635 research outputs found

    The Yokes of Gender and Class: The Policy Reforms and Implications for Equitable Access to Education in Kenya

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    Kenya, a former British colony, attained its political independence in 1963. Despite its political independence, Kenya inherited a colonial education system that was based on segregation and exclusion because of race, culture, class, and gender. This is a qualitative analysis examining the education system in Kenya. In the analysis, we explore gender and class barriers that may inhibit education for women in Kenya. We review existing secondary literature on policy documents; reflect on our experiences and observations; and also reflect on interviews with Njeri and Nyokavi, who live in the 21st century ‘post-colonial’ Kenya. As Kenyan women from subsistence-farming backgrounds, we, the authors, seemed destined to remain at the very bottom of the hierarchical education structure established during the colonial period. We explore the impact of contemporary, globally and locally mandated education policy reforms and emerging social service provision partnerships. These are often packaged as policy reforms and viable strategies of a just, equitable, and fair distribution of opportunities for all, meant to correct the colonial disparities. Our arguments are informed by the system's discursive framework (Wane 2000b) and the anti-colonial discursive framework (Amadiume 1989, 1997; Dei 1999, 2000; Oyewumi 1997; Wane 2002). The analysis authenticates that, since independence, Kenya has realized tremendous educational growth at all levels. However, such educational reforms have resulted in the exclusion of many children who are from low socio-economic groups, in essence replacing the racial segregation of the colonial system with cultural and class-based inequities of the post-colonial society.

    Revisiting Revitalization: How Municipalities Can Positively Impact Gentrification

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    Gentrification of neighbourhoods is a consequence of revitalization projects and is aided by municipal practices and policies. This paper asks what the municipality can do within its legislative power to minimize the harsh impacts of gentrification such as displacement, lack of affordable housing, and the silencing of voices of marginalized people in community development or urban planning. This paper comes during an opportune time as cities across Canada continue to grow in population, are aging and grapple with their role in dealing with social issues. This paper discusses the nuanced relationship between sustainability of healthy communities and management of growth, while particularly focusing on the ignored voices of marginalized people in these processes. Using an in-depth literature review and focusing on examples from the City of Toronto, this paper proposes a solution which would mitigate the negative effects of gentrification. Municipalities in Ontario have tools at their disposal to provide a voice to marginalized communities in revitalization projects, yet they tend to favour the interests of developers and condo dwellers. This paper asserts that proper community consultation and the use of community land trusts can minimize the harm caused by gentrification in a manner where the interests of all parties involved in revitalization can be properly balanced

    Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients with ST- elevation myocardial infarction: one year follow-up study

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    Background: The aim of this study was evaluation of nocturnal dipping of blood pressure in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients and determining the effect of dipping on outcomes at 12 months follow-up.Methods: This was an observational, single-centre, retrospective study that included STEMI patients, performed in a tertiary care hospital in India from November 2016 to October 2017. The primary endpoint of the study was the assessment of outcomes at 12 months.  The patients were divided into two groups on the basis of blood pressure dipping, i.e., patients with positive dipping were considered in group 1 and patients with negative dipping were considered in group 2.Results: Total 43 patients were included in the study. Group 1 consisted of 27 patients and Group 2 consisted of 16 patients. Mean 24 hr systolic blood pressure (SBP) and asleep SBP in Group 1 patients was 128.15±18.05 mmHg and 122.67±18.94 mmHg, respectively. Mean 24 hr diastolic (DBP) and asleep DBP in Group 1 patients was 78.07±10.73 mmHg and 73.41±12.35 mmHg, respectively. In the patients with non-dipping, mean 24 hr SBP and asleep SBP was 130.56±27.32 mmHg and 135.13±29.58 mmHg, respectively. Mean 24 hr DBP and asleep DBP was 76.00±15.40 mmHg and 79.69±17.05 mmHg, respectively. The mean percentage of asleep dipping of SBP was 5.7±6.7% in Group 1 and -4.6±6.82% in Group 2. Similarly, the mean percentage of asleep dipping of DBP was 7.6±9.0% in Group 1 and -6.3±9.1% in Group 2.Conclusions: In view of the results, it can be concluded that ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients with STEMI can provide a significant prognostication of the future events

    African Canadian Women and the Question of Identity

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    Canada is a nation that embraces diversity and multiculturalism as its corner stone for building the sense of belonging for all her citizens. Many Black Canadian women, however, feel excluded and not part of the Canadian mosaic. This paper shows the complexities associated with understandings and interpretations of identity and discusses Black women's question of identity as situated in Black Canadian feminist theory. Résumé Le Canada est une nation qui encourage la diversité et le multiculturalisme comme sa pierre de coin pour bâtir un sentiment d’appartenance pour tous ses citoyens. Un bon nombre de femmes noires canadiennes, par contre, se sentent exclues et de ne pas faire partie de la mosaïque canadienne. Cet article montre les complexités associées avec la compréhension et les interprétations de l’identité et discute de la question de l’identité des femmes noires telle que située dans la théorie féministe de la femme noire canadienne

    Broadening Girls' Horizons: Effects of Life Skills Education Programme in Rural Uttar Pradesh

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    This report is the result of a collaborative project undertaken by Prerana and the Population Council to implement a life skills education programme for unmarried adolescent girls in rural Uttar Pradesh and to evaluate its effectiveness. The intervention programme aimed to empower unmarried adolescent girls aged 13-17 years and address their vulnerabilities by building their agency; fostering egalitarian gender role attitudes; building awareness about sexual and reproductive health matters; developing vocational skills and future work aspirations; and influencing perceptions about marriage and their ability to negotiate marriage-related decisions, delaying marriage and first pregnancy

    Bioconjugation of Green Fluorescent Protein via an Unexpectedly Stable Cyclic Sulfonium Intermediate

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    Bioconjugation of superfolder GFP involving the formation of an unusually stable, and unprecedented, cyclic sulfonium species is described. This sulfonium can undergo smooth reaction with a range of nucleophiles to give sulfur-, selenium- and azide-modified GFP derivatives in high conversions

    A feminização do MPSC: influências do gênero na carreira das primeiras promotoras de justiça de Santa Catarina. 1972-1983

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    TCC (graduação)- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, História.Graças a uma crescente participação das mulheres na esfera pública nas últimas décadas, as relações sociais de gênero têm se modificado, contudo, foi necessário para isso que muitas dessas mulheres lutassem para se impor enquanto autoridades. No âmbito do Ministério Público de Santa Catarina1 isso não foi diferente, a suposta “invasão” de mulheres na promotoria do Estado fez com que muitas transformações acontecessem dentro da esfera do Ministério Público, entre elas está a dissipação de novos valores que vieram questionar a concepção conservadora de Sujeito Moderno/Sujeito do Direito, bem como a quebra de paradigmas que ligam a figura do homem diretamente à justiça e à racionalidade e a figura da mulher à irracionalidade e à subjetividade. Pretendo através desta pesquisa, analisar a inserção das mulheres na carreira de promotoras a partir das memórias que as mesmas têm da trajetória de suas carreiras e de sua prática profissional, a fim de observar quais as dificuldades e facilidades que as mesmas tiveram devido a questões ligadas ao gênero, assim como mostrar as contribuições que estas trouxeram para o MPSC após a sua inserção. O grupo que compõe esta análise são as nove Promotoras mais antigas do Estado, as quais ingressaram na instituição entre os anos de 1972 e 1983