11,537 research outputs found

    The overlap lattice Dirac operator and dynamical fermions

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    I show how to avoid a two level nested conjugate gradient procedure in the context of Hybrid Monte Carlo with the overlap fermionic action. The resulting procedure is quite similar to Hybrid Monte Carlo with domain wall fermions, but is more flexible and therefore has some potential worth exploring.Comment: Further expanded version. 12 pages, plain Te

    Exploring the Psychological Antecedents of Attitude towards Indigenous Wetland Practices

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    A study was conducted in the North eastern agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu, India to analyze the possible impact of the psychological antecedents of attitude towards Indigenous Wetland Practices(IWPs) among the farming community. Two hundred and nine farmers were selected at random from ten blocks in three districts of the state. Their psychological characteristics and attitude towards IWPs were assessed. The mean attitude score and the mean attitude index were analysed. The highest variable index was found in the case of Progressivism and Traditionalism, followed by Self-Reliance. Environmental orientation and Decision making ability had a positive and highly significant relationship while Scientific Orientation had a negative and highly significant relationship with attitude towards Indigenous Wetland Practices.


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    Land constitutes the most important character for sustainable development in a region. Rapid urbanization has become an area of crucial concern against the bonanza of urban ecology. The land use pattern of any urban area hints not only its immediate current space requirements of the inheriting community but rather the cumulative requirements over a period of year. Thus, the way a land use changes into, reveals a physical transformation of its economic use that indirectly unveils the demand for built-up space and as a result, the urban ecology is in imbroglio. For much of human existence, the available land for human use has appeared limitless. Wherever population densities have risen too high, there is a decline noticed in resource base. People moved on to occupy new lands by extending the urban area into rural fringe. Land transformation as the word suggests, traces the change of form in the land use. Land use change is an inevitable phenomenon in an urban space. How the use of land changed from one to another is a problem that has interconnections with various entities and the interaction between them in spatio-temporal environment. Bangalore over the years has grown as a robust technology hub, and has been ever- growing in terms of urban space with its inhabits. How this growth has affected its ecological space is the thrust of the study. The ecology of this urban land constitutes of agricultural plantation, forest area and lakes which comprise the green and blue spots. The objectives are accomplished through Geoinformatics which is able to apprehend statistics of ecological to the urban environment.Environmental Degradation, GIS, Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Urban Land Transformation Analysis.

    Monovalent ions modulate the flux through multiple folding pathways of an RNA pseudoknot

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    The functions of RNA pseudoknots (PKs), which are minimal tertiary structural motifs and an integral part of several ribozymes and ribonucleoprotein complexes, are determined by their structure, stability and dynamics. Therefore, it is important to elucidate the general principles governing their thermodynamics/folding mechanisms. Here, we combine experiments and simulations to examine the folding/unfolding pathways of the VPK pseudoknot, a variant of the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV) PK involved in ribosomal frameshifting. Fluorescent nucleotide analogs (2-aminopurine and pyrrolocytidine) placed at different stem/loop positions in the PK, and laser temperature-jump approaches serve as local probes allowing us to monitor the order of assembly of VPK with two helices with different intrinsic stabilities. The experiments and molecular simulations show that at 50 mM KCl the dominant folding pathway populates only the more stable partially folded hairpin. As the salt concentration is increased a parallel folding pathway emerges, involving the less stable hairpin structure as an alternate intermediate. Notably, the flux between the pathways is modulated by the ionic strength. The findings support the principle that the order of PK structure formation is determined by the relative stabilities of the hairpins, which can be altered by sequence variations or salt concentrations. Our study not only unambiguously demonstrates that PK folds by parallel pathways, but also establishes that quantitative description of RNA self-assembly requires a synergistic combination of experiments and simulations.Comment: Supporting Information include

    Uplink Linear Receivers for Multi-cell Multiuser MIMO with Pilot Contamination: Large System Analysis

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    Base stations with a large number of transmit antennas have the potential to serve a large number of users at high rates. However, the receiver processing in the uplink relies on channel estimates which are known to suffer from pilot interference. In this work, making use of the similarity of the uplink received signal in CDMA with that of a multi-cell multi-antenna system, we perform a large system analysis when the receiver employs an MMSE filter with a pilot contaminated estimate. We assume a Rayleigh fading channel with different received powers from users. We find the asymptotic Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) as the number of antennas and number of users per base station grow large while maintaining a fixed ratio. Through the SINR expression we explore the scenario where the number of users being served are comparable to the number of antennas at the base station. The SINR explicitly captures the effect of pilot contamination and is found to be the same as that employing a matched filter with a pilot contaminated estimate. We also find the exact expression for the interference suppression obtained using an MMSE filter which is an important factor when there are significant number of users in the system as compared to the number of antennas. In a typical set up, in terms of the five percentile SINR, the MMSE filter is shown to provide significant gains over matched filtering and is within 5 dB of MMSE filter with perfect channel estimate. Simulation results for achievable rates are close to large system limits for even a 10-antenna base station with 3 or more users per cell.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Luminosity Function of the Perigalactocentric Region

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    We present H and K photometry of 42,000 stars in an area of 250 arcmin2^{2} centered on the Galactic center. We use the photometry to construct a dereddened K band luminosity function (LF) for this region, excluding the excessively crowded inner 2' of the Galaxy. This LF is intermediate between the LF of Baade's window and the LF of inner 2' of the Galactic center. We speculate that the bright stars in this region have an age which is intermediate between the starburst population in the Galactic center and the old bulge population. We present the coordinates and mags for 16 stars with K_{0} < 5 for spectroscopic follow up.Comment: 25 pages. Tarred, gzipped and uuencoded. Includes LaTex source file, Figures 3 to 9 and 5 Tables. Figures 1 and 2 are available at ftp://bessel.mps.ohio-state.edu/pub/vijay . Submitted to Ap
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