9 research outputs found

    Ir(III)-PC(sp<sup>3</sup>)P Bifunctional Catalysts for Production of H<sub>2</sub> by Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid: Experimental and Theoretical Study

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    Reversible storage of hydrogen in the form of stable and relatively harmless chemical substances such as formic acid (FA) is one of the cornerstones of a fossil-fuel-free economy. Recently, Ru­(III)-PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)P (where PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)P = modular dibenzobarrelene-based pincer ligand possessing a pendant functional group) complex <b>1</b> has been reported as a mild and <i>E</i>-selective catalyst in semihydrogenation of alkynes with stoichiometric neat formic acid. Discovery of the additive-free protocol for dehydrogenation of FA launched further studies aiming at the rational design of highly efficient catalysts for this reaction operating under neutral conditions. We now report the results of our investigation on a series of bifunctionl PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)P complexes equipped with different outer-sphere auxiliaries, that allowed us to identify an amine-functionalized Ir­(III)-PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)P complex <b>3</b>, as a clean and efficient catalyst for the FA dehydrogenation. The catalyst is suitable for fuel-cell applications demonstrating a TON up to 5 × 10<sup>5</sup> and TOF up to 2 × 10<sup>4</sup> h<sup>–1</sup> (3.8 × 10<sup>5</sup> and 1.2 × 10<sup>4</sup> h<sup>–1</sup> with no additives). In addition to the practical value of the catalyst, experimental and computational mechanistic studies provide rationale for the design of improved next-generation catalysts

    Mechanism of Dimethylamine–Borane Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by an Iridium(III) PCP-Pincer Complex

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    The title complex (<sup><i>t</i>Bu</sup>PCP)­IrH­(Cl) (<b>1</b>; <sup><i>t</i>Bu</sup>PCP = Îș<sup>3</sup>-2,6-(CH<sub>2</sub>P<i>t</i>Bu<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>) appeared to be moderately active in NHMe<sub>2</sub>·BH<sub>3</sub> (DMAB) dehydrogenation, allowing the systematic spectroscopic (variable-temperature NMR and IR) investigation of the reaction intermediates and products, under both stoichiometric and catalytic regimes, combined with DFT/M06 calculations. The formation of the hexacoordinate complex (<sup>tBu</sup>PCP)­IrHCl­(η<sup>1</sup>-BH<sub>3</sub>·NHMe<sub>2</sub>) (<b>3</b>) stabilized by a NH···Cl hydrogen bond is shown experimentally at the first reaction step. This activates both B–H and Ir–Cl bonds, initiating the precatalyst activation and very first DMAB dehydrogenation cycle. The same geometry is suggested by the DFT calculations for the key intermediate of the catalytic cycle, (<sup>tBu</sup>PCP)­IrH<sub>2</sub>(η<sup>1</sup>-BH<sub>3</sub>·NHMe<sub>2</sub>) complex (<b>6</b>). In these complexes, DMAB is coordinated trans to the ipso carbon, allowing the steric repulsion between the amine–borane and <i>tert</i>-butyl groups at the phosphorus atoms to be overcome. Under catalytic conditions (2–5 mol % of <b>1</b>) the hydride complex (<sup>tBu</sup>PCP)­IrH­(ÎŒ<sup>2</sup>-H<sub>2</sub>BH<sub>2</sub>) (<b>5</b>) was identified, which is not a dormant catalytic species but the steady-state intermediate formed as a result of the B–N bond breaking. DMAB dehydrogenation yields the borazane monomer H<sub>2</sub>BNMe<sub>2</sub> (detected by <sup>11</sup>B NMR); dimerization of this species gives the final product [H<sub>2</sub>BNMe<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> and (<sup>tBu</sup>PCP)­IrH<sub>4</sub> as the catalyst resting state. The scenario of B–N bond cleavage in DMAB leading to byproducts of dehydrogenation such as bis­(dimethylamino)­hydroborane and (<sup>tBu</sup>PCP)­IrH­(ÎŒ<sup>2</sup>-H<sub>2</sub>BH<sub>2</sub>) (<b>5</b>) is proposed. The results obtained allow us to suggest the mechanism of catalytic DMAB dehydrocoupling that could be generalized to other processes

    Conformational Flexibility of Dibenzobarrelene-Based PC(sp<sup>3</sup>)P Pincer Iridium Hydride Complexes: The Role of Hemilabile Functional Groups and External Coordinating Solvents

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    Bifunctional dibenzobarrelene-based PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)P pincer iridium complex <b>1</b> is known as an efficient catalyst in acceptorless dehydrogenation of alcohols and hydrogenation/hydroformylation of alkenes. In order to shed light on the mechanism of the hydrogen formation/activation, we performed variable-temperature IR and NMR (<sup>1</sup>H, <sup>31</sup>P) analysis of intra- and intermolecular interactions involving a hydride ligand and hydroxymethyl cooperating group in <b>1</b> and its analogues. The results of the spectroscopic measurements in different media (dichloromethane, toluene, DMSO, and mixed solvents) were compared with the quantum chemical (DFT/M06 and B3PW91) calculations. The obtained data imply flexibility of the dibenzobarrelene-based scaffold, unprecedented for conventional pincer ligands. Both the CH<sub>2</sub>OH-substituted complex <b>1</b> and its COOEt analogue <b>3</b> prefer facial configuration of the PCP ligand with a P–Ir–P angle of ca. 100°. Such geometries are stabilized by Ir···O interaction with the dangling functional group and differ by the mutual arrangement of the H and Cl ligands. The complexes show dynamic equilibrium between the two most stable <i>fac</i>-isomers, which can be transformed into the meridional ones in the presence of coordinating additives (CH<sub>3</sub>CN, DMSO, or CO, but not Et<sub>3</sub>N). The process is reversible for CH<sub>3</sub>CN but irreversible for DMSO and CO, in agreement with the Lewis basicity of these molecules

    Dimerization Mechanism of Bis(triphenylphosphine)copper(I) Tetrahydroborate: Proton Transfer via a Dihydrogen Bond

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    The mechanism of transition-metal tetrahydroborate dimerization was established for the first time on the example of (Ph<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>Cu­(η<sup>2</sup>-BH<sub>4</sub>) interaction with different proton donors [MeOH, CH<sub>2</sub>FCH<sub>2</sub>OH, CF<sub>3</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>OH, (CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>CHOH, (CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>CHOH, <i>p</i>-NO<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>OH, <i>p</i>-NO<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>NNC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>OH, <i>p</i>-NO<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>NH<sub>2</sub>] using the combination of experimental (IR, 190–300 K) and quantum-chemical (DFT/M06) methods. The formation of dihydrogen-bonded complexes as the first reaction step was established experimentally. Their structural, electronic, energetic, and spectroscopic features were thoroughly analyzed by means of quantum-chemical calculations. Bifurcate complexes involving both bridging and terminal hydride hydrogen atoms become thermodynamically preferred for strong proton donors. Their formation was found to be a prerequisite for the subsequent proton transfer and dimerization to occur. Reaction kinetics was studied at variable temperature, showing that proton transfer is the rate-determining step. This result is in agreement with the computed potential energy profile of (Ph<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>Cu­(η<sup>2</sup>-BH<sub>4</sub>) dimerization, yielding [{(Ph<sub>3</sub>P)<sub>2</sub>Cu}<sub>2</sub>(ÎŒ,η<sup>4</sup>-BH<sub>4</sub>)]<sup>+</sup>

    Steric and Acidity Control in Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer to <i>trans-</i>W(N<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(dppe)<sub>2</sub>

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    The interaction of <i>trans-</i>W­(N<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(dppe)<sub>2</sub> (<b>1</b>; dppe = 1,2-bis­(diphenylphosphino)­ethane) with relatively weak acids (<i>p</i>-nitrophenol, fluorinated alcohols, CF<sub>3</sub>COOH) was studied by means of variable temperature IR and NMR spectroscopy and complemented by DFT/B3PW91-D3 calculations. The results show, for the first time, the formation of a hydrogen bond to the coordinated dinitrogen, W–Nî—ŒN···H–O, that is preferred over H-bonding to the metal atom, W···H–O, despite the higher proton affinity of the latter. Protonation of the core metalthe undesirable side step in the conversion of N<sub>2</sub> to NH<sub>3</sub>can be avoided by using weaker and, more importantly, bulkier acids

    Ammonia Borane Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by (Îș<sup>4</sup>‑EP<sub>3</sub>)Co(H) [EP<sub>3</sub> = E(CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>PPh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>3</sub>; E = N, P] and H<sub>2</sub> Evolution from Their Interaction with NH Acids

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    Two Co­(I) hydrides containing the tripodal polyphosphine ligand EP<sub>3</sub>, (Îș<sup>4</sup>-EP<sub>3</sub>)­Co­(H) [E­(CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>PPh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>3</sub>; E = N (<b>1</b>), P (<b>2</b>)], have been exploited as ammonia borane (NH<sub>3</sub>BH<sub>3</sub>, AB) dehydrogenation catalysts in THF solution at <i>T</i> = 55 °C. The reaction has been analyzed experimentally through multinuclear (<sup>11</sup>B, <sup>31</sup>P­{<sup>1</sup>H}, <sup>1</sup>H) NMR and IR spectroscopy, kinetic rate measurements, and kinetic isotope effect (KIE) determination with deuterated AB isotopologues. Both complexes are active in AB dehydrogenation, albeit with different rates and efficiency. While <b>1</b> releases 2 equiv of H<sub>2</sub> per equivalent of AB in ca. 48 h, with concomitant borazine formation as the final “spent fuel”, <b>2</b> produces 1 equiv of H<sub>2</sub> only per equivalent of AB in the same reaction time, along with long-chain poly­(aminoboranes) as insoluble byproducts. A DFT modeling of the first AB dehydrogenation step has been performed, at the M06//6-311++G** level of theory. The combination of the kinetic and computational data reveals that a simultaneous B–H/N–H activation occurs in the presence of <b>1</b>, after a preliminary AB coordination to the metal center. In <b>2</b>, no substrate coordination takes place, and the process is better defined as a sequential BH<sub>3</sub>/NH<sub>3</sub> insertion process on the initially formed [Co]–NH<sub>2</sub>BH<sub>3</sub> amidoborane complex. Finally, the reaction of <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> with NH-acids [AB and Me<sub>2</sub>NHBH<sub>3</sub> (DMAB)] has been followed via VT-FTIR spectroscopy (in the −80 to +50 °C temperature range), with the aim of gaining a deeper experimental understanding of the dihydrogen bonding interactions that are at the origin of the observed H<sub>2</sub> evolution

    Dihydrogen Bond Intermediated Alcoholysis of Dimethylamine–Borane in Nonaqueous Media

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    Dimethylamine–borane (DMAB) acid/base properties, its dihydrogen-bonded (DHB) complexes and proton transfer reaction in nonaqueous media were investigated both experimentally (IR, UV/vis, NMR, and X-ray) and theoretically (DFT, NBO, QTAIM, and NCI). The effects of DMAB concentration, solvents polarity and temperature on the degree of DMAB self-association are shown and the enthalpy of association is determined experimentally for the first time (−Δ<i>H</i>°<sub>assoc</sub> = 1.5–2.3 kcal/mol). The first case of “improper” (blue-shifting) NH···F hydrogen bonds was observed in fluorobenzene and perfluorobenzene solutions. It was shown that hydrogen-bonded complexes are the intermediates of proton transfer from alcohols and phenols to DMAB. The reaction mechanism was examined computationally taking into account the coordinating properties of the reaction media. The values of the rate constants of proton transfer from HFIP to DMAB in acetone were determined experimentally [(7.9 ± 0.1) × 10<sup>–4</sup> to (1.6 ± 0.1) × 10<sup>–3</sup> mol<sup>–1</sup>·s<sup>–1</sup>] at 270–310 K. Computed activation barrier of this reaction Δ<i>G</i><sup>‡theor</sup><sub>298 K</sub>(acetone) = 23.8 kcal/mol is in good agreement with the experimental value of the activation free energy Δ<i>G</i><sup>‡exp</sup><sub>270 K</sub> = 21.1 kcal/mol

    The Role of Weak Interactions in Strong Intermolecular M···Cl Complexes of Coinage Metal Pyrazolates: Spectroscopic and DFT Study

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    The nondestructive reversible complexation of the macrocyclic group 11 metal pyrazolates {[3,5-(CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>Pz]­M}<sub>3</sub> (M = Cu­(I), Ag­(I)) to the halogen atom X = Cl, Br of η<sup>3</sup>-allyliron tricarbonyl halides (η<sup>3</sup>-2-R-C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)­Fe­(CO)<sub>3</sub>X is revealed by the variable-temperature spectroscopic (IR, NMR) study combined with density functional theory calculations. The composition of all complexes at room temperature is determined as 1:1. In the case of the [AgL]<sub>3</sub> macrocycle, complexes 1:2 are observed at low temperature (<260 K). The complex’s stability depends on the substituents in the allyl fragment and halide ligand as well as on the metal atom (Ag­(I), Cu­(I)) in the macrocycle. For bulky substituents (Me and Ph) the endo/exo equilibrium of the parent (η<sup>3</sup>-2-R-C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)­Fe­(CO)<sub>3</sub>X shifts upon the complex formation in favor of the exo isomer due to additional noncovalent interactions of the substituent with macrocycle

    Dihydrogen Bonding in Complex (PP<sub>3</sub>)RuH(η<sup>1</sup>‑BH<sub>4</sub>) Featuring Two Proton-Accepting Hydride Sites: Experimental and Theoretical Studies

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    Combining variable-temperature infrared and NMR spectroscopic studies with quantum-chemical calculations (density functional theory (DFT) and natural bond orbital) allowed us to address the problem of competition between MH (M = transition metal) and BH hydrogens as proton-accepting sites in dihydrogen bond (DHB) and to unravel the mechanism of proton transfer to complex (PP<sub>3</sub>)­RuH­(η<sup>1</sup>-BH<sub>4</sub>) (<b>1</b>, PP<sub>3</sub> = Îș<sup>4</sup>-P­(CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>PPh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>3</sub>). Interaction of complex <b>1</b> with CH<sub>3</sub>OH, fluorinated alcohols of variable acid strength [CH<sub>2</sub>FCH<sub>2</sub>OH, CF<sub>3</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>OH, (CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>CHOH (HFIP), (CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>COH], and CF<sub>3</sub>COOH leads to the medium-strength DHB complexes involving BH bonds (3–5 kcal/mol), whereas DHB complexes with RuH were not observed experimentally. The two proton-transfer pathways were considered in DFT/M06 calculations. The first one goes via more favorable bifurcate complexes to BH<sub>term</sub> and high activation barriers (38.2 and 28.4 kcal/mol in case of HFIP) and leads directly to the thermodynamic product [(PP<sub>3</sub>)­RuH<sub>eq</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>)]<sup>+</sup>[OR]<sup>−</sup>. The second pathway starts from the less-favorable complex with RuH ligand but shows a lower activation barrier (23.5 kcal/mol for HFIP) and eventually leads to the final product via the isomerization of intermediate [(PP<sub>3</sub>)­RuH<sub>ax</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>)]<sup>+</sup>[OR]<sup>−</sup>. The B–H<sub>br</sub> bond breaking is the common key step of all pathways investigated