44 research outputs found

    Benefiting from the hive: Folksonomy in technical libraries

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    Analysis of ResearchGate Network based on Suitable Scientific Assessment Tool: A Systematic Review

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    Purpose: Accurate scientific evaluation of researchers by ResearchGate network is still ambiguous. This systematic study seeks to shed some light on this issue. Methods: The study was conducted with a systematic review of the previous studies (articles or reports). The analysis of documents was performed with a targeted keyword search in the reputable Google Scholar, Emerald, and PubMed databases (without limit). Titles and abstracts (if necessary, full texts) of the number of 582 documents (Persian, English, and Spanish) were retrieved (1-10 April 2021) and studied. Then, by removing duplicate or irrelevant data, 57 independent studies were selected for meeting the main research problem of this systematic review (using the PRISMA statement). For drawing diagrams, Excel software was used. Findings: Among 57 previous independent studies retrieved by systematic review, 30 ones, had a negative attitude towards the ResearchGate. 27 studies saw with positive approach from standpoint the concepts of "authentic measuring instrument", " presence of prominent scientists such as Nobel Prize recipients", "valid scientific content", and "having a significant relationship with the academic ranking criteria", and "compliance with the Hirsch indicator", that was identified by documentary analysis based on PRISMA statement. Studies with a positive assessment of the ResearchGate dealt with developing countries, and with a small investigated research community. Therefore, it is appropriate to act cautiously when evaluating researchers with the ResearchGate network. Originality: No similar systematic review to evaluate the ResearchGate network from the standpoint of a scientific suitable evaluation tool, has been done so far

    Studying "Bounce Rate" and "Average Visit Duration" on the Iranian University Library Websites: Correlation Analysis

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    Purpose: Nowadays, average visit duration through the university library websites and bounce rate of the web users, are two important factors from the standpoint of Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The main objective of this paper is to study the two mentioned factors in Iranian university library websites and interactive relationship analysis between them. Method: This study opted for the webometrics approach. The research community was 42 library websites of Iranian governmental universities affiliated with the ministry of science, except Payam- Noor and Farhangian. These mentioned websites were analyzed by the descriptive and analytical survey methods. The data had been extracted by the "Similarweb" analytical tool (3 months: January to March 2020). Three software, "SPSS22", "Excel" and "LibreOfficeCalc", were used for data analysis. Findings: The lowest (best) bounce rates from the library website were observed in the websites of the Central Library of Allameh Tabatabai University and the Digital Library of the University of Guilan, respectively. The highest (best) "average visit duration", was observed in the digital library websites of Isfahan university of technology and the university of Tehran, respectively. Conclusion: The "bounce rate" of members of the research community has been observed between 13% and 100%. Also, "average visit duration" has been seen from 0 to 300 seconds. Iranian university library websites from the standpoint, two factors that impacted Google SEO, have been seen in the weak level. A significant inversely correlation was obtained between "Bounce Rate" and "Average Visit Duration" in 42 Iranian governmental university library websites with an amount of 0.6

    Feasibility Study of Creating Maker Movement in the Central Library of the University of Tehran

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    Purpose: This research attempts to determine the status of the University of Tehran’s central library to establish the maker movement. Method: For so doing, both a library study method is used to prepare a checklist, and a survey method is done. By a purposive sampling, an interview with the Head of Central Library and Documentation Center of the Tehran University was carried out and a questionnaire was distributed among the librarians. Findings: The findings indicate that the central library’s condition in terms of human resources, finances, and infrastructure is not proper for the current makerspace. Conclusion: The results show that a high level of education and work experience has a positive effect on librarians' familiarity, skill and interest. For librarians, funding from the parent organization is greater than funding from library funding and other sources. Male librarians are less interested in establishing a maker movement, despite being more familiar with the makerspace and skillful in performing activities related to the makerspace. The organizing and cataloging department is more interested in creating a makerspace. The level of education and high work experience has a positive effect on the level of familiarity, skill and interest of librarians with activities related to the creative construction space, which can be used in the field of guiding, training and controlling related activities. For most librarians, there is enough time and space in the central library for makerspace. Undesirable hardware and software equipment in the library and lack of knowledge about digitalization laboratory equipment affect the level of knowledge of librarians

    A framework for investigating pet owners’ health information behaviour intervention

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    Objective: This study is a part of a research aiming to determine whether an information prescription given by veterinarians in a general pet clinic would change the behaviours of pet owners about using pet health information resources on the internet. For this purpose, we develop a model to intervene and evaluate pet owner’s online health information seeking behaviour (HISB). Methods: The framework emerges from a systematic literature review and qualitative content analysis. NVivo 10 was used in this paper as an analysis tool for coding text and for supporting framework generation through identifying patterns. Results: We indicate the most influencing factors on online HISB of pet owners, including human-pet relationship, veterinary-client interactions, and pet owner’s health literacy. Discussion: We strengthen our findings further by learning from health behaviour models which lead to a better pet health promotion. Based on adaption of the Interaction model of client health behaviour (IMCHB), we developed our initial model. Conclusion: this model serves as an initial step to engage information scientists and veterinarians for planning on pet health information outreach. However, future research needs to test the proposed model in various case studies and populations

    Organizational Repository Model with Emphasis on Driving Factors Using Meta-Synthesis Method (Case Study: National Company for Southern Oilfields)

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    Objective: The present study aimed to design an organizational reservoir model in the National Company of Southern Oilfields with emphasis on identifying the driving factors using the metacombined. Method: The first statistical population of the study was all written documents related to the organizational repository including 40 articles and works based on valid criteria from among 175 articles and works were selected and analyzed. The second statistical population included experts in the field of information technology, organizational repository, knowledge management, etc., who were eventually selected as 15 people and due to the conditions and limitations of the Corona pandemic, remotely compared to the presentation. Comments and suggestions were taken. Findings: The results of data analysis showed that the variables of perception of plagiarism, attitude to plagiarism, and personal harassment have a negative and significant effect on the rate of plagiarism of students. Also, the variable of academic jurisprudence has a positive and significant effect on the rate of plagiarism of students

    Co-word mapping of Image Retrieval based on Web of Science-Indexed Papers

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    Background and aim: Given the special status and wide usage of image retrieval in various fields, the present investigation studied on the research trends and significant factors within the field of image retrieval and drawing the co-word map based on the articles indexed in Web of Science. Material and methods: This scientometric study was performed using bibliometric techniques such as co-citation analysis. Samples of the current study were all articles indexed in ISI in the field of image retrieval from 2001 to 2012. Therefore, 2537 papers were retrieved in this field. Citespace and VOSviewer were applied for co-word analysis. Findings: The highest centrality with the number of 0.18 has been related to the term "image retrieval". "Content based image retrieval" and "relevance feedback" both with 0.15 centrality have been in the next rank. The Highest burst with the number of 11.59 was belonged to "pattern recognition society". "Content-based image retrieval", "image database" with the number of 7.53 and 5.79 burst have won the second and third ranks, respectively. Sigma was obtained 1.39 for the "shape" and 1 for other terms during this period. Also, the analysis of co-word network in VOSviewer indicated 9 scientific clusters in the field of image retrieval. Conclusion: The analysis of co-word network in the field of image retrieval have shown that the content-based image retrieval is one of the most important approaches in the field of image retrieval in the past years

    Identifying the Most Important Factors Influencing the Future of University Research Policies: A Case Study of Seven Comprehensive Universities

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    Research at the university is one of the key pillars of community development and development, and is crucial to maintaining a competitive position at national and international levels. This study aimed to identify the most important factors affecting the future of research at seven comprehensive universities in the country: University of Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, Shahid Beheshti University, Tabriz University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Isfahan University, and Shiraz University. The research was conducted with future research approach. To identify the primary influencing factors, the environmental scanning method and interviews with experts in the three-month interval (April 15 to July 15, 2019) were used. In the first stage, 33 effective factors were identified. According to the experts' opinion, the 24 factors in the cross-Impact matrix were again sent back to the experts for weighting the factors. The results of MicMac analysis indicate the instability of the research system; because most factors are scattered around the diameter of the plate. Of the five types of factors identifiable on the influence-dependence plate, only two types of bidirectional and independent factors have been identified. Three cases (incompatibility of upstream documents with university research capability, government funding constraint and ignoring research) were among the independent factors and 21 factors (interdisciplinary Sciences, international cooperation, university and industry cooperation, governments approach to research, knowledge management status, belief in research benefits in solving challenges, research infrastructures, managers attitudes, culture-building, economic prosperity, non-governmental organizations approaches, research network status, technologies role, industry research needs to universities, by-laws for promotion and employing faculty members, upstream document actions, worldwide research image, industry mental image of university efficacy, the impact of the international research status, the university mentality of industry acceptance, university research laws) are among the two-way (bidirectional) factors

    Identifying the Most Important Factors Influencing the Future of University Research Policies: A Case Study of Seven Comprehensive Universities

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    Research at the university is one of the key pillars of community development and development, and is crucial to maintaining a competitive position at national and international levels. This study aimed to identify the most important factors affecting the future of research at seven comprehensive universities in the country: University of Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, Shahid Beheshti University, Tabriz University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Isfahan University, and Shiraz University. The research was conducted with future research approach. To identify the primary influencing factors, the environmental scanning method and interviews with experts in the three-month interval (April 15 to July 15, 2019) were used. In the first stage, 33 effective factors were identified. According to the experts' opinion, the 24 factors in the cross-Impact matrix were again sent back to the experts for weighting the factors. The results of MicMac analysis indicate the instability of the research system; because most factors are scattered around the diameter of the plate. Of the five types of factors identifiable on the influence-dependence plate, only two types of bidirectional and independent factors have been identified. Three cases (incompatibility of upstream documents with university research capability, government funding constraint and ignoring research) were among the independent factors and 21 factors (interdisciplinary Sciences, international cooperation, university and industry cooperation, governments approach to research, knowledge management status, belief in research benefits in solving challenges, research infrastructures, managers attitudes, culture-building, economic prosperity, non-governmental organizations approaches, research network status, technologies role, industry research needs to universities, by-laws for promotion and employing faculty members, upstream document actions, worldwide research image, industry mental image of university efficacy, the impact of the international research status, the university mentality of industry acceptance, university research laws) are among the two-way (bidirectional) factors

    Identifying the Components of the Digital Transformation of University Libraries Using Meta-Synthesis Method

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    Digital transformation is a relatively new concept in the university library environment and has become one of the key concepts of success and sustainability for university libraries in the competitive information environment. Based on the reviews conducted on the subject literature, no research was found that could present the construction requirements and the factors affecting the digital transformation of university libraries. Therefore, the purpose of the current research was to identify the components of the digital transformation of university libraries. The approach of this research was qualitative and the Sandelowski and Barroso's seven-step meta-synthesis method (2007) has been used. The statistical population of the research includes all the scientific publications related to the foundations and dimensions of the digital transformation of university libraries, counting the scientific publications retrieved from 12 scientific databases in the period from 2004 to 2022 (corresponding to the solar Hijri years of 1383 to 1401), which is based on the Critical Appraisals Skills Programme (CASP) and screening process. Therefore, 32 works were selected for further review and analysis. In this research, first, a separate code was considered for all the factors extracted from the selected publications, and then considering the concept of each of the codes, they were categorized in a similar concept. In this way, the concepts of the research were determined. Based on the analysis done with the help of content analysis method, there are a total of 7 main categories and 24 concepts, including digital culture (digital attitude, user-oriented, agility, participation and cooperation, creativity and innovation, learning digital skills of employees), digital librarian (individual competence, knowledge competence, communication competence, skill competence), digital manager (individual competence, knowledge competence, skill competence), digital services and resources (optimally reorganizing library resources, providing digital services to users, providing digital services to the organization mother), digital technologies (digital infrastructure, technological readiness, use digital technologies), support and cooperation of upstream institutions and the mother organization (to provide human resources, to provide technological resources and equipment, to make macro policies), and Work process and development of digital strategy (digitalization of processes and development of library digital strategy). The discussion of the digital transformation of organizations, including the digital transformation of university libraries, is complex, and managers and librarians cannot be expected to be familiar with these concepts without training or study and be able to move in the right direction toward the digital transformation of libraries. This research is the first research inside and outside of Iran that identified the components of the digital transformation of university libraries. The results of this research can be a good guide for an easy understanding of the effective factors and requirements of digital transformation of libraries and the importance of understanding it for managers and librarians