304 research outputs found

    Üdvözlet az ábrázoló geometria világából

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    Az elmúlt több mint egy évtizedben – de a világjárvány időszakában még inkább – előtérbe került annak a kérdésnek a megválaszolása Hogyan tanítsunk és tanuljunk ábrázoló geometriát a technikai fejlődés dinamikus változásainak közegében? E rövid közlemény tulajdonképpen széljegyzet az ábrázoló geometria oktatás margójára egyetemi környezetben, ugyanakkor a leírtak minden oktatási szintet érintenek. Hazai és külföldi (szak)irodalmak, írásművek mondanivalóinak kiemelésével – támaszkodva a saját tapasztalatokra is – rámutat arra, hogy azok a (szak)módszertani megközelítések lehetnek helyesek és hatékonyak, amelyek nem tévesztik szem elől azt az örökérvényű „axiómát”, amelyet még 1777-ben a Ratio Educationis fogalmazott meg elsőként. Nevezetesen, hogy a geometria „… bámulatosan képezi az ifjak elméjét a helyes gondolkodásra és a tárgyakról való igaz fogalmaknak a megalkotására”. Továbbá „Fő gondunk itt arra irányuljon, hogy csak azokat a meghatározásokat és feladatokat vegyük föl, melyeknek alkalmazása és megfejtése a közéletben előfordul.” Kiegészítve e gondolatot azzal, hogy a személyiségformálásnak is (egyik) eszköze a rajzolás, ami még teljesebb lehet, ha a technikai, technológiai fejlettség is hozzájárul. A közlemény fontos megállapítása, hogy a tanítás–tanulás folyamatában Triplum modellként értelmezhető a tanító–tananyag–tanított viszonya, amely kapcsolatnak közvetlennek és dinamikusnak kell lennie. Továbbá a sokat hangoztatott tanítotti élmény mellett éppoly fontos a tanítói élmény is, ezért ezekkel – mint az oktatás mozgatórugóival, a jövő oktatási kihívásaival – kiegészülve pedig Quintuplum modell. Abstract: Over the past decade, but even more so during the pandemic, the question of How to teach and learn descriptive geometry in the context of dynamic changes in technical development? has come to the fore. This short paper is, in fact, a side note on the margins of descriptive geometry education in a university community and sphere. However, these findings can be validated at all levels of education. Highlighting the statements of Hungarian and international (professional) literature and writings – relying on my own experience as well – point out that those (specialist) methodological approaches can be correct and effective, which do not lose sight of the eternal “axiom” was first formulated by the Ratio Educationis in 1777. Namely, that geometry “… amazingly trains young people’s minds to think correctly and create true concepts about objects”. Furthermore, "Our main care should be to make only those definitions and tasks whose application and decipherment occur in public life.” This idea must be supplemented by the fact that drawing is also (one of) the means of personality formation, and it can be even more complete if technical, technological development also contributes. An important finding of the paper is that the teacher – educational material – learner relationship can be interpreted as a Triplum model in the teaching–learning process, and the relationship must be direct and dynamic. Furthermore, the teaching experience is just as important in addition to the much-mentioned teaching experience. Complemented by these aspects, such as the drivers of education and the educational challenges of the future, the Quintuplum model is

    The Use of a Line Scan Ratemeter for the X-Ray Microanalytic Evaluation of Membrane-Bound Histochemical Endproducts

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    Although X-ray microanalysis represents a useful tool for identifying electron dense histochemical end-products, quantitative microanalytic measurements are seriously hampered in the case of the activities of certain membrane-bound enzymes. For example, the electron histochemical methods revealing K+-dependent pNPPase activity result in a very fine, granular reaction product of lead phosphate. Therefore microanalytic, densitometric or similar evaluations of the reaction, even in semiquantitative terms are not practical by the usual procedures. This paper describes a method of X-ray microanalysis of thick sections (0.5 ÎĽm) processed for K+-pNPPase, where a sufficient amount of lead is present for X-ray microanalytic determination. The analysis is performed in the line scan mode on transversely cut membrane profiles by means of the line scan ratemeter of an EDAX System F. This yields quantitative data on the relative lead concentrations in the vicinity of the cell membrane. A method is proposed for calculation of relative enzyme activities based on the Pb-signal of the ratemeter curve and the average noise -level of the cytoplasm, containing also non-specifically bound lead. This method avoids the necessity of measuring the section thickness; it may be useful for a variety of purposes in the electron microscopic histochemistry of membrane-bound enzymes

    A brief overview about dielectric parameters of soils

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    Engineering applications may include such investigations, which play important role in the innovative agriculture. Investigations have to be carried out to isolate the effects of specific characteristics through laboratory and field experiments. The most important soil characteristics are moisture content, salinity, organic matter content, bulk density, texture and structure. Continuous and improving innovation in soil investigations is utilising electromagnetic methods (electromagnetic waves) to measure soil parameters. Of course, the parameters can be measured using conventional techniques, too. But dielectric characteristics of soils can be evaluated from both an agricultural and a technical perspective. Undoubtedly, the most significant and easiest to isolate is soil moisture. Dielectric test method can be potentially utilised in agricultural researches. Furthermore, technical education, research, development and innovation provide opportunities for resilience and reinvention. This paper presents how the dielectric parameters of soils characterize and describe the properties of soils, evaluate the effects of soil properties on microwave complex dielectric constants and outlines a dielectric model

    Dielectric parameters of soils as function of frequency

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    Requirements of the gas engines considering the use of biogases

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    In the present publication we are examining the requirements of biogases needed by gas engines. Szolnok University College Technical and Agricultural Faculty as well as Budapest University of Technology and Economics are the two main bases of the research. In the course of our research work, of all the potentially available biogases we chose those ones that seem optimal to operate engines - on the grounds of gas production and methane production. The reasons of our choosing are based on the relatively high energy content, the maximum quantity yield, and the as constant output and quality as possible. In the course of the utilization in the internal combustion engine (in biogas engine) we collected some information on what effects the biogases produced by different kinds of recipes have on the operation of the gas engines, the efficiency and performance with special regards to the emission
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