7,357 research outputs found

    Neutrino Oscillations with the MINOS, MINOS+, T2K, and NOvA Experiments

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    This paper discusses recent results and near-term prospects of the long-baseline neutrino experiments MINOS, MINOS+, T2K and NOvA. The non-zero value of the third neutrino mixing angle {\theta}13 allows experimental analysis in a manner which explicitly exhibits appearance and disappearance dependencies on additional parameters associated with mass-hierarchy, CP violation, and any non-maximal {\theta}23. These current and near-future experiments begin the era of precision accelerator long-baseline measurements and lay the framework within which future experimental results will be interpreted.Comment: 41 pages, 36 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Flow-field in a vortex with breakdown above sharp edged delta wings

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    The behavior of vortex-flow, accompanied with breakdown, formed above sharp-edged delta wings, was studied experimentally as well as theoretically. Emphasis is placed particularly on the criterion for the breakdown at sufficiently large Reynolds number

    Measuring the CP-violating phase by a long base-line neutrino experiment with Hyper-Kamiokande

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    We study the sensitivity of a long-base-line (LBL) experiment with neutrino beams from the High Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA), that delivers 10^{21} POT per year, and a proposed 1Mt water-Cherenkov detector, Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) 295km away from the HIPA, to the CP phase (delta_{M N S}) of the three-flavor lepton mixing matrix. We examine a combination of the nu_mu narrow-band beam (NBB) at two different energies, vev{p_pi}=2, 3GeV, and the bar{nu}_mu NBB at vev{p_pi}=2GeV. By allocating one year each for the two nu_mu beams and four years for the bar{nu}_mu beam, we can efficiently measure the nu_mu to nu_e and bar{nu}_mu to bar{nu}_e transition probabilities, as well as the nu_mu and bar{nu}_mu survival probabilities. CP violation in the lepton sector can be established at 4sigma (3sigma) level if the MSW large-mixing-angle scenario of the solar-neutrino deficit is realized, |\dmns| or |delta{M N S}-180^{circ}| > 30^{circ}, and if 4|U_{e3}|^2 (1-|U_{e3}|^2) equiv sin^2 2 theta_{CHOOZ} > 0.03 (0.01). The phase delta_{M N S} is more difficult to constrain by this experiment if there is little CP violation, delta_{M N S} sim 0^{circ} or 180^{circ}, which can be distinguished at 1sigma level if sin^2 2 theta_{CHOOZ} >~ 0.01.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, we add 1 figure, some refrences, and minor corrections. PLB published versio

    Linear viscoelasticity of entangled wormlike micelles bridged by telechelic polymers : an experimental model for a double transient network

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    We survey the linear viscoelasticity of a new type of transient network: bridged wormlike micelles, whose structure has been characterized recently [Ramos and Ligoure, (2007)]. This composite material is obtained by adding telechelic copolymers (water-soluble chains with hydrophobic stickers at each extremity) to a solution of entangled wormlike micelles (WM). For comparison, naked WM and WM decorated by amphiphilic copolymers are also investigated. While these latter systems exhibit almost a same single ideal Maxwell behavior, solutions of bridged WM can be described as two Maxwell fluids components blends, characterized by two markedly different characteristic times, t_fast and t_slow, and two elastic moduli, G_fast and G_slow, with G_fast >> G_slow. We show that the slow mode is related to the viscoelasticity of the transient network of entangled WM, and the fast mode to the network of telechelic active chains (i.e. chains that do not form loops but bridge two micelles). The dependence of the viscoelasticity with the surfactant concentration, phi, and the sticker-to-surfactant molar ratio, beta, is discussed. In particular, we show that G_fast is proportional to the number of active chains in the material, phi beta. Simple theoretical expectations allow then to evaluate the bridges/loops ratio for the telechelic polymers

    Search for new physics via photon polarization of bsγb \rightarrow s \gamma

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    We suggest a discriminant analysis of new physics beyond the standard model through a detection of photon polarization in a radiative B meson decay. This analysis is investigated in SUSY SU(5) GUT with right-handed neutrino and left-right symmetric models. New physics search via CP asymmetry in the same process are also evaluated in each model for comparison. We show that new physics can be found via detecting the photon polarization in a parameter space of TeV energy scale.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, v2:references added, v3:published versio