15 research outputs found

    8th International Conference ā€œPorts and Waterwaysā€œ ā€“ POWA 2013

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    Modern tendencies of transport market globalization and traffic subsystems integration have been greatly changing the functioning methods of the social and economic life and have initiated the adaptation to new processes. Consequently, the study of port system competitiveness is imposed as the condition of successful functioning stipulating the study of implementing new technologies and establishing high safety standards. The port system competitiveness is a characteristic which is the objective of every port system since it directly reflects its status and behaviour on the maritime transport market recognizing the commercial and industrial function of a port and meeting the requirements set by the clients.Suvremene tendencije globalizacije prometnog tržiÅ”ta i integracije prometnih podsustava uvelike mijenjaju načine funkcioniranja socijalno-ekonomskog života i iniciraju prilagodbu novim procesima. U tom svjetlu istraživanje konkurentnosti lučkog sustava nameće se kao uvjet uspjeÅ”nog funkcioniranja uvjetujući istraživanje primjene novih tehnologija i uspostave visokih sigurnosnih standarda. Konkurentnost lučkih sustava je obilježje kojemu teži svaki lučki sustav budući da izravno odražava njegov status i ponaÅ”anje na tržiÅ”tu pomorskog prometa uvažavajući trgovačku i industrijsku funkciju luke i zadovoljavanje zahtjeva postavljenih od strane klijenata


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    Proces globalizacije tržiÅ”ta je znatno povećao potražnju za morskim prijevozom inputa i outputa, i pojačao je konkurenciju za obavljanje tih usluga. Zbog toga razvoj pojedinih luka ovisi o njihovoj konkurentnosti, a to znači o kvaliteti usluga koje one pružaju. Potrebno je racionalno upravljati kvalitetom usluga u skladu s razinom na kojoj je definirana konkurentnost: konkurentnost unutar luke, konkurentnost između luka, konkurentnost između luka istoga gravitacijskog područja i konkurentnost između luka s obzirom na tržiÅ”te koje poslužuju. Kvaliteta lučkih usluga, zadovoljstvo korisnika i konkurentnost luke ovise o sljedećim skupinama čimbenika: transportna politika i regulacija, ekonomski uvjeti, obrazovanje, tehnologija, sigurnost, energija i okoliÅ”. Kvaliteta lučke usluge i konkurentnost luke imaju ključnu ulogu u procesu razvoja luke bez obzira na osobine luke

    A proposal for the models and measures of search and rescue on inland waterways

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    Search and rescue on inland waterways are considered to be insufficiently developed. The methods of search and rescue have been developed only for sea waterways. Despite the possibilities of comparison, the specific characteristics of inland waterways are the reason why it is seriously considered to develop proposals for search and rescue models on inland waterways. The authors of this paper suggest a search and rescue model for rivers, lakes and channels regarding configuration and the current safety conditions on inland waterways. The model allows a successful quest for reduced search time. In addition, the model predicts the performance of the search. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Seaport positioning supported by the combination of some quantitative and qualitative approaches

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    The portsā€™ management is facing the challenge of sustainable port development, considering several aspects: economic, technological, logistical, environmental, and community involvement. Although the numerous scientific concepts have been developed for explaining the trends of portsā€™ involvement into the logistics chains, this research work presents an attempt to draw the attention to the marketing aspect of the port mission, being focused primarily on the customersā€™ needs, whose preferences are the key factor in selecting specific port in competitive environment. Therefore, the Adriatic, Aegean, and Black Sea ports, sharing the unique marketing features and target market, have been analyzed with the aim to be mutually positioned. The considered ports have similar goals: to achieve the greater degree of competitiveness as well as to acquire the larger number of customers being attracted on the basis of superior port choice criteria. These circumstances have been explored through some distinctive quantitative and qualitative criteria by employing the appropriate, well known and structured quantitative PROMETHEE and AHP method. The obtained results are presented by perception maps, and described on the basis of gained quantitative indicators and the qualitative explanations given by the authors, primarily, in the marketing manner. First published online:Ā 25 Oct 201

    Management and Prospects of the Croatian Short Sea Shipping Development

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    Quite a number of scientific and technical papers havebeen written about the elements and the factors of the portsystem operation in the developed maritime countries. Thestudy of a port system may be based on the research of thetraffic, commercial and industrial role separately, or in an integratedapproach of the technical, technological, organisational,economic, ecological and legal elements. The drawbacksof both approaches come to the fore if one studies thecompetitiveness of the port system as the end goal of the portfunctioning which also determines the operation of the portsystem subjects. A comprehensive study of the competitivenessof the Croatian port system must combine the study and researchof the possibilities of sh011 sea shipping integration inthe European maritime countries, especially regarding theCroatian integration into the European Union. From the Croatianaspect, the term as accepted by the Ministry of the Sea,Tourism, Transportation and Development, "meduobalnoprometno povezivanje" (English: short sea shipping) has multiplemeaning, and this is primarily the traffic connection ofthe Croatian and Italian coasts, redirection of a part of cargotransported from the European Union to the countries of theSouth-eastern Balkan, via Croatia, reduction of harmfulemissions in traffic and increase of traffic in domestic ports."Meduobalna plovidba" (Eng. intercoastal navigation) refersto the movement of goods and passengers by sea between theports located in Europe or between these ports and those outsideEurope having the sea border with Europe. The goal ofintroducing short sea shipping is to alleviate the burden on theEuropean road routes and to redirect the transport of part ofthe cmgo and passengers to sea transport; and furthermore,the improvement of the traffic connections between Croatiaand the European Union and connecting of the Danube andthe Adriatic

    Functional Analysis of Republic of Croatia for Short Sea Shipping Development

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    From the aspect of the Republic of Croatia, short-sea shipping has multiple significance. Primarily, the short-sea shipping between the Croatian and Italian coast, diverting of a part of cargo that is transported from the European Union into the countries of south-eastern Balkan via Croatia, reduction in harmful emissions in traffic and increase of traffic in the domestic ports. From the aspect of Europe short-sea shipping refers to the movement of goods and passengers by sea between the ports located in Europe or between these ports and the ports outside Europe that have a joint sea border with Europe. The aim of introducing short-sea shipping are: relief of the burden on the European road routes and shift of transport of cargo and passengers to the maritime transport, improvement of traffic connections and competitiveness of Croatia with the European Union, as well as the connection of the Danube and the Adriatic. KEY WORDS: short-sea shipping, Republic of Croatia, maritime routes, traffic corridor

    Development Concept of the Dubrovnik Passenger Port for Accommodation of Large Cruise Vessels

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    The technical, traffic and economic parameters of the p011of Dubrovnik, specialized in goods traffic, allow for its reorganizationand conversion into a multi-purpose terminal able toaccommodate cruise ships. The following is required for its successfulconversion: development strategy analysis, financial ratioanalysis and conversion effect analysis. The paper providesthe definition and analysis of the components affecting theidentification of the port of Dubrovnik space requirements withthe aim of defining possible indicators of the port future dimensionswith respect to both, its sea and land area. The pwpose ofthis study is to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of theport of Dubrovnik as a passenger port with respect to both thenational liners and international cn1isers. The questions relatedto finding the optimal solutions for the port facilities and servicescan only be resolved by perceiving all the factors impactingthe traffic in the port, no matter whether marine or overlandconnecting the port with the highway and the airport


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    Odgovarajućim mjerama i programima država može poticati ili slabiti razvitak lučkog sustava; Å”to kao posljedicu ima brže ili sporije integriranje države u prometne i gospodarske tokove svijeta. Formiranje županijskih lučkih uprava je jedna od takvih mjera kojom se stvara ekonomska; pravna i teorijska pretpostavka za razvoj županijskog i nacionalnoga lučkog sustava te pojedinih luka unutar lučkog sustava. Rezulatati istra-živanja poslovanja županijskih lučkih uprava Republike Hrvatske ukazuju na određene nedostatke u njihovom poslovanju. Kako bi se eliminirali uočeni nedostaci te poboljÅ”alo upravljanje; u radu su na primjeru Primorsko-goranske županije prezentirana različita organizacijska rjeÅ”enja sustava upravljanja županijskim morskim lukama u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nadalje je posebna pozornost posvećena analizi organizacijskih; ekonomskih i teorijskih karakteristika pojedinih prezentiranih modela upravljanja; a s ciljem detektiranja njihovih prednosti i nedostataka. ZnanĀ¬stveni doprinos rada ogleda se u prijedlogu originalnih modela upravljanja županijskim morskim lukama; identifikaciji svih relevantnih elemenata modela te prijedlogu mjera i aktivnosti za rjeÅ”avanje pitanja važnosti; razvoja te uspjeÅ”nosti funkcioniranja i poslovanja županijskih morskih luka.By applying appropriate measures and programmes; the State can either encourage or slow down the development of the port system; thus consequently causing faster or slower integration of the Country in global traffic and economic trends. The establishment of county port authorities represents one of such measures which create economic; legal and theoretical prerequisites for the development of county and national ports systems as well as the development of individual ports within the system. The results of researches concerning the operation of county port authorities in the Republic of Croatia have indicated certain shortcomings. In order to eliminate the detected shortcomings and to improve the management; this paper presents different organizational solutions for the county sea ports management in the Republic of Croatia on the example of the PG (Primorsko-goranska) county. The paper deals in particular with the analysis of organizational; economic and theoretical fetures of each particular management model herein presented; aiming at detecting both their advantages and shortcomings. The scientific contribution of the paper is featured by the original models of the county sea ports management proposed; identification of all relevant model elements and by measures and activities proposed for the solution of matters concerning the importance; development and efficient operation of county sea ports