4 research outputs found

    APOPTOSIS: MUERTE CELULAR PROGRAMADA. ASPECTOS ENERALES Y SU RELACI脫N CON LAS ENFERMEDADES CARDIOVASCULARES / Apoptosis: programmed cellular death. General aspects and its relation with cardiovascular diseases.

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    The apoptosis is a very important and definitive form of cellular death, and has a close relation with cardiovascular diseases. A review of this topic is made in this work taking into account not only the antecedents of this process but also the general aspects involved in it. One of the main challenges for cardiovascular medicine in the next decades is to prevent the development of cardiacinsufficiency. To achieve this goal it will be necessary to increase the knowledge on the mechanisms which signal the beginning and evolution of the functional deterioration of the myocardium. The overcoming of these difficulties could turn the apoptosis into a paradigmatic example of the cellular-molecular approach which nowadays is a must for the understanding of the heart and blood vessels diseases


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    The apoptosis is a very important and definitive form of cellular death, and has a close relation with cardiovascular diseases. A review of this topic is made in this work taking into account not only the antecedents of this process but also the general aspects involved in it. One of the main challenges for cardiovascular medicine in the next decades is to prevent the development of cardiac insufficiency. To achieve this goal it will be necessary to increase the knowledge on the mechanisms which signal the beginning and evolution of the functional deterioration of the myocardium. The overcoming of these difficulties could turn the apoptosis into a paradigmatic example of the cellular-molecular approach which nowadays is a must for the understanding of the heart and blood vessels diseases.La apoptosis es una forma importante y definitiva de muerte celular, y tiene estrecha relaci贸n con las enfermedades cardiovasculares. En este trabajo hacemos una revisi贸n del tema teniendo en cuenta no solo los antecedentes de este proceso, sino tambi茅n de cuestiones generales que en 茅l se desarrollan. Uno de los retos principales de la medicina cardiovascular para las pr贸ximas d茅cadas es prevenir el desarrollo de insuficiencia card铆aca, para ello ser谩 preciso incrementar nuestros conocimientos sobre los mecanismos que advierten del inicio y la evoluci贸n del deterioro funcional del miocardio. La superaci贸n de estas dificultades puede hacer de la apoptosis un ejemplo paradigm谩tico del enfoque celular-molecular que hoy en d铆a se impone para la comprensi贸n de las enfermedades del coraz贸n y de los vasos sangu铆neos

    Efectividad de las alternativas terap茅uticas para la soluci贸n quir煤rgica de las mediastinitis despu茅s de una cirug铆a card铆aca

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    Introduction: The longitudinal median sternotomy is a widely employed incision in cardiovascular surgery. The infections of the surgical wound are a serious health problem, but in this type of surgery, the deep infection, the postoperative mediastinitis, has high morbidity and mortality and it is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Initially, surgical treatment protocols were open, but their evolution has stimulated the appearance of closed methods.Objective: To assess the effectiveness of therapeutic alternatives for the surgical solution of mediastinitis after a cardiac surgery.Method: A cross-sectional assessment study of health technology was conducted under application, with the information between the years 2000 and 2016, with its prior determination of indicators and its cutoffs. Results: An incidence of 1.54% of postoperative mediastinitis was found. Being 40.9% of patients treated with open methods and 59.1% with closed, by the use of irrigation to the mediastinum with dilute povidone iodine. The application of the open method had an effectiveness of 57.1%, evaluated by seven predetermined indicators, and the closed method presented a complete effect (100%), after the evaluation of nine indicators. Conclusions: The postoperative mediastinitis has a similar incidence of that in other centers. It has been treated with open and closed methods. The closed technique was more utilized and it achieved excellent therapeutic effectiveness, superior to the open one.Introducci贸n: La esternotom铆a mediana longitudinal es una incisi贸n ampliamente empleada en la cirug铆a cardiovascular. Las infecciones de la herida quir煤rgica constituyen un serio problema de salud; pero en este tipo de cirug铆a, la infecci贸n profunda, la mediastinitis posoperatoria, presenta elevadas morbilidad y mortali-dad, y constituye un desaf铆o diagn贸stico y terap茅utico. Inicialmente los protocolos de tratamiento quir煤rgico eran abiertos, pero su evoluci贸n ha estimulado que apa-rezcan los m茅todos cerrados.Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de las alternativas terap茅uticas para la soluci贸n quir煤rgica de las mediastinitis despu茅s de una cirug铆a card铆aca.M茅todo: Se realiz贸 un estudio de evaluaci贸n de tecnolog铆a sanitaria en fase de aplicaci贸n, de corte transversal, con la informaci贸n contenida entre los a帽os 2000 y 2016, con la previa determinaci贸n de los indicadores para ello y sus puntos de corte.Resultados: La incidencia de mediastinitis posoperatoria fue de 1,54%. El 59,1% de los pacientes fue tratado con m茅todos cerrados, mediante el empleo de irrigaci贸n al mediastino con yodo povidona diluida. La aplicaci贸n del m茅todo abierto tuvo una efectividad de 57,1%, evaluada mediante 7 indicadores previamente determi-nados, y el m茅todo cerrado present贸 una efectividad total (100%), tras la evalua-ci贸n de 9 indicadores.Conclusiones: La mediastinitis posoperatoria tiene una incidencia similar a otros centros, y ha sido tratada con m茅todos abiertos y cerrados. La t茅cnica cerrada fue la m谩s utilizada y alcanz贸 una excelente efectividad terap茅utica, superior a la abierta

    Plastia esternal con dermis y m煤sculo pectoral por p茅rdida total del estern贸n debido a osteomielitis

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    Mediastinitis is a rare complication in our days, but when occurs it presents high mortality, especially in cardiovascular surgery services. When early treated, the cases with little involvement of the bony structures surrounding the mediastinum have a better outcome and the integrity of the chest wall is usually kept. When the bone, especially the sternum, is affected and sometimes completely destroyed by the infection (osteomyelitis), the difficulty for attaining a solid closing of the anterior mediastinum arises. In this circumstance, the cardiovascular surgeon needs to use, in many cases, concepts and techniques of reconstructive surgery to solve the complex situation created. In the case presented, superficial skin structures and the pectoral muscle are used for reconstruction of the chest wall after mediastinitis with osteomyelitis and total loss of sternal bone tissue.La mediastinitis es una complicaci贸n rara en nuestros d铆as, pero cuando se presenta se comporta con elevadas cifras de mortalidad, sobre todo en servicios de cirug铆a cardiovascular. Los casos con escasa afectaci贸n de las estructuras 贸seas que rodean el mediastino evolucionan mejor cuando son abordados precozmente, y generalmente se logra mantener la integridad de la pared tor谩cica. Cuando el hueso, en especial el estern贸n, es afectado y en ocasiones totalmente destruido por la infecci贸n (osteomielitis), surge la dificultad para logar un cierre s贸lido de la regi贸n anterior del mediastino. En esta circunstancia, el cirujano cardiovascular necesita emplear, en muchas ocasiones, conceptos y t茅cnicas de cirug铆a reconstructiva para solucionar la compleja situaci贸n creada. En el caso que se presenta se emplean estructuras d茅rmicas superficiales y el m煤sculo pectoral para la reconstrucci贸n de la pared tor谩cica, posterior a una mediastinitis con osteomielitis y p茅rdida total del estern贸n