15 research outputs found

    Sequence and Structure Signatures of Cancer Mutation Hotspots in Protein Kinases

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    Protein kinases are the most common protein domains implicated in cancer, where somatically acquired mutations are known to be functionally linked to a variety of cancers. Resequencing studies of protein kinase coding regions have emphasized the importance of sequence and structure determinants of cancer-causing kinase mutations in understanding of the mutation-dependent activation process. We have developed an integrated bioinformatics resource, which consolidated and mapped all currently available information on genetic modifications in protein kinase genes with sequence, structure and functional data. The integration of diverse data types provided a convenient framework for kinome-wide study of sequence-based and structure-based signatures of cancer mutations. The database-driven analysis has revealed a differential enrichment of SNPs categories in functional regions of the kinase domain, demonstrating that a significant number of cancer mutations could fall at structurally equivalent positions (mutational hotspots) within the catalytic core. We have also found that structurally conserved mutational hotspots can be shared by multiple kinase genes and are often enriched by cancer driver mutations with high oncogenic activity. Structural modeling and energetic analysis of the mutational hotspots have suggested a common molecular mechanism of kinase activation by cancer mutations, and have allowed to reconcile the experimental data. According to a proposed mechanism, structural effect of kinase mutations with a high oncogenic potential may manifest in a significant destabilization of the autoinhibited kinase form, which is likely to drive tumorigenesis at some level. Structure-based functional annotation and prediction of cancer mutation effects in protein kinases can facilitate an understanding of the mutation-dependent activation process and inform experimental studies exploring molecular pathology of tumorigenesis

    The Energy Landscape Analysis of Cancer Mutations in Protein Kinases

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    The growing interest in quantifying the molecular basis of protein kinase activation and allosteric regulation by cancer mutations has fueled computational studies of allosteric signaling in protein kinases. In the present study, we combined computer simulations and the energy landscape analysis of protein kinases to characterize the interplay between oncogenic mutations and locally frustrated sites as important catalysts of allostetric kinase activation. While structurally rigid kinase core constitutes a minimally frustrated hub of the catalytic domain, locally frustrated residue clusters, whose interaction networks are not energetically optimized, are prone to dynamic modulation and could enable allosteric conformational transitions. The results of this study have shown that the energy landscape effect of oncogenic mutations may be allosteric eliciting global changes in the spatial distribution of highly frustrated residues. We have found that mutation-induced allosteric signaling may involve a dynamic coupling between structurally rigid (minimally frustrated) and plastic (locally frustrated) clusters of residues. The presented study has demonstrated that activation cancer mutations may affect the thermodynamic equilibrium between kinase states by allosterically altering the distribution of locally frustrated sites and increasing the local frustration in the inactive form, while eliminating locally frustrated sites and restoring structural rigidity of the active form. The energy landsape analysis of protein kinases and the proposed role of locally frustrated sites in activation mechanisms may have useful implications for bioinformatics-based screening and detection of functional sites critical for allosteric regulation in complex biomolecular systems

    Increased throughput and ultra-high mass resolution in DESI FT-ICR MS imaging through new-generation external data acquisition system and advanced data processing approaches

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    Desorption electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry imaging (DESI-MSI) is a powerful imaging technique for the analysis of complex surfaces. However, the often highly complex nature of biological samples is particularly challenging for MSI approaches, as options to appropriately address mass spectral complexity are limited. Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) offers superior mass accuracy and mass resolving power, but its moderate throughput inhibits broader application. Here we demonstrate the dramatic gains in mass resolution and/or throughput of DESI-MSI on an FT-ICR MS by developing and implementing a sophisticated data acquisition and data processing pipeline. The presented pipeline integrates, for the first time, parallel ion accumulation and detection, post-processing absorption mode Fourier transform and pixel-by-pixel internal re-calibration. To achieve that, first, we developed and coupled an external high-performance data acquisition system to an FT-ICR MS instrument to record the time-domain signals (transients) in parallel with the instrument’s built-in electronics. The recorded transients were then processed by the in-house developed computationally-efficient data processing and data analysis software. Importantly, the described pipeline is shown to be applicable even to extremely large, up to 1 TB, imaging datasets. Overall, this approach provides improved analytical figures of merits such as: (i) enhanced mass resolution at no cost in experimental time; and (ii) up to 4-fold higher throughput while maintaining a constant mass resolution. Using this approach, we not only demonstrate the record 1 million mass resolution for lipid imaging from brain tissue, but explicitly demonstrate such mass resolution is required to resolve the complexity of the lipidome