8 research outputs found

    Nephrotoma dorsalis Fabricius 1782

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    Nephrotoma dorsalis Fabricius, 1782 (Figs. 49–56) First instar larvae. Length 1.41–1.43 mm; width 0.31–0.32 mm. Body covered with pale pubescence. Cuticle is transparent. Head capsule. Length 0.36–0.37 mm; width 0.15–0.17 mm. In general it is very similar to that of other Nephrotoma. Minor differences were noticed in shape of hypostomium, mandible, antenna. Hypostomium bears five blunt teeth. Shape of the outermost teeth is different from the others. There is a prominent incision on posterior part of hypostomium (Fig. 49). Mandible in general is very similar to that of N. flavescens, but shape of teeth is slightly different (Fig. 50). Antenna is very similar to that of N. pratensis, but N. dorsalis has more peg-like sensillae on the apex of basal segment (Fig. 51). Labrum in general is very similar to that of N. crocata and N. pratensis (Fig. 52). Thorax. In general is very similar to that of other Nephrotoma species. Abdomen. In general is very similar to that of other Nephrotoma species. Seta D 1 is very short; D 2 is long and six times as long as D 1; D 3 is the longest and eight times as long as D 1 (Fig. 53); D 4, D 5, D 6 are very similar in length, three times as long as D 1. Setae D 2, D 3 and D 4, D 5 make pairs and are very close to each other. Seta V 1 is very short; V 2 is the longest ventral seta and is ten times as long as V 1 (Fig. 54); V 3 is eight time as long as V 1; V 4 is four times as long as V 1. Setae V 1, V 2 and V 3, V 4 make pairs and are very close to each other. Lateral setae are arranged in a line. Setae L 1, L 3 and L 4 are very similar in length and are three times as long as L 2 (Fig. 55). Seta L 4 is most distant from the other setae. Spiracular disc. Spiracular field is surrounded by four flat and elongate round-tipped lobes (Fig. 56), which are covered by sclerites. Lateral lobe is prominent, its length almost 1.5 x the width at the base. It has four long stout apical bristles. The length of each bristle is almost as long as one-fourth of the whole body. Two tufts, each consisting of two bristles, are located on dorsal margin. Lobe bears pale, stripe-shaped sclerite. Ventral lobe is almost as long as its width at the base. It has apical tuft of two bristles. Tuft of three long bristles is on inner margin; tufts of two short and two long bristles are on outer margin; a tuft of four long bristles is at the base. Lobe bears pale, wide leaf-shaped sclerite. Three tufts of long bristles are above the spiracles. The innermost tuft consists of two bristles; others consist of three bristles. Spiracles are large, circular and close to each other. Distance between them is smaller than diameter of a spiracle itself. Anal field. Anus is surrounded by four long, cone-shaped, white and fleshy anal papillae. There are few long setae on anal segment. Specimens examined. 23 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24060, E 23.51560, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 25 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 14 VII 2011; 43 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24067, E 23.51526, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 24 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 9 VII 2011; 110 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24072, E 23.51560, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 25 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 18 VII 2011.Published as part of Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole & Podenas, Sigitas, 2014, Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 152-168 in Zootaxa 3764 (2) on pages 163-164, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.3, http://zenodo.org/record/22866

    Ctenophora (Ctenophora) guttata Meigen 1818

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    Ctenophora (Ctenophora) guttata Meigen, 1818 (Figs. 1–17) First instar larvae. Length 2.5–2.6 mm; width– 0.44–0.45 mm. Body covered with pale pubescence. Cuticle is transparent. Head capsule. Length 0.41–0.43 mm; width 0.24–0.25 mm. Head capsule is prognatous and hemicephalic, oval in shape, slightly depressed dorsoventrally and differently from the head capsule of the last instar larvae, just slightly sclerotised (Figs. 1, 2). Internolateralia and externolateralia are separated by incisions, which reaches almost half-length of head capsule. Each incision is continuous with deep groove (the most sclerotised part of head capsule) that extends almost to the base of antenna. Externolateralia are widely separated on the ventral side of capsule (Fig. 2). Premaxillary suture separates side plates from the rest of head capsule. Side plate is wedge shaped with anteromedially situated long seta. Hypostomium bears six large sharp teeth (Fig. 3). Basally it is fused with ventral margins of genae and with side plates. Prementum is visible from below. It has three large sharp teeth on anterior margin. A pair of labial palps is present in the middle part of prementum, each consisting of five peg-like sensillae. Labial palps are separated by cushion of short bristles (Fig. 4). Frontoclypeus is fused with internolateralia. Clypeal part of frontoclypeus is membranous and separated from labrum by deep fold. One long seta and three sensory pits present on the anterior part of clypeus, one long and one short seta present near the base of antenna. Three very short bristles are located near the grove on both sides of clypeus (Fig. 1). Ecdysial and coronal sutures are not visible. Labrum is trapezoidal in shape and dorsally is composed of two wedge-shaped sclerotised plates separated by membranous area (Fig. 5). Apical part of labrum and ephipharynx are covered with numerous short hairs. One long seta and one short sensory peg present on membranous part on both sides of labrum. One long, one of medium length, two short setae and three sensory pits present on anteriolateral part of labral lobe. One long and one short seta are located on posterior part of labral lobe. Antenna is short, slightly tapering apically. It has just one cylindrical segment, which length is almost two-thirds the width (Fig. 6). Apically it has one large cone-shaped and six small peg-like sensillae, dorsally it has a sensory pit near the base. Mandible is one segmented and more sclerotised than the rest of head capsule. Five sharp teeth are present on each mandible (Fig. 7). Second dorsal and second ventral teeth are much smaller than apical, first ventral and dorsal teeth. Prostheca or lacinia mobilis present on the dorsal side of mesal mandibular base (Fig. 7). Lacinia mobilis is archshaped, with 11–12 sharp small teeth on apical part and with cushion of short hairs in the middle. Lateral margin of mandible has two long setae near the base. A sensory pit is present at the base of dorsal side of mandible. Mandibles operate in horizontal plane. Inconspicuous larval eye spots present below the base of mandible. Maxilla has wedge-shaped cardo, bearing two almost equal setae near the distal end (Fig. 8). There are two sclerites on stipes. The inner sclerite extends around inner margin of maxilla onto its dorsal surface. The outer sclerite extends around outer margin of maxilla to its dorsal surface. There is a diamond-shaped sclerite near the base of galea (Fig. 8). Galea and lacinia are fused. Galea is covered with numerous short hairs. There are three long sensory structures on the ventral side of galea. Lacinia bears five sharp pointed outgrooves on the outer margin. Thorax. All thoracic segments are short and wide, covered with microscopic hairs. The first thoracical segment has no welts (Figs. 9, 10). Abdomen. Abdominal segments are longer than wide. They are covered with two types of hairs. Short hairs cover lateral parts of segments and large partions of tergal and sternal parts (Figs. 11, 12, 13). Long hairs form transversal lines on tergal and sternal parts (Figs. 11, 12). Setae are light brown. Setae D 1 –D 4 and D 6 are long, more than five times as long as D 5. Setae D 2, D 3 and D 5, D 6 are very close to each other (Fig. 14). Setae V 1 and V 3 are very long. They are twice as long as V 4 and almost five times as long as V 5. Setae V 1, V 2 and V 4, V 5 are very close to each other (Fig. 15). Seta L 3 is very long. It is slightly longer than L 2, twice as long as L 1 and more than six times as long as L 4. Setae L 1, L 2 and L 3 are very close to each other (Fig. 16). Hairs on sixth and seventh abdominal segments are longer than those on other segments. Third thoracic and first abdominal segments are wider than longer. First, second thoracic and second–eighth abdominal segments are longer than wide. Last or anal abdominal segment is constricted. Spiracular disc. Spiracular field is surrounded by four flat and elongate round-tipped lobes (Fig. 17), which are almost completely covered with large, wedge-shaped sclerites. Lateral pair is more prominent. Lateral lobe is almost as long as its width at the base. It has four long stout apical bristles. Each bristle is almost five times as long as the lobe. Length of ventral lobe is almost 1.5 x its width at the base. The lobe has one long and one mediumlength apical bristles and single long bristle on inner and on outer margins. They are as long as the lobe. It also has one of medium-long setae and a short bristle on outer margin. There are four tufts of longer and shorter bristles above the each spiracle. The innermost tuft consists of three short bristles. Laterally from it, is tuft of four very long bristles (they are almost three times as long as bristles of the innermost tuft). Further laterally, is tuft of three long bristles and outermost is one long bristle. Spiracles are large, circular and close to each other. Distance between them is smaller than diameter of a spiracle. Anal field. Anus is surrounded by four short, white and fleshy anal papillae. A few long setae present on anal segment. Specimens examined. 93 egg-larvae from 1 female, which was captured in Vilnius, N 54.68194, E 25.27087, 12 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 13 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 19 VI 2011.Published as part of Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole & Podenas, Sigitas, 2014, Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 152-168 in Zootaxa 3764 (2) on pages 154-156, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.3, http://zenodo.org/record/22866

    Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae)

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    Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole, Podenas, Sigitas (2014): Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae). Zootaxa 3764 (2): 152-168, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.

    Nephrotoma flavescens Linnaeus 1758

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    Nephrotoma flavescens Linnaeus, 1758 (Figs. 18–32) First instar larvae. Length 1.75–1.78 mm; width 0.29–0.30 mm. Body covered with pale pubescence. Cuticle is transparent. Head capsule. Length 0.36–0.38 mm; width 0.16–0.18 mm. Head capsule is prognatous and hemicephalic. It is elongate-oval in shape, slightly depressed dorsoventrally and, differently from the head capsule of the last instar larvae, just slightly sclerotised (Fig. 18). Internolateralia and externolateralia are separated by incisions, which reach almost half-length of head capsule; each incision is continuous with deep groove (the most sclerotised part of head capsule) that extends almost to the base of antenna. Externolateralia are widely separated on the ventral side of capsule (Fig. 19). Premaxillary suture separates side plates from the rest of head capsule. Side plate is wedgeshaped with a long anteromedial seta. Hypostomium is strongly sclerotised. It bears five sharp teeth. The outhermost teeth (both on dorsal and ventral part) are much smaller than the other. Small incision is on posterior part of hypostomium (Fig. 20). Basally the hypostomium is fused with ventral margins of genae and with side plates. Prementum is visible from below. It is very similar to that of Ct. guttata. Frontoclypeus is short (4 / 5 times as long as internolateralia) and fused with internolateralia. Internolateralia are separated by fold on posterior part (Figs. 18, 19). Internolateralia are much longer than externolateralia. Clypeal part of frontoclypeus is membranous and separated from labrum by deep fold. There are four short setae on the anterior part of clypeus. A short seta is situated below the anterior part of clypeus towards the base of antenna. There are four short setae below the base of antenna (Fig. 18). Ecdysial and coronal sutures are not visible. Labrum is rectangular in shape and composed of two wedge-shaped sclerotised plates separated by membranous areas. Each labral lobe has distinct triangularly shaped outgrowth directed outward (Fig. 21). Apical part of labrum and ephipharynx are covered with numerous hairs. One long and one short seta present on membranous part on each side of labrum (Fig. 22). One long, one medium-length, two short setae and one sensory pit present on anteriolateral part, two sensory pits present on medial part, one short and one very short setae are located on posterior part of labral lobe. Antenna is short and composed of one cone-shaped segment, almost as long as wide at base (Fig. 23). It has a large cone-shaped and a few small peg-like apical sensillae and subapical posterodorsal sensory pit. Mandible is one-segmented and much more sclerotised than the rest of head capsule. Five sharp teeth are present on both mandibles (Fig. 24). Apical, first ventral and dorsal teeth are the most prominent. Second dorsal and second ventral teeth are much smaller. Prostheca or lacinia mobilis present on the dorsal side of inner surface of mandible (Fig. 24). Lacinia mobilis is arch-shaped, with 9–10 sharp small teeth on apical part and with cushion of long hairs in the middle. Lateral surface of mandible has two very short setae at the base. A sensory pit is present at the base of dorsal side. Mandibles operate in horizontal plane. Inconspicuous larval eye spot is present below the base of mandible. Maxilla has triangularly shaped cardo, which bears two almost equal setae near the distal end (Fig. 25). There are two sclerites on stipes. The inner sclerite extends around inner margin of maxilla onto its dorsal surface and the outer sclerite extends around outer margin of maxilla to its dorsal surface (Fig. 25). Galea and lacinia are fused. Galea is covered with numerous short hairs. There are three long sensory structures on the ventral side of galea. Lacinia has three sharp pointed outgrooves on the outer margin. Thorax. All thoracic segments are short and wide, covered with microscopic hairs. Prothorax has dorsal and ventral pads (Figs. 26, 27). Abdomen. Abdominal segments are longer than wide. They are covered with two types of hairs. Short hairs cover lateral parts of segment and big portion of tergal and sternal parts. Tips of these hairs are three-branched (Figs. 28). Long hairs form lines on tergal and sternal parts of segments. Setae are light brown. Setae D 1 and D 6 are very short; D 4 and D 5 are twice as long as D 1; D 2 is three times as long as D 1; D 3 is more than five times as long as D 1. Setae D 2, D 3 and D 4, D 5 make pairs and are very close to each other (Fig. 29). Setae V 1 and V 2 are equal in length and twice as long as V 3 and V 4. Setae V 1, V 2 and V 3, V 4 make pairs and are close to each other (Fig. 30). Setae L 1, L 2 and L 3 are close to each other (Fig. 31). L 2 is short; L 1 is three times as long as L 2 and twice as long as L 3; L 4 is rather far away from other setae and its length is similar to that of L 3. Hairs on sixth and seventh abdominal segments are longer than those on other segments. Third thoracic and first abdominal segments are wider than long. First and second thoracic and second to eighth abdominal segments are longer than wide. Last or anal abdominal segment is constricted. Spiracular disc. Spiracular field is surrounded by four flat and elongate round-tipped lobes (Fig. 32). Lateral lobe is prominent, its length almost 1.5 x the width at the base. It has two long stout apical bristles. Each bristle is almost six times as long as the lobe itself and about as long as one-third of the whole body. Three tufts of two short bristles each present on dorsal part. There are three tufts of long bristles above the spiracles. The innermost and outermost tufts consist of two bristles, the middle tuft consists of three bristles. Ventral lobes are almost as long as wide at the base. A tuft of four long bristles is on the apical part of lobe and a tuft of three slightly shorter bristles is on inner part; two tufts of two short bristles each present on the outer margin; a tuft of four bristles different in length and a single bristle are at the base of lobe. Both pairs of lobes are almost completely covered with large, wedge-shaped sclerites. Spiracles are large, oval and close to each other. Distance between them is almost the same as diameter of a spiracle itself. Anal field. Anus is surrounded by four short, white and fleshy anal papillae. There are few long setae on anal segment (here and in other Nephrotoma species below it was difficult to establish number and arrangement of setae due to preservation). Specimens examined. 26 egg-larvae from 1 female, female was captured in Lazdijai district, N 54.24080, E 23.51548, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 24 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 17 VII 2011.Published as part of Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole & Podenas, Sigitas, 2014, Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 152-168 in Zootaxa 3764 (2) on pages 157-159, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.3, http://zenodo.org/record/22866

    Nephrotoma pratensis Linnaeus 1758

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    <i>Nephrotoma pratensis</i> Linnaeus, 1758 <p>(Figs. 41–48)</p> <p> <i>First instar larvae.</i> Length 1.75–1.85 mm; width 0.32–0.33 mm. Body covered with pale pubescence. Cuticle is transparent.</p> <p> <i>Head capsule.</i> Length 0.38–0.39 mm; width 0.22–0.23 mm. In general is very similar to that of <i>N. flavescens</i>. Differences were noticed in shape of hypostomium, mandible, antenna and arrangement of sensory structures on labrum. Hypostomium bears five blunt teeth. There is a prominent incision on posterior part of hypostomium (Fig. 41). Mandible in general is very similar to that of <i>N. flavescens</i>, but shape of teeth is slightly different (Fig. 42). Basal segment of antenna is cone-shaped, but membranous apical part is much smaller than in <i>N. flavescens</i> (Fig. 43). There are several small peg-like sensillae on the apex of basal segment. Labrum in general is very similar to that of <i>N. crocata</i> (Fig. 44).</p> <p> <i>Thorax.</i> In general is very similar to that of <i>N. flavescens</i>.</p> <p> <i>Abdomen.</i> In general is very similar to that of <i>N. flavescens</i>. Setae D1 and D6 are the shortest. They both are of equal length. D2 is the longest among all setae. It is nearly seven times as long as D1 (Fig. 45). D3 is twice as short as D2; D2 and D3 are very close to each other; D3 and D5 are very similar in length and are four times as long as D1; D2 and D3 are very close to each other. Seta V2 is very long; V1 is almost three times as short as V2 (Fig. 46). Seta V4 is very short, half the length of V3 and less than 1/ 6x the length of V2. Setae V1, V2 and V3, V4 make pairs and are very close to each other. Seta L1 is as long as L4; both are three times as long as L2, which is the shortest lateral seta. Seta L3 is half the length of L1 (Fig. 47).</p> <p> <i>Spiracular disc.</i> Spiracular field is surrounded by four almost equal round-tipped lobes, which are flat and elongate (Fig. 48). Lobes are almost as long as wide at the base. They have no sclerites. Lateral lobe has three long stout apical bristles, which are about six times as short as the whole body. On dorsal part it has two tufts, each consisting of two short bristles. Above the spiracles there are three tufts, each composed of two bristles of different length. The bristles of outermost tuft are the longest. Ventral lobe has apical tuft of three long bristles; tuft of two approximately equal in length bristles are located on inner margin; tuft of two short bristles present on outer margin and a long bristle, almost as long as lobe itself, is next to them. Tuft of three long bristles is at the base of ventral lobe. Spiracles are large, oval and close to each other. Distance between them is smaller than diameter of a spiracle itself.</p> <p> <i>Anal field.</i> Anus is surrounded by four long, cone-shaped, white and fleshy anal papillae. There are a few long setae on anal segment.</p> <p> <i>Specimens examined.</i> 229 egg-larvae from female captured in Vilnius, N54.68263, E25.24766, 15 V 2011, eggs were laid on 17 V 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 31 V 2011; 182 egg-larvae from female captured in Vilnius, N54.68419, E25.29904, 19 V 2011, eggs were laid on 21 V 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 2 VI 2011; 45 egg-larvae from female captured in Vilnius, N54.68662, E25.30054, 15 V 2011, eggs were laid on 28 V 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 8 VI 2011; 317 egg-larvae from female captured in Naujoji Vilnia environs, Vilnius district, N54.70365, E25.40598, 22 V 2011, eggs were laid on 26 V 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 17 VI 2011; 10 egg-larvae from female captured in Naujoji Vilnia environs, Vilnius district, N54.70365, E25.40598, 11 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 14 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 5 VII 2011; 132 egg-larvae from female captured in Naujoji Vilnia environs, Vilnius district, N54.70365, E25.40598, 19 V 2012, eggs were laid on 20 V 2012, egg-larvae hatched on 27 V 2012.</p>Published as part of <i>Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole & Podenas, Sigitas, 2014, Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 152-168 in Zootaxa 3764 (2)</i> on pages 160-162, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/228666">http://zenodo.org/record/228666</a&gt

    Nephrotoma crocata Linnaeus 1758

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    Nephrotoma crocata Linnaeus, 1758 (Figs. 33–40) First instar larvae. Length 1.83–1.85 mm; width 0.32–0.33 mm. Body covered with pale pubescence. Cuticle is transparent. Head capsule. Length 0.40–0.42 mm; width 0.20–0.22 mm. In general, is very similar to that of N. flavescens. Differences were noticed in shape of hypostomium, mandible, antenna and arrangement of sensory structures on labrum. Hypostomium bears five blunt teeth (Fig. 33). Mandible generally is very similar to that of N. flavescens, but shapes of teeth are slightly different (Fig. 34). Segment of antenna is cone-shaped, but membranous apical part is much smaller than in N. flavescens (Fig. 35). There are three small peg-like sensillae on the apex of basal segment. Labrum in general is very similar to that of N. flavescens, but there are two long setae on membranous part of it (Fig. 36). Thorax. Is very similar to that of N. flavescens. Abdomen. In general is very similar to that of N. flavescens. Setae D 1, D 4, D 5 and D 6 are very short (Fig. 37); D 3 is almost twice as long as D 1; D 2 is very long almost six times as long as D 1. Setae D 2, D 3 and D 4, D 5 make pairs and are very close to each other. Seta V 1 is short; V 4 is twice as long as V 4 (Fig. 38); V 3 is slightly longer than V 4; V 2 is almost eight times as long as V 1. Setae L 1, L 2 and L 3 are close to each other (Fig. 39). Seta L 2 is short; L 1 is three times as long as L 2 and just slightly longer than L 3; L 4 is situated further from other setae and is approximately as long as L 3. Spiracular disc. Spiracular field is surrounded by four flat and elongate round-tipped lobes (Fig. 40). Lateral pair is more prominent. Lateral lobe is almost as long as wide at the base. It bears four long stout apical bristles. Tuft of two short bristles is located on dorsal part of it and next by it is a single very short bristle. Lobe bears very pale wedge-shape sclerite. Ventral lobe length is nearly half its width at the base. It has a tuft of four bristles at the base. These bristles are different in length. Tuft of two short bristles is on the apical part of lobe and a tuft of three different in length bristles on inner part of lobe. Two short bristles are on the outer margin of lobe. Lobe is almost completely covered with large and very pale sclerites. There are three tufts of long bristles above the spiracles. The outermost tuft consists of two bristles, the others consist of three bristles. Spiracles are large, circular and close to each other. Distance between the spiracles is smaller than diameter of a spiracle itself. Anal field. Anus is surrounded by four long, cone-shaped, white and fleshy anal papillae. There are a few long setae on anal segment. Specimens examined. 10 egg-larvae from female captured in Vilnius, N 54.68194, E 25.27087, 11 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 24 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 22 VI 2011; 16 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24096, E 23.51549, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 23 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 1 VII 2011; 39 egglarvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24060, E 23.51560, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 24 VI 2011, egglarvae hatched on 30 VI 2011; 3 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24080, E 23.51548, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 28 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 4 VII 2011; 76 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24080, E 23.51548, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 23 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 1 VII 2011; 67 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24095, E 23.51552, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid in 25 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 3 VII 2011.Published as part of Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole & Podenas, Sigitas, 2014, Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 152-168 in Zootaxa 3764 (2) on pages 159-160, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.3, http://zenodo.org/record/22866

    Nephrotoma submaculosa Edwards 1928

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    Nephrotoma submaculosa Edwards, 1928 (Figs. 57–64) First instar larvae. Length 1.59–1.60 mm; width 0.31–0.32 mm. Body is covered by pale pubescence. Cuticle is transparent. Head capsule. Length 0.37–0.38 mm, width 0.18–0.20 mm. In general it is very similar to that of other Nephrotoma species. Minor differences were noticed in shape of hypostomium, mandible and antenna. Hypostomium bears five sharp teeth. Three middle teeth are very similar is size and shape; the outermost teeth are much smaller. There is a prominent incision on posterior part of hypostomium (Fig. 57). Mandible in general is very similar to that of N. flavescens, but shapes of teeth are slightly different (Fig. 58). Antenna is very similar to that of N. dorsalis, but shape of basal segment is different (Fig. 59). Labrum in general is very similar to that of N. dorsalis, but arrangement of sensory structures is different (Fig. 60). Thorax. In general is very similar to that of other Nephrotoma species. Abdomen. In general is very similar to that of other Nephrotoma species. Seta D 1 is very short; D 2 is long and four times as long as D 1 (Fig. 61); D 3 is slightly shorter than D 2; D 4 and D 5 are very similar in length and slightly longer than D 1; D 6 is the shortest seta and twice as short as D 1. Setae D 2, D 3 and D 4, D 5 make pairs and are very close to each other. Seta V 1 is long; V 2 is slightly longer than V 1 and is the longest ventral seta (Fig. 62). Setae V 3 and V 4 are very similar in length and half the length of V 1; V 1, V 2 and V 3, V 4 make pairs and are very close to each other. Lateral setae are arranged in a line. Setae L 1, L 4 are very similar in length and three times as long as L 2 (Fig. 63). Seta L 3 is twice as long as L 2; L 4 is situated away from the other setae. Spiracular disc. Spiracular field is surrounded by four almost equal, flat, elongate and round-tipped lobes (Fig. 64). Lobes are almost as long as their width at the base. Lateral lobe has two long stout apical bristles. Each bristle is almost as long as one-third of the whole body. Base of the inner bristle extends into an irregular stripe-shaped sclerite, which ends above the spiracle. A tuft of two long bristles and a tuft of three long bristles are situated above that sclerite on dorsal part of the lobe. Above the spiracles there are three tufts, each consisting of three bristles of different length. Ventral lobe has an apical tuft of four long bristles; three bristles, similar in length, are situated on inner margin; a tuft of three short bristles is on outer margin; a tuft of two short bristles close to it; a tuft of four long bristles is at the base. The lobe bears very pale oval-shaped sclerite. Spiracles are large, oval and close to each other. Distance between them is the same as diameter of a spiracle itself. Anal field. Anus is surrounded by four short, white and fleshy anal papillae. Few long setae are on anal segment. Specimens examined. 15 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N 54.24096, E 23.51549, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 25 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 2 VII 2011.Published as part of Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole & Podenas, Sigitas, 2014, Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 152-168 in Zootaxa 3764 (2) on pages 164-165, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.3, http://zenodo.org/record/22866

    Nephrotoma scurra Meigen 1818

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    <i>Nephrotoma scurra</i> Meigen, 1818 <p>(Figs. 65–72)</p> <p> <i>First instar larvae.</i> Length 1.78–1.80 mm; width 0.30–0.31 mm. Body covered with pale pubescence. Cuticle is transparent.</p> <p> <i>Head capsule.</i> Length 0.39–0.40 mm; width 0.16–0.18 mm. In general it is very similar to that of other <i>Nephrotoma</i> species. Minor differences were noticed in shape of hypostomium, mandible and antenna. Hypostomium bears five sharp teeth and has huge posterior incision (Fig. 65). Mandible in general is very similar to that of other <i>Nephrotoma</i> species, but shapes of teeth are slightly different (Fig. 66). Antenna is very similar to that of <i>N. dorsalis,</i> but shape of basal segment is different (Fig. 67). Labrum in general is very similar to that of <i>N. dorsalis</i>, but arrangement of sensory structures is different (Fig. 68).</p> <p> <i>Thorax.</i> In general is very similar to that of other <i>Nephrotoma</i> species.</p> <p> <i>Abdomen.</i> In general is very similar to that of other <i>Nephrotoma</i> species. Setae D1 and D6 are very short; D2 is five times as long as D1; D3 just slightly longer than D2 (Fig. 69); D4 and D5 are similar in length and more than twice as long as D1. Setae D1, D2 and D3, D4 make pairs and are very close to each other. Seta V1 is very short; V2 is five times as long as V1; V3 is three times as long as V1; V4 is twice as long as V1. Setae V1, V2 and V3, V4 make pairs and are very close to each other (Fig. 70). Seta L3 is the shortest; L1 is three times as long as L3; L2 and L4 are similar in length and twice as long as L3 (Fig. 71).</p> <p> <i>Spiracular disc.</i> Spiracular field is surrounded by four flat, elongate round-tipped lobes (Fig. 72), which bear stripe-shaped sclerites. Lateral lobe is prominent, almost as long as wide at the base and has two long stout apical bristles. The length of each bristle is almost as long as one-fourth of the whole body. Lobe also has two tufts of two short bristles each on dorsal margin. Ventral lobe is almost two-thirds as long as wide at the base. It has an apical tuft of three bristles; four long bristles are situated on inner margin; two short bristles are on outer margin; a tuft of three long bristles is at the base. Three tufts of three long bristles each are placed above the spiracles. Spiracles are large, circular and close to each other. Distance between them is smaller than diameter of a spiracle itself.</p> <p> <i>Anal field.</i> Anus is surrounded by four short, white and fleshy anal papillae. Anal segment bears a few long setae.</p> <p> <i>Specimens examined.</i> 17 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N54.24084, E23.51580, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 26 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 12 VII 2011; 173 egg-larvae from female captured near Lazdijai, N54.24072, E23.51526, 23 VI 2011, eggs were laid on 24 VI 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 0 8 VII 2011; 86 egg-larvae from female captured in Naujoji Vilnia environs, Vilnius district, N54.70365, E25.405980, 0 9 VIII 2011, eggs were laid on 13 VIII 2011, egg-larvae hatched on 21 VIII 2011; 118 egg-larvae from female captured in Vilnius, N54.68194, E25.27087, 31 VII 2012, eggs were laid on 0 1 VIII 2012, egg-larvae hatched on 0 6 VIII 2012.</p>Published as part of <i>Podeniene, Virginija, Naseviciene, Nijole & Podenas, Sigitas, 2014, Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae), pp. 152-168 in Zootaxa 3764 (2)</i> on pages 165-166, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3764.2.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/228666">http://zenodo.org/record/228666</a&gt