9 research outputs found

    Effect of Kasisadi Taila in Dushta Vruna

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    Wound healing may be the first treatment started as the medical science. Applying pressure with leaves or soil was the treatment to arrest bleeding. Quest for knowledge of primitive men led to many investigations and assumptions. Acharya Sushruta has dealt wound healing with more importance in his book. Vranas or wound healing is a natural process of a body, bacterias progressively develop resistance against the antibodies is the main problem faced by Modern Physicians. In wound healing local applications are more important than oral medicines. Dushta Vrana is a long standing wound with pus and slough, where slough and enabling drug to reach the healthy tissue is more important. Acharya Sushruta has indicated Kasisadi Taila in Dushta Vrana, external application of Kasisadi Taila helps in cleaning the wound and helps in easy healing. Kasisadi Taila prepared with Kasisa as the main ingredient in wound healing for its efficacy has been indicated in Sushruta Samhita, Sutrasthana 37th chapter, 16th verse. Jatyadi Taila is also used actively for cleaning the wounds, so a comparative study with Kasisadi Taila and Jatyadi Taila in Dushta Vrana was conducted at Shri Jayachamarajendra Institute of Indian Medicine, Bangalore. 20 cases fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected irrespective of age, sex and food habits. The duration of treatment was fixed to 7 weeks and results were assessed through the parameters like clinical features and reduction in the size of the Vrana. Final results prooved that Kasisadi Taila is better of the two Tailas and possessed with notable shodhana and Ropana effect

    A Clinical Study on the efficacy of Kshara Sootra compared to fistulectomy in Bhagandara

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    Fistula In Ano is a tract lined by graulation tissue which opens deeply in the anal canal or rectum and superficially on the skin around the anus. It is usually inflammatory in origin and open at either end in surgery it implies a chronic granulation tract communicating two epithelial line surface. In Ayurveda, Bhagandara is a condition which causes Darana of Bhaga, Guda and Vasti. A painful and suppurated Pidika in the region of Guda, on bursting leads to Bhagandara. Bhagandara is a having only surgical treatment in modern surgery and In Ayurveda there are many surgical and parasurgical methods for the treatment of Bhagandara. Out of all methods today fistulectomy in modern surgery and Ksharsootra therapy in Ayurveda are widely used techniques. The positive feedback of Ksharasootra therapy over fistulectomy has encouraged me to do research work and conduct the study on the advantages and distadvantages of the both the methods

    A comparative clinical study on the effect of Saptacchada Pratisaraniya Kshara and Apamarga Pratisaraniya Kshara in the management of Arshas (Internal Haemorrhoids)

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    Arshas are one of the most common diseases occurring in ano-rectal region. Sushruta mentioned Kshara Karma prior to Agni and Shastra Karma as treatment modalities for Arshas.[1] The disease that can’t be cured by any other medicine or in subjects where surgery is not possible this parasurgical procedure of Kshara Karma is effective. The study was conducted in the OPD and IPD of B.L.D.E.A’s A.V.S Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital. 40 patients of Arshas were selected from the OPD and IPD of the aforesaid institution and randomly assigned into two groups namely A and B. Subjects under Group A were treated with Saptacchada Pratisaraniya Kshara Karma, while Group B were treated by Apamarga Pratisaraniya Kshara Karma. The study showed that Group A and Group B are equally effective. The treatment modalities of Saptacchada Pratisaraniya Kshara Karma and Apamarga Pratisaraniya Kshara Karma are equally efficacious in treating Arshas

    A Comparative Clinical Study on the Management of Arshas with Haridradi Lepa and Pippalyadi Lepa

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    Arsha is as old mankind being an abnormal to routine life. Arsha does not cause any threat to life but troubles a lot, so it is included in one of the Astha Maharogas by Sushruta. This disease is largely confined to the Guda but also in Nasa, Netra, Karna etc. regions. Aetiological factors are vitiation of Doshas in Gudavalis, injury due to throne, stone, nail, vehicle, regular contact of cold water etc. Haemorrhoids are the varicosity of haemorrhoidal veins. Depending on the site these are 3 types viz, Internal, Externel and Intero-external Haemorrhoids. Depending upon bleeding these are 2 types which are bleeding and non bleeding piles. The presently available treatment measures are Aushadha, Shastra, Kshara and Agnikarma. Local external application is described by Sushruta, Yogaratnakara, Charaka and others. Hence a comparative clinical study is planned to evaluate the efficiency and malignant role of Haridradi Lepa and Pipplayadi Lepa in Arshas (Piles). In this study sample size of 40 patients were selected by simple random sampling, 20 in Group-A and 20 in Group-B, in Group-A, Haridradi Lepa was used, where as in Group-B Pippalyadi Lepa was used. The therapeutic effects was analyzed by using the subjective parameters viz. pain and discomfort during sitting and objective paramaters viz, size, BPR (bleeding per rectum), mucous discharge etc. The duration of treatment was 15 days and clinical assesement was done in 5 days interval. At the end of study, the Haridradi Lepa has shown significally benefical result in sustaianable manner

    Teaching and Learning Methodology – An Ayurvedic Perspective

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    Teaching and learning are the two sides of a coin. Today’s education in Ayurveda is mostly becoming an exam oriented "teaching and learning". The prevalent 'direct teaching' method also known as the "factory approach" discourages student curiosity, questioning, innovation and feedback. Innovation in teaching and learning methods aimed at development of creativity and original thinking skills are rarely adopted in Ayurveda. There is very little focus on application of knowledge and development of practical skills. Basically teaching should include two major components transferring and receiving information. So, any communication methods that serve this purpose without destroying the objective could be considered as novel methods of teaching. Various teaching, learning as well as debating methods have been narrated by our Ancient Acharyas to gain and update one’s own knowledge. So this present review article pays a tribute to all the Ancient Acharyas who planned to explore the methodology of teaching as well as other learning methods that can be attempted in imparting knowledge to the students as well as the teachers in the present era

    Comparative Clinical study of Jatyadi Taila and Jatyadi Ghrita in the management of Dushta Vrana

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    Dushta Vrana is a common and frequently encountered problem faced in surgical practice. The presence of Dushta Vrana worsens the condition of the patient with different complications and may become fatal. Local factors on wound like slough, infection and foreign body, affect the normal process of healing. A healthy wound in a normal body heals earlier with a minimum scar as compared to a contaminated wound. Therefore in this study all the efforts are made to make a Dushta Vrana into a Shuddha Vrana. Once the Vrana becomes Shuddha, Ropana of the Vrana will start. The objective of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Jatyadi Taila and Jatyadi Ghrita in Dushta Vrana. Clinically diagnosed 60 Patients of Dushta Vrana were randomly divided into two groups, each consisting of 30 Patients. Group A were treated with the Jatyadi Taila and Group B was treated by Jatyadi Ghrita. The results observed was based on the relief obtained on the subjective and objective parameters taken for consideration for this study viz, size of ulcer, discharge, smell, pain, burning sensation, itching and granulation were found significant (P<0.05). On the basis of assessment criteria and overall result of treatment, the patients of Jatyadi Taila group showed better results when compared to Jatyadi Ghrita group. Even though statistically there is no much significant difference between the two groups, but by seeing the effect on individual parameters (subjective and objective) and over all response, Jatyadi Taila seems to be effective when compared to Jatyadi Ghrita. It is having more Ropana qualities when compared to Shodhana

    To evaluate the efficacy of Siravyadha and Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi (Varicose Vein) - A Comparative Clinical Study

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    Background: In this changed lifestyle of human beings, he has become a victim of several diseases, amongst them one is Varicose Veins, which are caused due to long standing or sitting in chairs which causes extra load on veins to pump the blood against gravity towards the Heart, especially the veins of the legs. Finally the veins get fatigued that leads to dilation and cause Varicosity in veins. Objectives: To compare the effect of Siravyadhana and Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi (Varicose Vein). Methods: Cases presenting with classical signs and symptoms of Siraja Granthi were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group A was treated with Siravyadhana and Group B were subjected for Sahacharadi Basti. The data was collected before treatment and after 8th day and 30th days. The obtained data was statistically analyzed. Results: 20 patients in Group A, 93.33% reduction was seen in Shoola, while 93.02% reduction was found in Group B. In Gaurava 86.36% reduction was found in Group A and 85.71% reduction was seen in Group B. Shotha was decreased by 67.74% in Group A, while 62.65% in Group B. In Sira Utseda, 54.05% reduction was seen in Group A and 47.36% reduction in Group B. Conclusion: Group A, cases showed better improvement. Out of 20 patients, 2 patients got complete remission in Group A, 2 patients showed excellent response, while in Group B, 6 patients showed excellent response, In Group A and B, 11 and 8 patients showed good response respectively. In Group A and B, 5 and 6 patients showed moderate response

    A clinical comparative study of Chedana Paschat Arka Pratisaraeeiya Kshara & Agnikarma in the management of Kadara (Corn)

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    Sushruta Samhita is the earliest known authentic treatise on Ayurveda. In Vedic period also there is a description of Agnikarma and Ksharakarma. In Shalya Tantra common procedure are Agnikarma, Ksharakarma and Jalokavacharna etc. Kadara is one among Kshudra Roga is claimed to be effectively dealt with Agnikarma and Ksharakarma. This is intended to offer instant relief to the patient to evolve a simple and economic management and to evaluate whether the relapse can be prevented with Agnikarma and Ksharakarma.The studies conducted with 40 patients were selected, made into 2 groups of 20 each patients. Group A patients were treated with surgical excision followed by Arka Pratisaraneeya Ksharakarma and Group B patients were treated with surgical excision followed by Agnikarma. Arka Kshara is prepared and applied after excision of lesion, keeping for 100 Shatamatrakala (100 sec), treated with Nimbuka Swarasa. With all aseptic measures the lesion is excised and then Agnikarma using Lohashalaka, Madhu and Sarpi is applied and bandaged. Both procedures are in single sitting, dressing for alternate day and every 15 days follow up till 45 days. After the completion of clinical trial, it was found that Agnikarma procedure there was highly significant results in reducing pain, discomfort, bleeding infections and healing period. Where as in KsharaKarma there is also significant result in reducing pain, discomfort but statically considering average mean Kshara Karma shows comparatively lesser effective than Agnikarma. By the statistical results it can be concluded that Agnikarma has better result when compared to Kshara Karma in the present study

    A comparative clinical study on Tagara-Devadaru Lepa with and without Prachhanna in the management of Indralupta with special reference to Alopecia Areata

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    Hair disorders causes negative impact towards individual and his/her quality of life. Indralupta is a disease in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body, usually from scalp. It shows one or more round spot on the scalp . It arises from the vitiation of Tridosha and Rakta. Treatment advised is Siravedhana and topical application of herbal and mineral drugs. To avoid complications of Siravedhana, inthis study Prachhanna was preffered and Tagara-Devadaru chosen as drug for topical application at the site of Indralupta. In this study we had taken 40 Diagnosed patients of Indraluptaand were subjected to clinical trials. They were randomly assigned into two Groups namely Group A and Group B. Group A treated with Tagara-Devadaru Lepa, while subject under Group B treated by Prachhanna along with Tagara-Devadaru Lepa. The treatment modalities of TagaraDevadaru Lepa and Prachhanna with Tagara-Devadaru Lepa are equally efficacious in treating.On comparing the results of Group A and Group B, the conclusion were drawn.Both the methods of treatment are cost effective, easy to prepare and had no adverse effects