought to the Alfred Wegener Institute where RNA was extracted. After converting RNA into cDNA, a targeted qPCR approach was performed to test for expression levels of a number of epigenetic actors; DNMT1, DNMT3ab, TET1, TET3, MacroH2A, and Sirtuin2. DNMTs are involved in promoting methylation, TETs actively demethylate cytosine, and MacroH2A and Sirtuin2 are actively involved in cold acclimation. Results from the fieldwork sampling found that stickleback body size (measured as standard length) decreased as latitude increased, in opposition to Bergmann’s rule of species increasing in size toward the poles. Additionally, there was evidence for slight sexual dimorphism in which males were significantly smaller than females across all populations. Furthermore, gravid females were found to be significantly larger than non-gravid females. Results from the target gene qPCR testing found Sirtuin2 to be more expressed in female gonads of northern populations than in southern populations. This is in line with SirtuinÂŽs role in cold acclimation which would be more beneficial to northern than southern populations. Male gonads showed higher expression of DNMTs and TETs, possibly indicating greater plasticity of epigenetic actors capable of change. This thesis project is the first to study epigenetic differences in fish populations across a latitudinal gradient. Future research could benefit from increasing the sample size (number of individuals and populations) and/or investigating alternative organs that may also show differential gene expression of epigenetic actors. Overall, epigenetic mechanisms are likely to be differentially expressed depending on factors of organ, sex, population, and local environmental factors, all of which can potentially allow greater adaptive potential under climate change.O stickleback de trĂȘs espinhos Ă© um peixe teleĂłsteo encontrado circunglobalmente e Ă© uma espĂ©cie modelo em ecologia evolutiva, pois Ă© conhecido por se adaptar em poucas geraçÔes em relação a outras espĂ©cies de peixes. Um dos mecanismos usados para se adaptar a ambientes em mudança Ă© atravĂ©s da plasticidade fenotĂ­pica por mecanismos epigenĂ©ticos. A adição de um grupo metilo Ă  citosina Ă© conhecida como metilação do ADN, e tem o potencial de causar mudanças rĂĄpidas em resposta a estĂ­mulos ambientais, tais como mudanças na temperatura ou salinidade. A metilação pode ser transmitida aos descendentes, dando a este mecanismo o potencial para produzir mudanças em toda a população de geraçÔes sucessivas. A metilação pode ser criada por metiltransferases de DNA como DNMT1 e DNMT3ab, e removida por proteĂ­nas de translocação Ten-eleven como TET1 e TET3. A aclimatação a frio Ă© a capacidade de um organismo de se adaptar a baixas temperaturas, uma caracterĂ­stica particularmente Ăștil na sobrevivĂȘncia em altas latitudes, caracterizadas por temperaturas de ĂĄgua mais baixas. Os genes potencialmente envolvidos na aclimatação a frio incluem MacroH2A e Sirtuin2 que, alĂ©m desta função, desempenham outras como a modificação da histona e o metabolismo regulador. A aclimatação tĂ©rmica e a capacidade de um organismo de regular a temperatura Ă© interessante porque cenĂĄrios futuros de mudança climĂĄtica prevĂȘem aquecimento, e a capacidade de um organismo para se adaptar a esta mudança pode determinar a sobrevivĂȘncia de uma população. Para estudar o papel potencial dos mecanismos epigenĂ©ticos na adaptação local das populaçÔes de trĂȘs espinhos de stickleback, foi realizado um trabalho de campo para recolher amostras de tecido de stickleback em 11 locais diferentes ao longo das costas do Mar do Norte e da Noruega. A primeira metade do trabalho de campo foi um "loop sul" que ocorreu entre 6 e 28 de Maio de 2019, partindo e regressando ao Instituto Alfred Wegener em List auf Sylt, Alemanha. A rota seguida foi, sucessivamente: de List auf Sylt, Alemanha para Marianger, Dinamarca; Oslofjord, Haugesund, Bergen, Ålesund, Trondheim, Noruega; e finalmente de volta para List auf Sylt, Alemanha. O Stickleback foi capturado com sucesso por rede de cerco em Oslofjord, Haugesund, Bergen e Trondheim na Noruega, por armadilhas do tipo covo em Mariangerfjord, Dinamarca, e por puça em List auf Sylt, Alemanha. A segunda metade do trabalho de campo foi o "loop norte" que ocorreu entre 3 e 20 de junho de 2019, saindo e retornando da Universidade Nord em BodĂž, Noruega. A rota geral seguida foi: de BodĂž para VesterĂ„len, TromsĂž, Alta, Mo i Rana (NO), e de volta para BodĂž. O Stickleback foi capturado com sucesso por armadilhas do tipo covo em BodĂž e VesterĂ„len, e por puça em Alta e Mo i Rana. Por Ășltimo, foi feita uma curta viagem atĂ© Limfjord, Dinamarca, para amostragem de uma população de stickleback com rede de cerco. Finalmente, 305 indivĂ­duos foram capturados, em 11 populaçÔes separadas, com cerca de 30 indivĂ­duos capturados em cada local. O stickleback mostrou ser abundante no AtlĂąntico nordeste e apenas dois dos locais, Ålesund e TromsĂž, nĂŁo computaram stickleback. Os resultados da amostragem de stickleback apresentaram uma tendĂȘncia de diminuição do comprimento padrĂŁo com o aumento da latitude. Esta situação Ă© contrĂĄria Ă  regra de Bergmann, que afirma que os organismos aumentam de tamanho em altas latitudes. A tendĂȘncia encontrada pode ser devido a uma variedade de fatores, como regimes tĂ©rmicos, luz solar, disponibilidade de nutrientes e complexidade do ecossistema. O comprimento do dorso do stickleback diferiu por sexo e mostrou dimorfismo sexual, com os machos sendo consistentemente mais curtos que as fĂȘmeas. AlĂ©m disso, as fĂȘmeas portadoras de ovos eram maiores do que as fĂȘmeas sem ninhadas desenvolvidas. O comprimento padrĂŁo do stickleback de trĂȘs espinhos foi medido, fotografado e foram dissecados gĂŽnadas, mĂșsculo peitoral, pele, cĂ©rebro e brĂąnquias. O dorso do stickleback foi classificado por gĂȘnero somente apĂłs a identificação visual de suas gĂŽnadas. O stickleback feminino foi designado "gravid female" se seus ovĂĄrios contivessem Ăłvulos totalmente desenvolvidos e esses Ăłvulos fossem segurados frouxamente ou livremente suspensos na cavidade corporal. Todas as dissecaçÔes seguiram o procedimento idĂȘntico de eutanĂĄsia por corte preciso da medula espinhal, e amostras de ĂłrgĂŁos foram colocadas em tubos Eppendorf contendo RNAlater, rotulados, armazenados em uma criobox, e levados de volta ao Alfred Wegener Institute. No laboratĂłrio, as amostras de gĂŽnadas e tecido muscular peitoral tiveram o seu RNA extraĂ­do utilizando um kit de ADN/RNA da QiagenÂź AllPrepℱ e as extraçÔes foram normalizadas para conter pelo menos 10 nanogramas por microlitro de RNA. Onze populaçÔes tiveram amostras de tecido recuperadas, mas apenas quatro locais foram selecionados para serem usados na anĂĄlise de expressĂŁo gĂȘnica para este estudo. Sylt (DE), Bergen, Mo i Rana, e Alta, (NO) foram selecionados porque representavam o comprimento total do gradiente latitudinal desde o Mar do Norte atĂ© o extremo norte do Oceano AtlĂąntico. Isso foi feito para aumentar a probabilidade de detecção de diferenças de expressĂŁo gĂȘnica usando populaçÔes o mais afastadas possĂ­vel


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    This thesis describes the research of Herst et al. (2001) who examined the coordination of head and eye movements while participants searched for targets under natural conditions in which the head was free to move. This investigation was done because, while the technical difficulties in measuring these patterns of head-eye coordination in humans have been overcome, the results obtained over the last 35 years have yet to show what the typical pattern of head-eye coordination looks like. Herst et al. (2001) described the `natural' temporal coordination of head and eye of four participants who tapped a sequence of targets arranged in 3D on a worktable in front of them. The results were not expected based on prior studies of head-eye coordination performed under less natural conditions. This thesis reinterprets the original (2001) findings and draws new conclusions in the light of new research on head-eye coordination conducted since then
