4,912 research outputs found

    The Importance Of Health Insurance Policy On Purchase Intention / Continuance – An Empirical Study In Malaysia

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    Penduduk seluruh dunia menyedari kepentingan polisi insurans kesihatan untuk menangani isu yang tidak diduga kepastiannya pada masa ini. People all of over the world realized the importance of health insurance policy as the unforeseen uncertainties has become the order of the day

    An Inquiry Concerning Just Punishment

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    Globalisation, Technology, and Asian Economic Growth

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    Although globalisation is by no means a recent phenomenon,1 its new wave has raised a number of questions—both about its supposed benefits and its alleged adverse consequences. Rather than exploring the wider ramifications of globalisation, this paper will confine its purview to the question of technology development and dissemination in the context of globalisation as it has affected the development of Asian economies in the last few decades. In particular, the paper will focus on the somewhat dazzling performance of the East Asian economies in the last three decades and their equally sharp and unforeseen downturn in the past two years, which has raised serious doubts first about the replicability and later about the robustness of the East Asian development experience. Although the palpable cause of the current East Asian crisis has generally been situated in the increasing complexity and fragility of the global financial system, many prescient international economists had attributed it to the weakness of the technological underpinnings of East Asian growth [Krugman (1994)]. The East Asian crisis has also raised a lively controversy concerning the impact and desirability of selective micro-economic interventions by national governments, which have often been oversimplified under the rubric of ‘crony capitalism’. While the debate on which causes contributed most to the sudden down-turn in the growth of the East Asian economies remains inconclusive, there seems considerable validity in the conjecture that their future growth prospects will depend on their ability not only to master current technologies, but also to significantly further their technological prowess through R and D and scientific achievement. Although the immediate trigger of the present crisis in East Asia may have been the turmoil in their financial markets, the underlying problems in the real economy, which have so far received insufficient attention, stem largely from their incommensurate technological development.

    High-Resolution Mid-Infrared Molecular Line Survey of the Orion Hot Core

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    The basic building blocks of life are synthesized in space as part of the natural stellar evolutionary cycle, whereby elements ejected into the interstellar medium by dying stars are incorporated back into the dense clouds, which form the next generation of stars and planets. The formation of stars and planets are fundamental to the evolution of matter in the Universe as complex molecules are created and destroyed during this step. Understanding these processes will allow us to answer What is the relation between the molecules we see in the ISM and the molecular inventory of Earth and the terrestrial planets in the Solar System? Measuring and cataloging the inventory of organic molecules and understanding their evolution requires observations over a broad wavelength range (IR, MIR, FIR, (sub)mm, and radio) to cover all stages of this evolutionary cycle needed to link interstellar material to that delivered to planets. High-resolution molecular line surveys provide chemical inventories for star forming regions and are essential for studying their chemistry, kinematics and physical conditions. Previous high spectral resolution surveys have been limited to radio, sub-mm and FIR wavelengths; however, Mid-infrared observations are the only way to study symmetric molecules that have no dipole moment and thus cannot be detected in the (sub)mm line surveys from ALMA. Past midinfrared missions such as ISO and Spitzer had low to moderate resolving power that were only able to link broad features with particular molecular bands and could not resolve the individual rovibrational transitions. JWST will provide exceptional sensitivity in the MIR, but will also not have sufficient spectral resolution, which can lead to confusion in identifying the contribution from strong to moderate strength molecular species. We present new results from an on-going high resolution (R ~ 60,000) line survey of the Orion hot core between 12.5 - 28.3 m and 7 - 8 m, using the EXES instrument on the SOFIA airborne observatory. SOFIA's higher-resolution and smaller beam compared to ISO allows us to spatially and spectrally isolate the emission towards the hot core. This survey will provide the best infrared measurements (to date) of molecular column densities and physical conditions, providing strong constraints on the current chemical network models for star forming regions. This survey will greatly enhance the inventory of resolved line features in the MIR, making it an invaluable reference to be used by the JWST and ALMA scientific communities

    Economic Growth and Development in South Asia, with and without Regional Cooperation

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    Economic Development, Economic Growth, South Asia

    Regional Integration in South Asia: An Analysis of Trade Flows Using the Gravity Model

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    The study deals with trade benefits from the free trade agreement of the SAARC countries. It assesses the trade potential and trade creation with member and non-member countries. The gravity model has been used to measure the bilateral trade flows and to assess the trade effect for member and non-member countries. Two analyses estimate the gravity model. The first analysis is based on cross-sectional data to capture the trade effect individually each year; and the second analysis utilises the pooled data to measure the overall trade effects and trade flows for the period 2003 to 2008. The results from the two approaches show that estimated coefficients are consistent with the model assumptions. Both analyses show that the regional trade agreement of the SAARC countries could divert the trade for member countries as well as for the non-member countries. However, trade volume will increase only if the major partners (Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka) sign regional trade agreements.Trade; Regional Integration; Gravity Model

    The New Zealand Construction Contracts Amendment Act 2015 - For Better or Worse?

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    Adjudication has been statutorily introduced as an alternative dispute resolution method in 14 jurisdictions including New Zealand. Whilst adjudication under the New Zealand Construction Contracts Act 2002 has been hailed a success, further refinements were proposed in the Construction Contracts Amendment Bill first published in 2013. As part of the legislative process, 48 submissions were made to the Commerce Committee. There was general support for most of the amendments, but some parties expressed concerns on some of the changes. A documentary analysis of the Amendment Bills and submissions to the Commerce Committee was made to critically evaluate the changes proposed and establish if they were improvements. The findings show the major changes proposed include (i) removing most of the distinctions between the treatment of residential and commercial contracts under the Act, (ii) extending the scope of the Act to apply to contracts for certain professional services, (iii) removing the distinction between enforcement of payment determinations and of those relating to rights and obligations, and (iv) making the enforcement process more efficient. The findings also show that during a period of over two years from when the Bill was first introduced in January 2013, one other significant improvement for retentions to be held in trust was made. A few proposals to further refine the Bill such as the suggestion to mandate retentions to be kepts in a separate trust account were however not accepted. The Construction Contract Amendment Bill (Bill 97-3) was uninanimously passed during the third and final reading in Parliament on 20 October 2015 with most of the amendments coming into force on 1 December 2015, those incorporating professional services on 1 September 2016, and the retention provisions on 31 March 2017. Royal assent was given on 11 October 2015 leading to the enactment of the Construction Contracts Amendment Act 2015

    Global Brands And Drivers Of Consumers’ Purchase Behavior: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective

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    As the world moves towards global economic interdependence and international cultural exchanges, more firms are looking towards expansion into overseas markets, to take advantage of emerging business opportunities and available resources. For a firm, that plans to sell its offerings in any foreign market, it is important to understand the consumer behavior and idiosyncrasies predominant in that market, to be more informed, competitive, and successful. Extant research on the dynamics and drivers of consumer’s buying behavior in a global market place has primarily focused, either on the impact of consumers’ personal predispositions, or the influence of brand/product related perceptions, or yet external factors, such as prevailing social, cultural, political, or business environment, on behavioral outcomes. There is a dearth of studies, which have considered the collective impact of factors that drive the buying preferences of consumers, a more realistic scenario, in any purchase scenario. The influence of these factors may also get differentiated across product category involvement (high vs. low), or/and by brand ownership (domestic vs. foreign), particularly in context of global brands. Besides, process elucidations about the mechanisms that transform individual predispositions and consumers’ brand perceptions into specific behavioral responses, need to be further explored. This research is an effort to shed some light on the drivers of consumer’s purchase behavior in a multi-dimensional perspective, using two product categories viz. midsize sedans and sportswear, involving, a domestic and a foreign global brand, using different sets of respondents in two separate studies. It investigates, which among the focal personal traits or/and the focal brand attributes, individually or as a group, has a stronger influence on behavioral outcomes, through formation of specific attitudes, using the “Attitude Theory” perspective as the main conceptual anchor. Further this research identifies consumer traits or(and) brand perceptions that drive a specific behavioral outcome more strongly than others, in totality. The mediating effects of brand attitudes are examined, contingent upon the individual’s characteristics and brand evoked attributes, on elicitation of behavioral outcomes. A comprehensive conceptual model is proposed with description and dimensions for each construct of interest, their relationships defined, and testable propositions suggested, in view of relevant theoretical background and established research findings. Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) is used to ascertain the plausibility of the proposed model, and paths and strength of relationships, and model generating approach used to determine the best fitting model, for each data cell. Survey data is used across the four cells in each study, in the domains of brand ownership (domestic vs. foreign) and product category involvement (sedan vs. sportswear). The paths, strength of relationships between constructs, mediators, and outcome variables are compared, for differences within and between the cells, and across two studies. Research contribution, managerial implications, limitations, and avenues of future research are also discussed

    Economic Analysis of Marker-Assisted Selection in Canola

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    Replaced with revised version of poster 07/19/11.Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,