435 research outputs found

    Radial Velocities of Stars in the Galactic Center

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    We present results from K band slit scan observations of a ~20''x20'' region of the Galactic center (GC) in two separate epochs more than five years apart. The high resolution (R>=14,000) observations allow the most accurate radial velocity and acceleration measurements of the stars in the central parsec of the Galaxy. Detected stars can be divided into three groups based on the CO absorption band heads at ~2.2935 microns and the He I lines at ~2.0581 microns and ~2.112, 2.113 microns: cool, narrow-line hot and broad-line hot. The radial velocities of the cool, late-type stars have approximately a symmetrical distribution with its center at ~-7.8(+/-10.3) km/s and a standard deviation ~113.7(+/-10.3) km/s. Although our statistics are dominated by the brightest stars, we estimate a central black hole mass of 3.9(+/-1.1) million solar masses, consistent with current estimates from complete orbits of individual stars. Our surface density profile and the velocity dispersion of the late type stars support the existence of a low density region at the Galactic center suggested by earlier observations. Many hot, early-type stars show radial velocity changes higher than maximum values allowed by pure circular orbital motions around a central massive object, suggesting that the motions of these stars greatly deviate from circular orbital motions around the Galactic center. The correlation between the radial velocities of the early type He I stars and their declination offsets from Sagittarius A* suggests that a systematic rotation is present for the early-type population. No figure rotation around the Galactic center for the late type stars is supported by the new observations.Comment: 61 pages, 18 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    A Second Luminous Blue Variable in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    H and K band moderate resolution and 4 ÎŒ\mum high resolution spectra have been obtained for FMM#362, a bright star in the Quintuplet Cluster near the Galactic Center. The spectral features in these bands closely match those of the Pistol Star, a luminous blue variable and one of the most luminous stars known. The new spectra and previously-obtained photometry imply a very high luminosity for FMM#362, L ≄106\geq 10^6 \Lsun, and a temperature of 10,000 - 13,000 K. Based on its luminosity, temperature, photometric variability, and similarities to the Pistol Star, we conclude that FMM#362 is a luminous blue variable.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 4 PostScript figures, 2 table

    Peering through the veil: near-infrared photometry and extinction for the Galactic nuclear star cluster

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    The aims of this work are to provide accurate photometry in multiple near-infrared broadband filters, to determine the power-law index of the extinction-law toward the central parsec of the Galaxy, to provide measurements of the absolute extinction toward the Galactic center, and finally to measure the spatial variability of extinction on arcsecond scales.We use adaptive optics observations of the central parsec of the Milky Way. Absolute values for the extinction in the H, Ks, and L'-bands as well as of the power-law indices of the H to Ks and Ks to L' extinction-laws are measured based on the well-known properties of red clump stars. Extinction maps are derived based on H-Ks and Ks-L' colors. We present Ks-band photometry for ~7700 stars (H and L' photometry for a subset). From a number of recently published values we compute a mean distance of the Galactic center of R_0=8.03+-0.15 kpc, which has an uncertainty of just 2%. Based on this R_0 and on the RC method, we derive absolute mean extinction values toward the central parsec of the Galaxy of A_H=4.48+-0.13 mag, A_Ks=2.54+-0.12$ mag, and A_L'=1.27+-0.18 mag. We estimate values of the power-law indices of the extinction-law of alpha_{H-Ks}=2.21+-0.24 and alpha_{Ks-L'}=1.34+-0.29. A Ks-band extinction map for the Galactic center is computed based on this extinction law and on stellar H-Ks colors. Mean extinction values in a circular region with 0.5" radius centered on Sagittarius A* are A_{H, SgrA*}=4.35+-0.12, A_{Ks, SgrA*}=2.46+-0.03, and A_{L', SgrA*}=1.23+-0.08.Comment: accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics; please contact RS for higher quality figure

    The Arches cluster revisited: I. Data presentation and stellar census

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    Context. Located within the central region of the Galaxy, the Arches cluster appears to be one of the youngest, densest and most massive stellar aggregates within the Milky Way. As such it has the potential to be a uniquely instructive laboratory for the study of star formation in extreme environments and the physics of very massive stars. Aims. To realise this possibility, the fundamental physical properties of both cluster and constituent stars need to be robustly determined; tasks we attempt here. Methods. In order to accomplish these goals we provide and analyse new multi-epoch near-IR spectroscopic data obtained with the VLT/SINFONI and photometry from the HST/WFC3. We are able to stack multiple epochs of spectroscopy for individual stars in order to obtain the deepest view of the cluster members ever obtained. Results. We present spectral classifications for 88 cluster members, all of which are WNLh or O stars: a factor of three increase over previous studies. We find no further examples of Wolf-Rayet stars within the cluster; importantly no H-free examples were identified. The smooth and continuous progression in spectral morphologies from O super-/hypergiants through to the WNLh cohort implies a direct evolutionary connection. We identify candidate giant and main sequence O stars spectroscopically for the first time. No products of binary evolution may be unambiguously identified despite the presence of massive binaries within the Arches. Conclusions. Notwithstanding difficulties imposed by the highly uncertain (differential) reddening to the Arches, we infer a main sequence/luminosity class V turn-off mass of ∌ 30 − 38M⊙ via the distribution of spectral types. Analysis of the eclipsing binary F2 suggests current masses of ∌ 80M⊙ and ∌ 60M⊙ for the WNLh and O hypergiant cohorts, respectively; we conclude that all classified stars have masses > 20M⊙. An age of ∌ 2.0 − 3.3Myr is suggested by the turn-off between ∌O4-5 V; constraints imposed by the supergiant population and the lack of H-free WRs are consistent with this estimate. While the absence of highly evolved WC stars strongly argues against the prior occurrence of SNe within the Arches, the derived age does accommodate such events for exceptionally massive stars. Further progress will require quantitative analysis of multiple individual cluster members in addition to further spectroscopic observations to better constrain the binary and main sequence populations; nevertheless it is abundantly clear that the Arches offers an unprecedented insight into the formation, evolution and death of the most massive stars Nature allows to form

    The Arches Cluster Mass Function

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    We have analyzed H and K_s-band images of the Arches cluster obtained using the NIRC2 instrument on Keck with the laser guide star adaptive optics (LGS AO) system. With the help of the LGS AO system, we were able to obtain the deepest ever photometry for this cluster and its neighborhood, and derive the background-subtracted present-day mass function (PDMF) down to 1.3 Msun for the 5 arcsec-9 arcsec annulus of the cluster. We find that the previously reported turnover at 6 Msun is simply due to a local bump in the mass function (MF), and that the MF continues to increase down to our 50 % completeness limit (1.3 Msun) with a power-law exponent of Gamma = -0.91 for the mass range of 1.3 < M/Msun < 50. Our numerical calculations for the evolution of the Arches cluster show that the Gamma values for our annulus increase by 0.1-0.2 during the lifetime of the cluster, and thus suggest that the Arches cluster initially had Gamma of -1.0 ~ -1.1, which is only slightly shallower than the Salpeter value.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Nonthermal THz to TeV Emission from Stellar Wind Shocks in the Galactic Center

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    The central parsec of the Galaxy contains dozens of massive stars with a cumulative mass loss rate of ~ 10^{-3} solar masses per year. Shocks among these stellar winds produce the hot plasma that pervades the central part of the galaxy. We argue that these stellar wind shocks also efficiently accelerate electrons and protons to relativistic energies. The relativistic electrons inverse Compton scatter the ambient ultraviolet and far infrared radiation field, producing high energy gamma-rays with a roughly constant luminosity from \~ GeV to ~ 10 TeV. This can account for the TeV source seen by HESS in the Galactic Center. Our model predicts a GLAST counterpart to the HESS source with a luminosity of ~ 10^{35} ergs/s and cooling break at ~ 4 GeV. Synchrotron radiation from the same relativistic electrons should produce detectable emission at lower energies, with a surface brightness ~ 10^{32} B^2_{-3} ergs/s/arcsec^2 from ~ THz to ~ keV, where B_{-3} is the magnetic field strength in units of mG. The observed level of diffuse thermal X-ray emission in the central parsec requires B < 300 micro-G in our models. Future detection of the diffuse synchrotron background in the central parsec can directly constrain the magnetic field strength, providing an important boundary condition for models of accretion onto Sgr A*.Comment: submitted to ApJ Letter

    A Medium Resolution Near-Infrared Spectral Atlas of O and Early B Stars

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    We present intermediate resolution (R ~ 8,000 - 12,000) high signal-to-noise H- and K-band spectroscopy of a sample of 37 optically visible stars, ranging in spectral type from O3 to B3 and representing most luminosity classes. Spectra of this quality can be used to constrain the temperature, luminosity and general wind properties of OB stars, when used in conjunction with sophisticated atmospheric model codes. Most important is the need for moderately high resolutions (R > 5000) and very high signal-to-noise (S/N > 150) spectra for a meaningful profile analysis. When using near-infrared spectra for a classification system, moderately high signal-to-noise (S/N ~ 100) is still required, though the resolution can be relaxed to just a thousand or two. In the appendix we provide a set of very high quality near-infrared spectra of Brackett lines in six early-A dwarfs. These can be used to aid in the modeling and removal of such lines when early-A dwarfs are used for telluric spectroscopic standards.Comment: 12 pages, 3 tables, 14 figures. AASTex preprint style. To appear in ApJS, November 2005. All spectra are available by contacting M.M. Hanso
