1,429 research outputs found

    Charged Lepton Flavor Violation in the Semi-Constrained NMSSM with Right-Handed Neutrinos

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    We study the \mu \to e \gamma decay in the Z_3-invariant next-to-minimal supersymmetric (SUSY) Standard Model (NMSSM) with superheavy right-handed neutrinos. We assume that the soft SUSY breaking parameters are generated at the GUT scale, not universally as in the minimal supergravity scenario but in such a way that those soft parameters which are specific to the NMSSM can differ from the soft parameters which involve only the MSSM fields while keeping the universality at the GUT scale within the soft parameters for the MSSM and right-handed neutrino fields. We call this type of boundary conditions "semi-constrained". In this model, the lepton-flavor-violating off-diagonal elements of the slepton mass matrix are induced by radiative corrections from the neutrino Yukawa couplings, just like as in the MSSM extended with the right-handed neutrinos, and these off-diagonal elements induce sizable rates of \mu \to e \gamma depending on the parameter space. Since this model has more free parameters than the MSSM, the parameter region favored from the Higgs boson mass can slightly differ from that in the MSSM. We show that there is a parameter region in which the \mu \to e \gamma decay can be observable in the near future even if the SUSY mass scale is about 4 TeV.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. v2: reference added, typos corrected. v3: put more emphasis on the difference from the MSSM + \nu_R model, reference added, typos corrected, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Location of the innermost stable circular orbit of binary neutron stars in the post Newtonian approximations of general relativity

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    In this paper, we present results obtained from our recent studies on the location of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) for binary neutron stars (BNSs) in several levels of post Newtonian (PN) approximations. We reach the following conclusion at present: (1) even in the Newtonian case, there exists the ISCO for binary of sufficiently stiff equation of state (EOS). If the mass and the radius of each star are fixed, the angular velocity at the ISCO ΩISCO\Omega_{ISCO} is larger for softer EOS: (2) when we include the first PN correction, there appear roughly two kinds of effects. One is the effect to the self-gravity of each star of binary and the other is to the gravity acting between two stars. Due to the former one, each star of binary becomes compact and the tidal effect is less effective. As a result, ΩISCO\Omega_{ISCO} tends to be increased. On the other hand, the latter one has the property to destabilize the binary orbit, and ΩISCO\Omega_{ISCO} tends to be decreased. If we take into account both effects, however, the former effect is stronger than the latter one, and ΩISCO\Omega_{ISCO} becomes large with increase of the 1PN correction: (3) the feature mentioned above is more remarkable for softer EOS if the mass and radius are fixed. This is because for softer EOS, each star has the larger central density and is susceptible to the GR correction: (4) there has been no self consistent calculation including all the 2PN effects and only exist studies in which one merely includes the effect of the 2PN gravity acting between two stars. In this case, the effect has the property to destabilize the binary orbit, so that ΩISCO\Omega_{ISCO} is always smaller than that for the Newtonian case. If we include the PN effect of the self-gravity to each star, ΩISCO\Omega_{ISCO} will increase.Comment: 33 pages ptptex file, 29 figures, to appear in Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.128 (1997) `Perturbative and Numerical Approaches to Gravitational Radiation

    E2E Refined Dataset

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    Although the well-known MR-to-text E2E dataset has been used by many researchers, its MR-text pairs include many deletion/insertion/substitution errors. Since such errors affect the quality of MR-to-text systems, they must be fixed as much as possible. Therefore, we developed a refined dataset and some python programs that convert the original E2E dataset into a refined dataset.Comment: 4 page

    Oxygen isotope study of Tsukuba chondrite, some HED meteorites and Allende chondrules

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    Laser fluorination technique coupled with stable isotope mass spectrometry using O_2 is successfully employed to determine the δ^O and δ^O values of different types of meteorites. The oxygen isotope data are reported for the recent fall Tsukuba meteorite confirming it to be an H-type ordinary chondrite. Three diogenites Tatahouine, Y-791199 and Y-791000 are analyzed for oxygen isotopic signatures. Y-791199 and Y-791000 are regarded as cumulate eucrites by many researchers on the basis of petrogenesis. The oxygen isotopes of Tatahouine and Y-791199 are consistent with the diogenite group data. Y-791000 is showing lighter oxygen isotopic composition which is unique among the other diogenites. It may indicate that the parental source for some of cumulate eucrites is different from the non-cumulate ones. The slope 1/2 trend of oxygen isotopes observed in various Allende chondrules (mostly small porphyritic type) signifies that aqueous alteration might be responsible for scattering of data along a nearly mass dependant trend. These chondrules are plotted on a δ^O-δ^O diagram with a slope of 0.52 having Δ^O=-4.24±0.27. The range of δ^O and δ^O data observed in these chondrules is from -7.26 to -0.19‰ and -7.98 to -4.04‰ respectively. The variability in the isotopic composition which caused the scatter on the terrestrial trend implies that on the parent body some low temperature hydrothermal alteration took place

    Noble gas measurement in individual micrometeorites using laser gas-extraction system

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    All noble gases in 12 individual Antarctic micrometeorites, series F96C and F96D, taken from a water tank at the Dome Fuji Station, were measured by using Nd-YAG CW laser-extraction system. According to the results of light noble gases, the micrometeorites can be separated into two groups, "gas-rich" and "gas-poor". Samples in the gas-rich group have SEP-like ^3He/^4He ratios and Ne isotopic ratios between SEP- and Solar wind-Ne, which are consistent with previous reports on micrometeorites or IDPs. On the other hand, samples in the gas-poor group have very low ^3He/^4He ratios and ^Ne/^Ne ratios lower than the atmospheric values. The ^Ar/^Ar ratios are also separated into two groups, i. e., samples with lower ^Ar/^Ar belong to the gas-rich group. Cosmogenic noble gases were undetected in all the samples and cosmic-ray exposure ages may be shorter than 4.5Ma considering error limits of Ne data. Heavy noble gas elemental compositions are chondritic. There was no correlation between the concentration of volatile elements, sulfur, and that of He and Ne

    Noble gases and K-Ar ages of five Rumuruti chondrites Yamato(Y)-75302, Y-791827, Y-793575, Y-82002, and Asuka-881988

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    Noble gases and K concentrations have been determined for aliquot samples prepared from the five Antarctic R-chondrites Yamato (Y)-75302,Y-791827,Y-793575,Y-82002,and Asuka (A)-881988. K-Ar ages of about 4.2Ga were obtained for Y-75302,Y-791827,Y-793575 and A-881988,while Y-82002 showed a slightly younger age of 3.9Ga. The Y-75302,Y-791827 and Y-82002 are enriched in solar light noble gases. Four meteorites Y-75302,Y-791827,Y-82002 and A-881988 have cosmic-ray exposure ages of about 20Ma, while the age of Y-793575 is about 7Ma. Based on the noble gas compositions and K-Ar ages, Y-75302 and Y-791827 are probably paired and Y-82002 may belong to this pair. Relatively high and variable ^Xe/^Xe ratios between 2-3.7 as well as enrichments of heavier Xe isotopes were observed in all R-chondrites