35 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Value and Efficiency : The Co-op Kobe Case, Japan(Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Hiromi ANDO)

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    The basic values of cooperative society consist of the various values such as democracy, cooperation, solidarity, and contribution to community, which relates to the values of the human nature. Coop Kobe has been researching the method of the measurement of the basic values and its applying to the management evaluation of cooperatives. The evaluation method developed in Co-op Kobe was named a Comprehensive Evaluation of Consumer cooperative(CECC). In section 1, a development of the idea is described. In section 2, various elements of the method of the CECC are explained. In section 3, a possibility of the improvement of the method is shown. The contribution of the CECC method is that it has originally measured the basic values of cooperatives statistically and systematically, and become possible to apply to the evaluation of the business of Co-op Kobe from the viewpoint of efficiency and basic values

    A Difficult Differential Diagnosis of Acute Cholecystitis in a Patient With Steroid-induced Diabetes

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    An impairment of gallbladder motility due to autonomic neuropathy may cause cholestasis and result in gallbladder stone formation. Diabetes is one of risk factors for acute cholecystitis. Diabetes and steroid use are associated with the susceptibility to bacterial infections, we are apt to diagnose steroid-induced diabetic patients manifesting symptoms of cholecystitis as having acute bacterial infective cholecystitis. Here, we report a very rare steroid-induced diabetic patient complicated with gallbladder torsion-induced necrotizing cholecystitis due to a floating gallbladder

    キョウドウ クミアイ ニオケル レンタイ ト ジシュ カンリ ツヅキ モンドラゴン キョウドウ クミアイ ノ ソウゾウ ト カクシン バン マサキ ジュンキョウジュ ツイトウゴウ

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    The article examines the co-operative values and management efficiency in the case of the Mondragon Co-operative Corporation(MCC). In the first section of the article which was published in the last volume of the bulletin, the history of the MCC is investigated, which is divided into three periods, 1956-70, 1971-90 and 1991-2006. In the second section of the article, the co-operative values, management efficiency and their relations are analyzed. First, the historical sources of the Mondragon Basic Co-operative Principles are investigated, especially in the realm of Catholic social thoughts and ICA(International Co-operative Alliance)values and principles. Second, the whole system of MCC\u27s Business Culture and Corporate Management Model, both of them includes the Basic Cp-operative Principles, is analyzed how the various concepts are interlelated. Third, the institutional evidences of Basic Co-operative Principles are searched to confirm the reality of the principles. Forth, the theoretical reasons of the high efficiency of MCC are analyzed from the point of economic theory. Fifth, the trade-off relationships are analyzed between efficiency and values of co-operatives generally, and between the efficiency and the Basic Co-operative Principles particularly

    ヒエリ カチ ト ダイガク ガハタス ヤクワリ

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    1.では非営利価値という概念を提示し, その中で以下で述べる地域社会の非営利価値(地域価値)を位置づける。2.~5.では紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道の世界遺産登録の可能性が高まっていること, その一部である熊野大社と熊野古道を大阪府の近畿自然歩道と結合すれば, 大和, 南大阪, 熊野大社をつなぎ千年以上の歴史をもつルートが創設できることを示す。またこの案を基礎に, 道, 公園, 自然, 観光, 歴史・文化, 農業, コミュニティビジネス, 地産地消, 環境学習などをキーワードとし, 地域価値と一体にして南大阪の地域再生をめざす構想づくりが可能であることを示す。これらの案全体を総称して南大阪地域再生構想と名づける。構想の具体化は桃山学院大学の地域連携プロジェクトで進めている。6.では上の構想を実現するための地域支援システムの考え方を示す。7.では桃山学院大学における建学の精神と非営利価値のつながりを示し,「世界の市民」養成プロジェクトの考え方を示す。The concept of non-profit values is presented from the viewpoint of extent and depth, in which individual, organizational, and regional non-profit values are indicated as the parts of the concept. Sacred sites and pilgrimage routes in the Kii mountain range and the cultural landscapes that surround them has been nominated for addition to the world heritage list, and they will be examined by the World Heritage Committee in 2004. Three Shinto shrines bearing the name Kumano Sanzan and their pilgrimage routes, called Kumano Kodo, are included in this prospective heritage list.” We show that if we connect Kumano Kodo in Wakayama Prefecture with the Kinki Natural Trail in Osaka Prefecture, we could have a new pilgrimage route with a history of more than 1,000 years. It would be possible to make a regional revival plan of the southern Osaka Prefecture based on the above idea using the concepts of non-profit regional values, and the key words would include trail, park, nature, sightseeing, history, culture, agriculture, community business, environmental study, and recycling economy. The regional revival plan is being advanced by a university project. The concept of non-profit values is deep in the spirit of the foundation of Momoyama Gakuin University. An idea for developing the education of “Citizens of the World” will be presented