160 research outputs found

    Mechanochemical Activation and Reaction Capacity of SHS-Systems on the Base of Quartz

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    The influence of different characteristics of mechanochemical activation on changes of structure and energy characteristics of silicon dioxide (quartz) is considered in this work. It is shown that after treatment in mill in the presence of different modificators, the quartz samples are complex composite formation, composed of crystalline, amorphous and polymeric component, and also contain inclusions of iron and carbon. Polymerized surface layer provides the encapsulation of the energy state of activated particle. Particularities of the technological combustion systems with active and modified quartz are investigated. The using of modifying agents leads to increasing of maximum combustion temperature, increasing of combustion process time as well as the change of phase composition of synthesis products. It is shown that alteration the sizes of synthesized sample (products) we can change the heat dissipation conditions, kinetic of reaction development and temperature in combustion wave. "The process scale" of solid phase combustion at material synthesis appears in change of the phase composition of obtained materials

    Carbon as an Effective Modifier of Silicon Dioxide and Reagent for Obtaining Nanostructurized SHS-Composites

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    The peculiarities of the structure and morphology of quartz particles modified by carbon depending on MCT conditions and type of specific carbonaceous modifier were studied. Powder materials with the composition structure of the materials, which are hybrid formations organics-inorganics with a high chemical activity of its components, were obtained by combined MCT of carbon or carbon containing organic compounds with quartz. A high chemical activity of quartz particles modified by carbon is effectively realized when producing SHS-ceramics composition materials. The rate of redox processes increases, the initial reagents are most completely realized and nanosized particles of silicon carbide are formed. It is shown how one can regulate the process of combustion in SH-synthesis and produce the material of the necessary quality by modifying silicon dioxide particles in the course of MCT

    Mechanochemical Synthesis of Composite Magnetic Materials on the Basis of Quartz-Containing Systems

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    Mechanochemical treatment of quartz and its mixtures with ash-slag and iron oxides in the presence of various modifying organic additives was carried out. Quartz and mixtures based on it exhibit ferromagnetic properties and are distinguished by good sorption ability toward organic substances. Crystalline silica assumes the role of the matrix during development of structure and functional properties of the magnetic adsorbent. It was found, that the polymer film, which is used to cover the quartz particles, includes regions with embedded iron nanoparticles as well as other regions enriched with active carbon. The synthesized sorbents were used to collect petroleum spill over water; high water purification degree (up to 98%) was achieved

    Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the european integration processes: Russian and foreign experience

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    The urgency of the problem under investigation is caused by the fact that after the end of the Cold War, many domestic and inter-state relations are restructured. This restructuring goes, first of all, on the way of integration processes, also faces and generates contradictions of different nature that can be clearly seen on the example of the European Union's development. The paper is aimed at studying the scientific discussions between various Russian scientific centers and their leading experts on such issues as institutional policy, economy, common foreign and security policy, law and justice in the European Union. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the comparative analysis and document analysis method. The paper presents the most important trends in European integration in the light of the theoretical and methodological views of modern Russian political science in the field of studying fundamental problems of European integration. The main results are in-depth study of the issues of European integration in the light of theoretical and methodological approaches of the Russian science and its leading representatives. The activities of these research centers contributes to formation of a constructive dialogue between the Russian Federation and the European Union. Paper content may be useful in studying the experience of integration into the EU that will allow better understanding the processes and phenomena occurring in the post-Soviet space, offer valuable theories on simulation of organization of social, political and economic life

    Synthesis of Powder Materials with Particles Encapsulated into Carbon Containing Nanostructural Films

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    Particles of a complex structure: a quartz nucleus encapsulated into metalpolymer carbon containing nanosize film of the type “cluspol” have been obtained as a result of mechanochemical treatment of quartz with carbon containing organic compounds. Electronmicroscopic investigations show the diversity of morphological forms and nanostructural carbon formations on the surface of modified quartz particles. Depending on the regimes of mechanochemical treatment, the obtained materials are characterized by considerable changes in electromagnetic properties. The choice of carbon containing modifiers provided a highly active physico-chemical state of quartz of a prolonged action

    Neoracism Phenomenon as hidden demonstration and conflict in political appeals to opposition to «stranger»: Russian experience

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    The article is dedicated to consideration of social relations emerging in connection to establishment and realization of neoracist views and teachings as a source of political, ideological, race, national and religious hatred, xenophobia or antagonism, and also of hatred and antagonism in regard of any social or ethnic group. The theoretical-ideological meaning of neoracism phenomenon in contemporary Russian social practices is determined. Such methods of research as historical, system and institutional were used in this article. In result of conducted research authors come to the conclusion that at present time the neoracism is a powerful ideological concept that, undetected in frames of social practices, inlays motives of potentially possible or realizable conflicts not only on the ground of race discrimination but also in political, ideological, national, religious sphere, where xenophobia or antagonism is translated in regard of some ethnic or social group as, for example, in regard of migrants. Neoracism in Russian space is not only an ideological concept in different theoretically postulated provisions of quasi-scientific theories among intellectuals, but at time a practical instrument of forced impact in youth movements of ultra-right type against migrants. The phenomenon of neoracism is researched as system forming sign of ultra-right intellectual tradition

    The process of normalization of russian-georgian relations: The limits and spheres of interaction between states

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    Article is dedicated to consideration of process of normalization of Russian-Georgian relations in conditions of existing contradictions between states. Limitations and spheres of interaction of two countries, peculiarities of dialog development and searching of different formats of relationship of Russia and Georgia are analyzed. Issues of two-side interaction in different spheres, in which solving of problem of humanitarian nature seems to be actual, are researched. Issues of social-economic cooperation, particularly on expert level, that, is spite of a range of drawbacks, maintains a potential of positive development, are touched upon. There is shown that the most tension is possessed by political relations of two countries, connected with solving of inter-ethnic conflicts and restoration of diplomatic relations. For analysis of a stated problem in article were used such scientific methods of research as historical, system and institutional. In result of conducted research, author comes to a conclusion that at present time in relations of two countries there is a pressing need in building of constructive dialog, because from it in many aspects depends decision of many contradictions in social, economic, political spheres, and also regulation of inter-ethnic conflicts. Further normalization of Russian-Georgian relations will depend on political will and desire of two countries to regulate existing disputes and conflicts and build the dialog on mutually advantageous basis