6 research outputs found

    Effect of two drying methods on key physicochemical properties and sensory profile of dried figs (Ficus carica L)

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    In Morocco, the majority of small farmers carry out solar drying of the fruits by traditional process on their farms. Such practice leads to losses in quality and quantity in dried fruits. This study aims to evaluate sensory and physico-chemical quality of dried figs by using two drying methods: (1st) Usual solar drying practiced by farmers and (2nd) Natural convection solar drying using a green solar dryer. The obtained results showed that second method reduced the drying time from 10 days (first method) to 4 days on average. In addition, it was found that the green solar dryer allows an increase in the temperature inside the drying chamber of + 8.1°C, on average, compared to the ambient temperature. Sensory analysis showed that the five assessed attributes (Mouth feel, color, appearance, flesh thickness and texture) were highly appreciated by using natural convection solar drying. The high difference was noted for the "mouth feel" attribute, followed by "color" which are the two main aspects searched by consumers. Regarding physico-chemical properties, solar-dried figs are rich with citric acid (12.0 g/l vs 9.72 g/l) and in total soluble sugars (60.6% vs 56.0%) compared to sun-dried figs. The water activity was respectively 0.631 and 0.672 for the 1st and 2nd method. In general terms, farmers are encouraged to enhance their drying methods by using natural convection solar drying as a preservative method that maintain nutritional and sensory quality of dried figs. Keywords: Figs, Quality, Sensory, Physico-chemical, Morocco, solar drying prototyp

    Refrigeration for preservation of the Moroccan date: Situation and physical analysis of the quality

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    La production des dattes au Maroc, estimĂ©e Ă  près de cent mille tonnes par annĂ©e favorable, contribue Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration des revenus, Ă  hauteur de 40 Ă  60 % pour près de 2 millions de la population oasienne. Cependant, cette production dattière est exposĂ©e Ă  des contraintes liĂ©es aux bonnes pratiques de rĂ©colte, de traitements post-rĂ©colte, de conservation et de stockage. Cette Ă©tude consiste en un diagnostic (basĂ© sur des enquĂŞtes) des conditions de traitement et de stockage des dattes dans 5 entrepĂ´ts frigorifiques installĂ©s dans les oasis du Sud-est Marocain. Ces enquĂŞtes ont Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©es par un suivi, au cours du stockage, de la qualitĂ© et du taux de dĂ©shydratation de deux principales variĂ©tĂ©s nobles de dattes: Majhoul et Boufeggous. Les rĂ©sultats des enquĂŞtes ont montrĂ© que la capacitĂ© de stockage de la majoritĂ© des entrepĂ´ts est de l’ordre de 400 tonnes. Le traitement des dattes se fait en plusieurs Ă©tapes dont les plus importantes sont la fumigation Ă  la phosphine (PH3) pendant 3 Ă  5 jours Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante et le triage des dattes en trois catĂ©gories, en fonction de leur calibre et de la prĂ©sence de dĂ©fauts. Après ces traitements, les dattes sont stockĂ©es, toutes variĂ©tĂ©s confondues, dans la mĂŞme chambre froide Ă  une tempĂ©rature variant de 0 Ă  4°C pendant une pĂ©riode allant de 1 Ă  10 mois. Les chambres de stockage ne sont pas Ă©quipĂ©es d’humidificateurs, ce qui ne permet pas une maĂ®trise de l’humiditĂ© relative. Les dĂ©fauts majeurs observĂ©s au cours du stockage sont l’apparition des taches glucosĂ©es Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de l’épiderme des fruits (57 % en moyenne) et le dĂ©tachement de l’épicarpe des dattes (20 % en moyenne). La cinĂ©tique de dĂ©shydratation a montrĂ© une similitude entre les variĂ©tĂ©s avec une moyenne respective, de la perte en eau, de 6,5 % pour la variĂ©tĂ© Majhoul et 7 % pour la variĂ©tĂ© Boufeggous après 12 mois du stockage. Mots clĂ©s : Maroc, datte, stockage frigorifique, qualitĂ©, dĂ©shydratation The production of date palm in Morocco, estimated at around one hundred thousand tons per year, contributes to the generation of income, 40 to 60 %, for nearly 2 million of the oasis population. However, this date palm production is exposed to constraints related to good harvesting practices, post-harvest treatments, conservation and storage. This study consists of a diagnosis (based on surveys) of date processing and storage conditions in five cold storage units located in the oases of South-East of Morocco. These surveys were supplemented by monitoring the quality and dehydration rate of two main varieties of date-palm fruits: Majhoul and Boufeggous. Survey results showed that the storage capacity of the majority of cold storage units is about 400 tons. The date-palm fruits are processed in several stages; the most important of which are fumigation with phosphine (PH3) for 3 to 5 days at room temperature and manual sorting of dates into three categories according to their size and the presence of defects. After these treatments, all varieties of dates are stored in the same cold room at a temperature of 0 to 4°C for a period of 1 to 10 months. The storage rooms are not equipped with humidifiers which do not allow a control of the relative humidity. The major defects observed during storage are the appearance of glucose spots inside the fruit epidermis (57 % on average) and the detachment of the date-palm fruit wall (20 % on average). The kinetics of dehydration showed a similarity between the varieties with a respective average of 6.5 % for the Majhoul and 7 % for Boufeggous, after 12 months of storage. Key-Words: Morocco, date, cold storage, quality, dehydration. &nbsp

    Refrigeration for preservation of the Moroccan date: Situation and physical analysis of the quality

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    The production of date palm in Morocco, estimated at around one hundred thousand tons per year, contributes to the generation of income, 40 to 60%, for nearly 2 million of the oasis population. However, this date palm production is exposed to constraints related to good harvesting practices, post-harvest treatments, conservation and storage. This study consists of a diagnosis (based on surveys) of date processing and storage conditions in five cold storage units located in the oases of Southern-East of Morocco. These surveys were supplemented by monitoring the deterioration in the quality and dehydration rate of two main noble varieties of date-palm fruits: Majhoul and Boufeggous. Survey results showed that the storage capacity of the majority of cold storage units is 400 tons. The date-palm fruits are processed in several stages; the most important of which are fumigation with phosphine (PH3) for 3 to 5 days at room temperature and manual sorting of dates into three categories according to their size and the presence of defects. After these treatments, dates are stored, all varieties, in the same cold room at a temperature of 0 to 4 °C for a period of 1 to 10 months. The storage rooms are not equipped with humidifiers which do not allow a control of the relative humidity. The major defects observed during storage are the appearance of glucose spots inside the fruit epidermis (57% on average) and the detachment of the date-palm fruit wall (20% on average). The kinetics of dehydration showed a similarity between the varieties with a respective average of 6.5% for the Majhoul and 7% for Boufeggous after 12 months of storage

    Évaluation de l'effet des conditions de lumière sur la qualité nutritionnelle et les composés bioactifs du jus de clémentine Marocain pendant le stockage au froid

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    Citrus juices hold the leading position among juices in Moroccan global consumption. The nutritional quality of juice is mainly related to its polyphenols and vitamin C contents, and antioxidant properties. The degradation of these bioactive compounds might be a critical factor for juice quality. The objective of this investigation is to assess the effect of light conditions (daylight, lamp light and darkness) on the physicochemical and nutritional quality of clementine juice during 8 storage periods starting from 1 day until 3 months at 4°C. Thus, physicochemical parameters (pH, Brix, and color), bioactive compounds (total polyphenols and vitamin C) and total antioxidant activity (AA) were evaluated during storage. Results showed that after 7 days of storage under light, clementine juice become chemically instable and the nutritional quality loss is highly significant. After 3 months of storage under daylight and lamp light, loss of vitamin C and polyphenols contents was observed exceeding 80 % and 60 %, respectively, compared to fresh juice. However, less significant reduction was observed for juices stored in darkness (loss of 50 % for vitamin C and only 28 % for polyphenols). These losses affected highly the AA of the stored juice. In fact, total AA of freshly prepared juice was 54 %. However, after 3 months of storage under daylight and lamp light, the AA decreased to 15 % and 17 %, respectively. The decrease was less accelerated in dark condition (38 % of AA). Therefore, storage time and light are determining factors in the preservation of clementine juice quality and dark packaging is highly recommended.La qualité nutritionnelle des jus des agrumes est liée essentiellement à sa teneur en polyphénols et en vitamine C, et à ses propriétés antioxydantes. La non-maîtrise des conditions de conservation et de stockage pourrait être un facteur critique provoquant la dégradation de ces composés bioactifs et induisant la dépréciation de sa qualité nutritionnelle. Ainsi, l'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer l'effet des conditions de lumière durant le stockage sur la qualité physicochimique et biochimique du jus de clémentine. Le jus extrait est stocké sous trois conditions : lumière du jour, lumière de la lampe et obscurité pendant 8 périodes allant d’un jour à 3 mois à une température de 4 °C. Les paramètres physicochimiques (pH, Brix et couleur) et les composés bioactifs (polyphénols totaux et vitamine C) ainsi que l’activité antioxydante (AA) ont été évalués au cours du stockage. Les résultats ont montré qu'après 7 jours de stockage sous la lumière, le jus de clémentine devient chimiquement instable et la perte de la qualité nutritionnelle est très significative. Après 3 mois de stockage à la lumière du jour et à la lumière de la lampe, une perte de la teneur en vitamine C et en polyphénols a été observée, dépassant respectivement 80 % et 60 % par rapport au jus frais. Cependant, une réduction moins significative a été observée pour les jus stockés dans l'obscurité (50 % pour la vitamine C et seulement 28 % pour les polyphénols). Ces pertes ont fortement affecté l'AA du jus stocké. En fait, l'AA du jus fraîchement préparé était de 54 % ; cependant, après 3 mois de stockage à la lumière du jour et à la lumière de la lampe, l'AA a chuté à 15 % et 17 %, respectivement. Cette diminution était moins accélérée dans l'obscurité (38 % de l'AA). Par conséquent, la durée du stockage et la lumière sont des facteurs déterminants dans la préservation de la qualité du jus de clémentine et le conditionnement à l'obscurité est fortement recommandé

    Evaluation de la qualité et de la composition chimique de trois huiles extraites à partir de pépins d’agrumes cultivés dans l’oriental du Maroc

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    In eastern Morocco, new cooperatives of citrus fruit technological transformation begin to be installed. The seeds resulting from these transformation processes remain without any valorization. This study concerns the physico-chemical characterization of three different citrus seed oils (Citrus limon (Citron), Citrus aurantium (Bigarade) and Citrus clementina (Clementine de Berkane)), cultivated in eastern Morocco. The seed oils were mechanically extracted by oil press and the oil yield, quality indices (acidity, peroxide, saponification, and refraction indices), polyphenol contents, antioxidant activity and fatty acid profile were analyzed. The mechanical yield varies between 15% for Bigarade seed oil and 29% for Lemon seed oil. The acidity, peroxide, saponification, and refraction indices varied between 0.55 - 0.57% of oleic acid, 5.77 to 10.34 meqO2/kg of oil, 116.67 and 173.53 mg KOH /g and 1.4699-1.4718 for the 3 studied seed oils, respectively. The polyphenols varied from 565 to 913 mg / 100g and the antioxidant activity ranged between 30 and 50%. The fatty acid profiles, of the analyzed citrus seed oils, presented 5 major fatty acids with the dominance of linoleic acid (C18: 2) which presented 34% for Clementine and Lemon seed oils and 35.5% for Bigarade seed oil.  Au niveau de la région de l’oriental du Maroc, de nouvelles coopératives commencent à s’installer et sont actives dans la transformation technologique des agrumes. Les pépins issus de ces procédés de transformation restent sans valorisation. Cette étude porte sur la caractérisation physico-chimique d’huiles de pépins des fruits de 3 espèces d’agrume Citrus limon (Citron), Citrus aurantium (Bigarade) et Citrus clementina (Clémentine), cultivées au niveau de la région de l’oriental du Maroc. Les huiles de pépins sont extraites mécaniquement par une presse à huile de type vis sans fin, le rendement en huile, l’acidité, les indices de qualités (d’indice de peroxyde, de saponification et de réfraction), la teneur en polyphénols, l’activité antioxydante ainsi que le profil des acides gras ont été déterminés. Le rendement d’extraction par pressage varie entre 15 % pour l’huile de pépin de Bigarade et 29 % pour huile de pépin de Citron. Pour les 3 huiles de pépins étudiées, l’acidité, l’indice de peroxyde, l’indice de saponification et indice de réfraction varient entre 0,55-0,57 % d’acide oléique, 5,77-10,34 meqO2/kg d’huile, 116,67 et 173,53 mg KOH/g et 1,4699-1,4718 respectivement. La teneur en polyphénols change de 565 à 913 mg d’acide caféique/100g d’huile et le pourcentage d’inhibition s’oscille entre 30 et 50 %. Les profils des acides gras, des huiles de pépin d’agrumes analysées, présentent 5 principaux acides gras avec la dominance de l’acide linoléique (C18 :2) dont les teneurs sont 34% pour les huiles de pépin de Clémentine et de Citron et 35,5% pour l’huile de pépin de Bigarade

    Étude de l’aptitude à la transformation du lait en beurre par des techniques de spectroscopie infrarouge

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    Description of the subject. Given the current low price of milk, a lot of producers have decided to process their milk into products with a higher added-value, including butter. However, all milks are not suitable to be transformed into butter. It would thus be useful to be able to predict milk processing properties. Objectives. The aim of this paper was to study the ability of milk to be processed into butter using infrared spectrophotometry. Method. A normalized protocol for the production of butter was developed. Milk samples (n = 110) collected between 2013 and 2016 were analyzed by near and medium infrared spectrometry (315 spectra). Butter samples were also analyzed by visible-near infrared spectrometry (220 spectra). Composition of the products was subsequently assessed using validated prediction equations. Principal components analyses were performed to discriminate samples. Results. Butter properties seemed to be influenced by seasons and feedings. Water content and color parameters could be predicted on the basis of butter infrared spectra. Conclusions. It was possible to correlate butter characteristics with milk properties. However, it was not possible to predict butter characteristics on the basis of milk near infrared spectra. It could be interesting to try predictions from milk medium infrared spectra.Profarmil