14 research outputs found

    Prédiction de l'évolution de la scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescent à l'aide des paramètres tridimensionnels du rachis

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    La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent est une déformation 3D du rachis. La littérature comporte une multitude d’études sur la prédiction de l’évolution et l’identification de facteurs de risque de progression. Pour l’instant les facteurs de risque établis sont l’amplitude de la déformation, la maturité squelettique et le type de courbure. Plusieurs autres champs ont été explorés comme les aspects génétiques, biochimiques, mécaniques, posturaux et topographiques, sans vraiment apporter beaucoup de précision à la prédiction de l’évolution. L’avancement de la technologie permet maintenant de générer des reconstructions 3D du rachis à l’aide des radiographies standard et d’obtenir des mesures de paramètres 3D. L’intégration de ces paramètres 3D dans un modèle prédictif représente une avenue encore inexplorée qui est tout à fait logique dans le contexte de cette déformation 3D du rachis. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de développer un modèle de prédiction de l’angle de Cobb à maturité squelettique à partir de l’information disponible au moment de la première visite, soit l’angle de Cobb initial, le type de courbure, l’âge osseux et des paramètres 3D du rachis. Dans une première étude, un indice d’âge osseux a été développé basé sur l’ossification de l’apophyse iliaque et sur le statut du cartilage triradié. Cet indice comporte 3 stades et le second stade, qui est défini par un cartilage triradié fermé avec maximum 1/3 d’ossification de l’apophyse iliaque, représente le moment pendant lequel la progression de la scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent est la plus rapide. Une seconde étude rétrospective a permis de mettre en évidence le potentiel des paramètres 3D pour améliorer la prédiction de l’évolution. Il a été démontré qu’à la première visite il existe des différences pour 5 paramètres 3D du rachis entre un groupe de patients qui sera éventuellement opéré et un groupe qui ne progressera pas. Ces paramètres sont : la moyenne da la cunéiformisation 3D des disques apicaux, la rotation intervertébrale à la jonction inférieure de la courbure, la torsion, le ratio hauteur/largeur du corps vertébral de T6 et de la colonne complète. Les deux dernières études sont basées sur une cohorte prospective de 133 patients avec une scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent suivi dès leur première visite à l’hôpital jusqu’à maturité squelettique. Une première étude a permis de mettre en évidence les différences morphologiques à la première visite entre les patients ayant progresser de plus ou moins de 6°. Des différences ont été mise en évidence pour la cyphose, l’angle de plan de déformation maximal, la rotation ntervertébrale l’apex, la torsion et plusieurs paramètres de «slenderness». Ensuite une seconde étude a permis de développer un modèle prédictif basé sur un modèle linéaire général en incluant l’indice d’âge osseux développé dans la première étude, le type de courbure, l’amplitude de l’angle de Cobb à la première visite, l’angle de déformation du plan maximale, la cunéiformisation 3D des disques T3-T4, T8-­T9, T11-­T12 et la somme des cunéiformisation 3D de tous les disques thoraciques et lombaires. Le coefficient de détermination multiple pour cette modélisation est de 0.715. Le modèle prédictif développé renforce l’importance de considérer la scoliose idiopathique dans les trois dimensions et il permettra d’optimiser la prédiction de l’évolution au moment de la première visite.Prediction of curve progression remains a challenge for the clinicians at the first visit for a patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Prediction of progression is based on curve type, curve magnitude and skeletal or chronological age. The failure to accurately predict the risk of progression can lead to inadequate treatment, as well as unnecessary medical visits and radiographs. Three-­dimensional evaluation is currently more popular in the scoliosis research community either for classification or treatment planning. The global objective of this thesis was to develop a predictive model of the final Cobb angle in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis based on 3D spine parameters and on skeletal age, curve type and curve magnitude. The first study was to develop a skeletal maturity system based on ossification of iliac apophysis and triradiate cartilage status, two details available on routine radiographs. A 3 stages system was develop with the second stage being associated to the rapid acceleration phase of the deformation. The second stage corresponds to a closed triradiate cartilage and a maximum of 1/3 of the iliac apophysis ossification. The second study was a retrospective case control study. It showed the potential for 3D parameters to help predict the evolution. 3D spinal parameters at first visit of a group of patient eventually treated with surgery and a group who had no progression revealed statistical differences for: mean 3D wedging of the apical disks, lower junctional vertebral axial rotation, torsion and T6 and whole spine height/width ratio were all significantly affected. The last study was a prospective cohort study based on an adolescent idiopathic scoliosis group followed from first visit to skeletal maturity. A general linear model was developed based on 3D spinal parameters and on curve type, Cobb angle at first visit and with the 3 stages skeletal maturity system developed in the first study. The predictive model obtained has a determination coefficient of 0,715. Included 3D parameters predictors were: the angle of the plane of maximal curvature, the 3D wedging of T3-­T4, T8-­T9 and T11-­T12 disks, and the sum of 3D wedging of all thoracic and lumbar disks. The predictive model developed reinforced the importance of considering adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a three-­‐dimensional point of view. This model will also optimise the prediction of evolution at first visit

    Étude de modélisation de stratégies opératoires d'instrumentation du rachis scoliotique à l'aide de la logique floue

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Cavus foot in soccer players : increased prevalence in experienced players and risk factor for injury

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    Background: Foot type, especially cavus foot, is associated with foot and ankle soccer injuries, such as ankle sprains, ankle instability, and foot and ankle lateral injuries. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for foot and ankle injuries among soccer players. Methods: Male and female soccer players, from beginners to semiprofessionals, aged between 10 and 40 years were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Players filled in questionnaires about their training and injury history. Clinical measurements included foot length, Foot Posture Index-6, and arch height flexibility. Each variable was dichotomized: age (<18 years versus $18 years), level of play (AA and below versus AAA and above), foot type (cavus or not), and injury. Injury occurrence was analyzed using x2 tests between each group of variables, and significance was set at P < .05. Results: A total of 277 players, including 81 females, volunteered; 147 were younger than 18 years and 180 were AA level or below. Cavus foot prevalence was 30%. In the cavus foot group, 51.8% of players had reached at least an AAA level compared with 27.8% in the normal-arched group (P < .001 [x2 ]). Injuries were associated with a cavus foot type (P < .01 [x2 ]) and with sex, age, or highest level played (P < .001 [x2 ]). Conclusions: This study identified a high prevalence of cavus foot among soccer players of all ages, with an increased prevalence among higher-level players. The injury risk factors were female sex, older age, playing at a higher level, and cavus feet. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 113(6), 2023

    Plantar pressure analysis : identifying risk of foot and ankle injury in soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether risk factors for foot or ankle injuries could be identified using quantitative foot measurements. Male and female soccer players of all levels from 9 to 40 years old were included in this cross-sectional study. Soccer history, foot and ankle function and injury history were investigated. Foot symmetry, length and arch height flexibility and plantar pressure captured with a mat were measured. All variables showing a significant correlation (P ≤ .05) and the presence of at least one foot or ankle injury were integrated into a multivariate logistic regression model using forward stepwise selection. We recruited 277 players (196 males), and 79 participants had sustained at least one foot or ankle soccer-related injury. The significant variables were as follows: age, gender, pressure on the lateral heel and on the fourth and fifth metatarsals. Based on the model, the area under the ROC curve was 81.2%. To achieve a specificity of 80%, the corresponding sensitivity was 72.2%. Plantar pressure measurements can objectively assess foot alignment. Increased pressure on the lateral heel and fourth and fifth metatarsal cavovarus foot type represent a risk factor for foot and ankle injuries in soccer. Level of evidence: IV

    3D morphology prediction of progressive spinal deformities from probabilistic modeling of discriminant manifolds

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    We introduce a novel approach for predicting the progression of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis from 3D spine models reconstructed from biplanar X-ray images. Recent progress in machine learning have allowed to improve classification and prognosis rates, but lack a probabilistic framework to measure uncertainty in the data. We propose a discriminative probabilistic manifold embedding where locally linear mappings transform data points from high-dimensional space to corresponding low-dimensional coordinates. A discriminant adjacency matrix is constructed to maximize the separation between progressive and non-progressive groups of patients diagnosed with scoliosis, while minimizing the distance in latent variables belonging to the same class. To predict the evolution of deformation, a baseline reconstruction is projected onto the manifold, from which a spatiotemporal regression model is built from parallel transport curves inferred from neighboring exemplars. Rate of progression is modulated from the spine flexibility and curve magnitude of the 3D spine deformation. The method was tested on 745 reconstructions from 133 subjects using longitudinal 3D reconstructions of the spine, with results demonstrating the discriminatory framework can identify between progressive and non-progressive of scoliotic patients with a classification rate of 81% and prediction differences of 2.1o^{o} in main curve angulation, outperforming other manifold learning methods. Our method achieved a higher prediction accuracy and improved the modeling of spatiotemporal morphological changes in highly deformed spines compared to other learning methods

    Can a Knee Brace Prevent ACL Reinjury: A Systematic Review

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    This systematic review aimed to investigate whether the use of a knee brace when returning to sport (RTS) could prevent a second injury after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). This study was registered with the PROSPERO database and followed PRISMA guidelines. A systematic search of PubMed, Ovid Medline, Ovid All EBM Reviews, Ovid Embase, EBSCO Sportdiscus and ISI Web of Science databases for meta-analysis, randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies published before July 2020 was undertaken. The inclusion criteria were: (1) Comparing with and without a brace at RTS, (2) follow up of at least 18 months after ACLR, (3) reinjury rates included in the outcomes. Two reviewers independently extracted the data. Quality appraisal analyses were performed for each study using the Cochrane Collaboration tools for randomized and nonrandomized trials. A total of 1196 patients in three studies were included. One study showed a lower rate of reinjury when wearing a knee brace at RTS. One study found the knee brace to have a significant protective effect for younger patients (≤17 years). The effectiveness of knee bracing when RTS remains ambiguous. Current data cannot support that using a knee brace when RTS will decrease the rate of reinjury after ACL reconstruction