10 research outputs found

    Резолюция совещания экспертов Сибирского федерального округа «Эмпаглифлозин и сердечная недостаточность» по результатам исследования EMPEROR-Reduced

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    The results of the international multicenter study EMPEROR-Reduced have been discussed on October 31, 2020, at the online expert meeting. Considering the positive cardiovascular and renal effects of empagliflozin, the experts have supported the use of empagliflozin in the clinical practice to treat patients with chronic heart failure.На состоявшемся 31 октября 2020 г. онлайн-совещании экспертов рассмотрены итоги международного многоцентрового исследования EMPEROR-Reduced. С учетом выявленных сердечно-сосудистых и почечных эффектов эмпаглифлозина приняты предложения и рекомендации по широкому внедрению результатов исследования в клиническую практику лечения больных хронической сердечной недостаточностью

    Резолюция онлайн-совещания экспертов Сибирского, Дальневосточного и Южного федеральных округов по результатам исследования EMPEROR-Reduced «Подходы к терапии сердечной недостаточности со сниженной фракцией выброса: от исследования EMPA-REG Outcome к EMPEROR-Reduced»

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    At the online meeting of experts held on April 24, 2021, the results of the international multicenter trial EMPEROR-Reduced were considered. Taking into account the beneficial cardiovascular and renal outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (<40%), and improvement in patient survival rates, a number of proposals and recommendations for widespread implementation of the trial results into practice of treating patients with chronic heart failure were adopted.На состоявшемся 24 апреля 2021 г. онлайн-совещании экспертов рассмотрены итоги международного многоцентрового исследования EMPEROR-Reduced. Принимая во внимание убедительные сердечно-сосудистые и почечные эффекты эмпаглифлозина у пациентов с хронической сердечной недостаточностью и сниженной фракцией выброса левого желудочка (<40%), а также доказанное улучшение выживаемости больных при приеме этого препарата приняты предложения и рекомендации по широкому внедрению результатов исследования в клиническую практику лечения больных хронической сердечной недостаточностью


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    The efficacy and safety of atorvastatin discussed for the decrease of cardiovascular complications development


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    The possibility of atorvastatin in reducing the risk of periprocedural myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular events in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention is discussed.</p


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    Arrhythmias are one of the most complex, insufficiently studied, and therefore one of the most urgent problems of modern cardiology. A wide spectrum of clinical manifestations of cardiac rhythm disorders (CRDs), their detection both in various diseases and in healthy people, necessitate the study of their prevalence in populations. In the majority of conducted epidemiological studies a single recording of electrocardiogram (ECG) was used. This is the most usable method for examination of large populations but a little informative for detecting arrhythmias. The small frequency of CRDs detected during ECG recording is due to the short duration of its registration. An increase in the duration of ECG recording (ECG recording for 2 minutes, continuous recording of 100 cardiocycles) leads to an increase in arrhythmias frequency. With a wide introduction in the practice of ECG monitoring by Holter as well as the use of individual recorders of electrocardiogram ("handheld ECG recording") data appeared indicating a much higher frequency of CRDs. Data obtained in numerous studies on the prevalence of arrhythmias are very contradictory and depend both on the characteristics of populations and on methodological approaches, which requires further epidemiological studies. At the same time, the main initiating point of such researches is the clinical significance of certain CRDs. However, if the clinical significance of ventricular tachyarrhythmias and atrial fibrillation does not currently cause any doubt, the clinical significance of extrasystoles is highly controversial, despite the high their prevalence, including this in prognostically unfavorable groups of patients. In recent years, the results of a number of studies have been published that allow to think about the adverse effects of both supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles of the course of certain cardiovascular diseases. Very heterogeneous results of the performed studies, as well as data about the high clinical significance of individual CRDs, make further epidemiological studies in this field extremely urgent

    The relationship of arrhythmias with structural and functional heart changes according to the echocardiography data in the adult population of the Arctic

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    Aim. To study the relationship of arrhythmias, registered by the electrocardiography (ECG) and ECG Holter monitoring, with the changes of the heart and disorders of its function detected by echocardiography in the adult population of the Arctic, living in unfavorable environmental conditions.Material and methods. Patients (n=348) of both sexes, aged 20 years and older, were randomly selected and examined. All participants were carried out ECG recording in 12 standard leads, Holter monitoring and transthoracic echocardiography.Results. Statistically significant associations between certain types of arrhythmias and echocardiographic changes were observed. There were revealed correlations of medium strength: between atrial fibrillation (AF), registered by ECG and dilatation of the left (r=0.3215) and right (r=0.3275) atrium; between AF, registered by Holter monitoring, and left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction (r=0.3216); between premature ventricular contractions, registered by Holter monitoring, and LV hypertrophy (r=0.3332).Conclusion. The аassociation between arrhythmias and structural and functional changes of the heart in individuals living in adverse climatic conditions were confirmed

    Ventricular arrhythmia prevalence and treatment with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in patients who suffered myocardial infarction within the last year

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    Aim. To study the prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias (VA) in the patients who suffered myocardial infarction (MI) within the last year; to evaluate the effects of the treatment with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for 6 months. Material and methods. In total,370 MI patients underwent 24-hour Holter monitoring of electrocardiogram (ECG), with the subsequent VA analysis by age and gender. Fifty six patients had 500-100 ventricular extrasystoles (VE) registered in 24 hours. Group I (n=30) received omega-3 PUFA (1 g/d) for 6 months; Group II patients (n=26) were controls.Results. In patients with VA, the mean number of VE reached 374,6. The daily VE number increased with age: from 185,4 in people aged 30-59 years to 574,3 in participants aged 60 years or older (р=0,002). In men aged ≥60 years, the daily VE number was greater than in men aged 30-59 years (р=0,001). After 6 months of the omega-3 PUFA treatment, Group I demonstrated reduced prevalence of all VE (from 699 to 139; р=0,004), as well as a decrease in the percentage of frequent VE (from 93,3 % to 40 %; р=0,00001), paired VE (from 83,3 % to 46,7 %; р=0,003), Grade 4B VE (from 50 % to 20 %; р=0,02), and all high-grade (3-5) VE (from 83,3 % to 50 %; р=0,006). No positive dynamics was observed for the control Group II. Conclusion. In most patients who suffered MI within the last year, the prevalence of VE was relatively low. The VA prevalence and daily VE number increased with age, both in all examined patients and in men only. In women, advanced age was linked to an increased VA prevalence. Omega-3 PUFA treatment for 6 months was associated with a reduction in the daily VE number and the prevalence of Grade 2, 3, 4A, 4B, and all high-grade VE. In the controls, the prevalence of Grade 4B VE increased

    Reforming of the Post-Soviet Georgia's Economy in 1991-2011

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    Chest pain due to coronary artery disease alters stress neuropeptide levels: Potential implications for clinical assessment

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