1 research outputs found

    The cultivation of L. edodes using seasonal waste

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    Å itakē jeb Lentinula edodes ir augstvērtÄ«ga ēdamā sēne. Sēni izmanoto medicÄ«nā, pētniecÄ«bā un kulinārijā tās anti-kancerogēno, holesterÄ«na lÄ«meni mazinoÅ”o un imunitāti stimulējoÅ”o Ä«paŔību dēļ (Kang 2013). Katru gadu Latvijā uzkrājas liels daudzums dabas sezonālo atkritumu. Å ie resursi paliek neizmantoti, lai gan visiem ir brÄ«vi pieejami. Jānoskaidro, vai tos ir iespējams izmantot laba sējmateriāla veidoÅ”anai, Å”itakē sēņu audzÄ“Å”anai. Laba sējmateriāla izmantoÅ”ana nodroÅ”ina labu sēņu,augļķermeņu, ražu(MatjuÅ”kova un Raipulis 1999). Darba mērÄ·is bija izpētÄ«t kā dažādu dabas sezonālo atkritumu piedevu pievienoÅ”ana sintētikajai barotnei un skaidu-kliju substrātam ietekmē L.edodes micēlija augÅ”anu. Eksperimentāli pārbaudÄ«ta 2,5% brÅ«naļģu piedevas un 2,5% kļavu lapu piedevas ietekme uz sintētiskajā barotnē augoÅ”iem L.edodes celmiem; pārbaudÄ«ta 2,5% kļavu lapu piedevas ietekme uz skaidu-kliju substrātā augoÅ”iem L.edodes celmiem. Noskaidrots, vai brÅ«naļģu ekstrakta koncentrācijas palielināŔanai ir pozitÄ«va ietekme uz micēlija augÅ”anu. Rezultāti ļauj secināt, ka 2,5% brÅ«naļģu piedevas un 2,5% kļavu lapu piedevas pozitÄ«vi ietekmē L.edodes micēlija augÅ”anu sintētiskajā barotnē un skaidu-kliju substrātā; brÅ«naļģu ekstrakta koncentrācijas palielināŔanai ir pozitÄ«va ietekme uz micēlija augÅ”anu. Barotnēs un substrātā ar dabas sezonālo atkritumu piedevu micēlijs auga vidēji par 20% ātrāk, nekā kontroles barotnēs un kontroles substrātā bez tās. Lai gan kļavu lapu piedeva labāk par brÅ«naļģu piedevu veicināja micēlija augÅ”anu, novērotā starpÄ«ba bija nenozÄ«mÄ«ga. Darbs izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes MikrobioloÄ£ijas un biotehnoloÄ£ijas katedrā no 2015. gada oktobrim lÄ«dz 2016. gada jÅ«nijam, Dr. biol., prof. Nataļjas MatjuÅ”kovas vadÄ«bā.Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) are worldwide well-known edible mushrooms. They are widely used in traditional medicine, research and cooking due to their anti-carcinogenic, cholesterol-lowering effect and immunity-stimulating properties. (Kang 2013). Each year, large quantities of natural seasonal waste accumulate in Latvia. Largely, these resources remain unused, even though they are freely available. Thus, it is of importance to investigate whether particular types of seasonal waste could be successfully incorporated in the medium used to grow Shiitake mushrooms nowadays to improve their growth rates. It has been previously demonstrated that the composition of the substrates used for Shiitake cultivation affect the yield (MatjuÅ”kova and Raipulis 1999). The aim of this study was to determine how the addition of natural seasonal waste to a synthetic or sawdust-bran substrate affects the mycelial growth of L.edodes. To test this, various L.edodes strains were grown on the synthetic substrate enriched with either 2.5% supplement of brown algae or 2.5% additive of maple leaves; similarly, L.edodes grown in the woodchip-wheat bran substrate were supplemented with 2.5% additive of maple leaves. Additionally, the effect of the concentration of the extract of brown algae added to the substrate was investigated to see if this has a positive effect on the mycelial growth. The results suggest that the addition of both brown algae and maple leaves to the synthetic or sawdust-bran substrates has a positive effect on the mycelial growth of the L. edodes. Moreover, the use of a higher concentration of the extract of brown algae yields larger mycelium. It was demonstrated that in the substrates with added supplements mycelium grew on average 20% faster than in the controls. Although the additive of maple leaves promoted mycelial growth better than that of brown algae, the observed differences were insignificant. This Bachelor Project was carried out at the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia, from October 2015 to June 2016, supervised by Dr. Biol., prof. Natalia MatjuÅ”kova