6,284 research outputs found

    Magnetic and magnetoelectric studies in pure and cation doped BiFeO3

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    We report magnetic and magnetoelectric studies on BiFeO3 and divalent cation (A) suvtitute Bi0.7A0.3FeO3 (A = Sr,Ba, and Sr0.5Ba0.5). It is shown that the rapid increase of magnetization at the Neel temperature (TN = 642 K) is suppressed in the co-doped compound A = Sr0.5Ba0.5. All the divalent subtituted compounds show enhanced magnetization and hysteresis loop. Both longitudinal and transverse magnetoelectric coefficients were measured using the dynamical lock-in technique. The co-doped compound shows the highest magnetoelectric coefficient at room temperature although it is not the compound with the highest saturation magnetization. It is found that as the size of the A-site cation increses, the transverse magnetoelectric coeffient increases and exceeds the longitudinal magnetoelectric coefficient. It is suggested that changes in magnetic domain structure and magnetostriction are possible reasons for the observed changes in the magnetoelectric coefficients.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figur

    Electrical, magnetic, magnetodielectric and magnetoabsorption studies in multiferroic GaFeO3

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    We report electrical, magnetic, magnetodielectric and magnetoabsorption properties of a polycrystalline GaFeO3. The resistivity measurement shows that the sample is highly insulating below 200 K and the resistivity above 200 K obey the Arrhenius law with an activation energy of Ea = 0.67 eV. An anomaly occurs in the temperature dependence of permittivity (e) near the ferrimagnetic transition temperature (TC = 228 K) in a zero magnetic field and it is suppressed under H = 60 mT which indicates a possible magnetoelectric coupling in GaFeO3 with a fractional change of de/e = -1.8% at 60 mT around TC. The coercivity (HC) of the sample increases dramatically with lowering temperature below 200 K from 0.1 T at 200 K to 0.9 T at 5 K. Magnetoabsorption was studied with a LC resonance technique and we found a close correlation between the shift in the resonance frequency due to applied magnetic field and the coercive field measured using dc magnetization measurements. Our results obtained with multiple techniques suggest that GaFeO3 is an interesting ferrimagnet with potential applications in future multiferroic devices.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    A large magnetoinductance effect in La0.67Ba0.33MnO3

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    We report four probe impedance of La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 at f = 100 kHz under different dc bias magnetic fields. The ac resistance (R) exhibits a peak around Tp = 325 K which is accompanied by a rapid increase and a peak in the reactance (X) in a zero field. The magnetoreactance exhibits a sharp peak close to Tp and its magnitude (= 60% in H = 1 kG) exceeds that of the ac magnetoresistance (= 5 % inH = 1 kG). It is suggested that the magnetoreactance arises from changes in the self inductance of the sample rather than the capacitance.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. accepted in Appl. Phys. Let

    Magnetically tunable rf wave absorption in polycrystalline La0.67Ba0.33MnO3

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    We investigated temperature and magnetic field dependent radio-frequency electromagnetic absorption in La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 by monitoring changes in resonance frequency (fr) and current (II) through a LC resonant circuit powered by an integrated chip oscillator. The ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition at Tc in zero external magnetic field is accompanied by an abrupt increase in fr and I and they are tunable by small external magnetic field. We observed fractional changes as much as 46% in delfr/fr and 23% in delI/I around Tc under H = 0.1 T that can be exploited for low magnetic field sensors and other applications.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure


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    Four novelties in the genus Panicum L. namely P. phoiniclados,P. deccanense and P. paianum together with its variety minor have been described from materials collected from the Marathwada region of the Deecan plateau

    Antioxidant-Rich Amaranth Varieties, Arka Samraksha and Arka Varna

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    Amaranth improvement in India hither to was concerned with development of high-yielding varieties, and hardly any research efforts have been made for its nutritional improvement. Keeping this in view, at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research two high-yielding amaranth varieties, Arka Samraksha and Arka Varna with high antioxidant activity, low amounts of nitrates and oxalates were developed using modified bulk method of selection from segregating population of the crosses IIHR-4 x IIHR-70 and IIHR-7 x IIHR-30 . Arka Samraksha is a high-yielding (10.9 t/ha in 30-35 days), pulling-type variety with green leaves and stem, antioxidant activity of 499mg (AEAC units) and minimum nitrate content of 27.3 mg and 1.34 g oxalates per 100 g fresh leaf weight. Arka Varna also a pulling type, high-yielding variety (10.6 t/ha in 30-35 days) with green leaves and a pink stem, high antioxidant activity of 417 mg (AEAC units), low nitrate content of 37.6 mg and 1.42 g oxalates per 100 g fresh leaf weight

    Analysis of Superconducting Fault Current Limiterin DC System with Renewable Energy Sources

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    Superconducting fault-current limiters (SFCLs) have been the subject of research and development for many years and offer an attractive solution to the problem of rising fault levels in electrical distribution systems. SFCLs can greatly reduce fault currents and the damage at the point of fault, and help improve the stability of a power system. Superconducting fault-current limiters (SFCL) provide a new efficient approach to the reliable handling of such faults.(SCFLs) can be used for various nominal voltages and currents, and can be adapted to particular limiting characteristics in case of short circuits. In this project, dc resistive type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) is presented. This SFCL is designed for the HVDC system. Uniform current and voltage sharing among the SFCL modules can be observed through contact resistance tests, dc flow-through tests, and ac flow-through tests. Results of tests show that each limiting module has good uniformity in higher current system. The proposed concept can be implemented using renewable energy sources.The results are presented by using Matlab/Simulink platform

    Huge ac magnetoresistance in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 in sub- kilo gauss magnetic fields

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    We report dynamical magnetotransport in a ferromagnetic metallic oxide, La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 using the ac impedance technique. The temperature dependence of the ac resistance(R) and the inductive reactance (X) of the complex impedance (Z = R+jX) under different dc bias magnetic fields (Hdc = 0-1 kOe) were studied for different frequencies f = 0.1 to 5 MHz of alternating current. The zero field R, which decreases smoothly around the Curie temperature TC for f = 100 kHz, transforms into a peak for f = 0.5-5 MHz. The peak decreases in amplitude, broadens and shifts downward in temperature as the bias field increases. A huge ac magnetoresistance (= 45 % at f = 2 MHz) in a field of Hdc = 1 kOe is found and we attribute it to the magnetic field- induced enhancement in the skin depth and concomitant suppression of magnetic fluctuations near TC. Our study suggests that radio frequency magnetotransport provides an alternative strategy to enhance the magnetoresistance and probe the spin-charge coupling in manganites.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figurea. submitted to Phys. Rev.