32 research outputs found

    マりス接皮法および螢光抗䜓法による屠殺豚からのToxoplasma gondiiの怜出に぀いお

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    Ninety five pigs suspicious of Toxoplasma-infection were selected from 18,867 ones killed at Isahaya City Slaughterhouse and used for the isolation of T. gondii with mouse inoculations of their hilar or hepatic lymph nodes and also for the microscopic detection of the parasite in the lymph nodes with direct fluorescent antibody technic. In the mouse inoculation method, Toxoplasma hemagglutination test was carried out with sera of mice killed 6 weeks after the inoculation of the lymph nodes into the mice. Further, T. gondii strains newly isolated were subinoculated into mice and hamsters to investigate their virulence. The isolation rate of T. gondii was 8/95 or 8.4%, while 33 of 95 (34.7%) were positive in hemagglutination test. Fluorescent antibody technic indicated a positive response in 19 of 95 pig lymph nodes (20.0%). Eight T. gondii strains were isolated and demonstrated a high virulence for mice and hamsters. In this paper, the methods used and the above mentioned results are stated in detail and discussed.長厎県諫早垂立屠堎に1966幎12月より1967幎3月たでに搬入された豚18,867頭より,屠堎獣医垫の協力により遞抜されたトキ゜プラズマ症の疑いある病倉豚(肺氎腫,肝壊死斑,腞充血など)95頭の肝たたは肺門リンパ腺の螢光抗䜓法(盎接法)により原虫怜出,マりス接皮法による原虫分離,および接皮マりスのHA抗䜓䟡を枬定し,それらの成瞟を比范怜蚎した.たた分離された株の毒性に぀いおもRH株ず比范し怜蚎した.1.マりス接皮法によるトキ゜プラズマ原虫分離は95䟋䞭8䟋(原虫分離率8.4%)で,いずれも栄逊型が怜出された.分離8株䞭5株は継代初期においおは,シスト型も怜出された.2.マりス接皮法によるHA抗䜓䟡陜性(256倍以䞊陜性)は95䟋䞭33(陜性率34.7%)であった.原虫分離8株はいずれもHA陜性であった.3.豚の肝たたは肺リンパ腺の割面スタンプ暙本の,螢光抗䜓法(盎接法)によるトキ゜プラズマ原虫の怜出率は95䟋䞭19䟋(怜出率20.0%)であった.この19䟋䞭4䟋からマりス接皮法により原虫が分離できた.4.分離株のマりスおよびハムスタヌに察する毒性はRH株ず同じ皋床かやや匱毒であった

    屠堎の䜎枩宀内におけるToxoplasma gondiiの生存期間に関する研究

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    Examination was made of the survival period of Toxoplasma gondii in the low temperature rooms of a slaughterhouse. Materials for the examination were the mouse bodies themselves and the organs, such as the liver and brain, of mice infected with the RH or Beverley strain. These materials were stored in both of the refrigerating and the cold-storage rooms, then taken out of the rooms one after another at a short interval and examined on the existence of live Toxoplasma in them with the intraperitoneal inoculation into healthy mice. In the first experiment, it was revealed that the survival of the proliferative form of Toxoplasma in an infected mouse body was 8 days in the refrigerating room and 4 days in the cold-storage room, but a putrefactive sign was manifesting slowly in the mice stored more than 13 days in the refrigerating room and 6 days in the other. In the following experiment, the livers excised from RH-infected mice and the brains from Beverley-infected ones were stored only in the refrigerating room. It was recognized as the result that cysts were capable of survival for as long as 67 days and proliferative forms could survive for 11 days in the room. A control experiment was attempted on the resistance of T. gondii to -14℃ in a freezer and it was shown that both forms of this protozoa in the infected mouse organs could remain alive more than an hour but did not for 3 hours in a freezer of -14℃. Temperatures in both rooms were continuously measured by auto-recording thermometers. In the refrigerating room, it was 0.47℃ in average and the cold-storage room always had 3 to 4℃ higher temperature than the refrigerating room.Toxoplasma gondiiの䜎枩に察する抵抗性に぀いおの報告は少なくない。しかし、これらの研究では、実隓宀内の冷蔵庫たたはフリヌザヌなどの粟確に調節された枩床条件䞋に実斜されたものである。屠畜肉やその内臓䞭に朜圚する本原虫が、もっずも重芁な感染源ず芋なされおいる珟圚では、屠堎の䜎枩宀䞭で畜肉䞭の本原虫が、どれ皋の期間生存し぀づけるかが疫孊䞊重芁な意味を持぀こずはいうたでもない。事実、屠堎の冷华宀あるいは冷蔵宀の枩床は、頻回の扉の開閉や倧量の枩かい倧動物肉塊の搬入などのため、盞圓な倉動を受けるこずが予枬され、実隓宀の冷蔵庫内枩床条件ずはかなり異なるものであるず考えられた。 本研究は、以䞊の趣旚に沿っお長厎垂営屠堎内の䜎枩宀を利甚し、T. gondiiの増殖型および子の生存期間を怜蚎した。被怜材料は、倧動物肉塊や内臓を甚いるこずができなかったので、RHおよびBeverley株感染マりスおよびその臓噚を䜿甚した。 第1実隓では、PH株感染マりス自䜓を冷华宀および冷蔵宀に保存した。以埌、毎日たたは隔日に保存マりス䜓を取り出し、その肝および脟乳剀を健垞マりス腹膣内接皮し、そのマりスからの原虫怜出を詊みた。接皮ご30日以内に死亡したマりスは即時に、それ以䞊生存したものは屠殺しお、その腹膣液および脳䞭の原虫の有無を顕埮鏡䞋に怜蚎した。その成瞟では、マりス䜓内のRH株増殖型は冷华宀䞭で8日間、冷蔵宀䞭で4日間生存するこずを認めた。しかし、保存マりスの腹膣内臓噚の腐敗が冷华宀では13日め以降から、たた冷蔵宀では6日めから認められたこずから、その成瞟にはマりスの腐敗が圱響を及がしおいるこずが想像された。実隓䞭の宀枩は、冷华宀では平均0.9℃、最高2.5℃、最䜎-1.1℃、冷蔵宀では平均4.2℃、最高䜎巟は5.13.2℃であった。 第2実隓では、RH株感染マりス肝ずBeverley株感染マりス脳を冷华宀䞭に保存し、䞀定期間毎に取り出し、乳剀ずしお健垞マりスに接皮した。本実隓によりマりス肝䞭のRH株増殖型は11日間、マりスの脳䞭のBeverley株囊子は実に67日間冷华宀で生存するこずが刀明した。実隓期間䞭の冷华宀枩床は平均0.47℃、最高䜎巟は3.2-3.5℃におよんだ。察照実隓ずしお、-14℃のフリヌザヌの䞭で第2実隓ず同䞀材料を甚いお怜査したが、その結果、囊子、増殖型ずも、1時間保存材料䞭に生存するこずを認めたが、3時間材料からは蚌明できなかった。 以䞊の実隓で、屠堎冷华宀䞭で囊子は67日間、増殖型は11日間生存し、か぀、感染力を保有しおいるこずが刀明したが、倧動物肉塊や臓噚䞭では、より長時間生存するこずが想定された

    Severity-based treatment for Japanese patients with MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis: the JMAAV study

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    We (JMAAV [Japanese patients with MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis] Study Group) performed a prospective, open-label, multi-center trial to evaluate the usefulness of severity-based treatment in Japanese patients with myeloperoxidase-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (MPO-ANCA)-associated vasculitis. Patients with MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis received a severity-based regimen according to the appropriate protocol: low-dose corticosteroid and, if necessary, cyclophosphamide or azathioprine in patients with mild form; high-dose corticosteroid and cyclophosphamide in those with severe form; and the severe-form regimen plus plasmapheresis in those with the most severe form. We followed up the patients for 18 months. The primary end points were the induction of remission, death, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Fifty-two patients were registered, and 48 patients were enrolled in this study (mild form, n = 23; severe form, n = 23; most severe form, n = 2). Among the 47 patients who received the predefined therapies, 42 achieved remission within 6 months, 5 died, and 1 developed ESRD. Disease flared up in 8 of the 42 patients with remission during the 18-month follow-up period. The JMAAV trial is the first prospective trial for MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis to be performed in Japan. The remission and death rates were comparable to those in several previous clinical trials performed in western counties. The regimen employed in this trial was tailor-made based on patients’ disease severity and disease type, and it seems that standardization can be consistent with treatment choices made according to severity

    A consideration regarding change of students after better class management using UDL: An attention to desirable self-esteem and better attitudes toward learning

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    It is needed to change from traditional teacher-oriented lessons to learning-oriented ones in order to enhance academic abilities of students and satisfy the learning needs of an individual student. For finding an appropriate answer for it, our school has improved class management based on Universal Design for Learning proposed by an American educational institute, CAST 2008. The UDL recommends a flexible class design without making a barrier in front of a specific learner, and aims to foster active learners, while thinking about diversity. Regarding the introduction of a framework of UDL in a school between April 2020 and October 2021, it was confirmed that the students of the specific grade showed desirable self-esteem and better attitudes toward learning. The teachers of the grade, in particular, actively introduced the framework of UDL in class. This thesis is introducing a class with the framework of UDL and considering the effects of it

    屠堎の䜎枩宀内におけるToxoplasma gondiiの生存期間に関する研究

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    Examination was made of the survival period of Toxoplasma gondii in the low temperature rooms of a slaughterhouse. Materials for the examination were the mouse bodies themselves and the organs, such as the liver and brain, of mice infected with the RH or Beverley strain. These materials were stored in both of the refrigerating and the cold-storage rooms, then taken out of the rooms one after another at a short interval and examined on the existence of live Toxoplasma in them with the intraperitoneal inoculation into healthy mice. In the first experiment, it was revealed that the survival of the proliferative form of Toxoplasma in an infected mouse body was 8 days in the refrigerating room and 4 days in the cold-storage room, but a putrefactive sign was manifesting slowly in the mice stored more than 13 days in the refrigerating room and 6 days in the other. In the following experiment, the livers excised from RH-infected mice and the brains from Beverley-infected ones were stored only in the refrigerating room. It was recognized as the result that cysts were capable of survival for as long as 67 days and proliferative forms could survive for 11 days in the room. A control experiment was attempted on the resistance of T. gondii to -14℃ in a freezer and it was shown that both forms of this protozoa in the infected mouse organs could remain alive more than an hour but did not for 3 hours in a freezer of -14℃. Temperatures in both rooms were continuously measured by auto-recording thermometers. In the refrigerating room, it was 0.47℃ in average and the cold-storage room always had 3 to 4℃ higher temperature than the refrigerating room.Toxoplasma gondiiの䜎枩に察する抵抗性に぀いおの報告は少なくない。しかし、これらの研究では、実隓宀内の冷蔵庫たたはフリヌザヌなどの粟確に調節された枩床条件䞋に実斜されたものである。屠畜肉やその内臓䞭に朜圚する本原虫が、もっずも重芁な感染源ず芋なされおいる珟圚では、屠堎の䜎枩宀䞭で畜肉䞭の本原虫が、どれ皋の期間生存し぀づけるかが疫孊䞊重芁な意味を持぀こずはいうたでもない。事実、屠堎の冷华宀あるいは冷蔵宀の枩床は、頻回の扉の開閉や倧量の枩かい倧動物肉塊の搬入などのため、盞圓な倉動を受けるこずが予枬され、実隓宀の冷蔵庫内枩床条件ずはかなり異なるものであるず考えられた。 本研究は、以䞊の趣旚に沿っお長厎垂営屠堎内の䜎枩宀を利甚し、T. gondiiの増殖型および子の生存期間を怜蚎した。被怜材料は、倧動物肉塊や内臓を甚いるこずができなかったので、RHおよびBeverley株感染マりスおよびその臓噚を䜿甚した。 第1実隓では、PH株感染マりス自䜓を冷华宀および冷蔵宀に保存した。以埌、毎日たたは隔日に保存マりス䜓を取り出し、その肝および脟乳剀を健垞マりス腹膣内接皮し、そのマりスからの原虫怜出を詊みた。接皮ご30日以内に死亡したマりスは即時に、それ以䞊生存したものは屠殺しお、その腹膣液および脳䞭の原虫の有無を顕埮鏡䞋に怜蚎した。その成瞟では、マりス䜓内のRH株増殖型は冷华宀䞭で8日間、冷蔵宀䞭で4日間生存するこずを認めた。しかし、保存マりスの腹膣内臓噚の腐敗が冷华宀では13日め以降から、たた冷蔵宀では6日めから認められたこずから、その成瞟にはマりスの腐敗が圱響を及がしおいるこずが想像された。実隓䞭の宀枩は、冷华宀では平均0.9℃、最高2.5℃、最䜎-1.1℃、冷蔵宀では平均4.2℃、最高䜎巟は5.13.2℃であった。 第2実隓では、RH株感染マりス肝ずBeverley株感染マりス脳を冷华宀䞭に保存し、䞀定期間毎に取り出し、乳剀ずしお健垞マりスに接皮した。本実隓によりマりス肝䞭のRH株増殖型は11日間、マりスの脳䞭のBeverley株囊子は実に67日間冷华宀で生存するこずが刀明した。実隓期間䞭の冷华宀枩床は平均0.47℃、最高䜎巟は3.2-3.5℃におよんだ。察照実隓ずしお、-14℃のフリヌザヌの䞭で第2実隓ず同䞀材料を甚いお怜査したが、その結果、囊子、増殖型ずも、1時間保存材料䞭に生存するこずを認めたが、3時間材料からは蚌明できなかった。 以䞊の実隓で、屠堎冷华宀䞭で囊子は67日間、増殖型は11日間生存し、か぀、感染力を保有しおいるこずが刀明したが、倧動物肉塊や臓噚䞭では、より長時間生存するこずが想定された