3 research outputs found

    Morphological variability of phenotypic traits in of oregano samples

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    The purpose of the research was to study the morphological variability of collection samples of oregano of the Crimean Peninsula. The experiments were carried out in 2016–2018 in the Foothill Zone of Crimea. The plant material consisted of 41 samples of origanum collected on the Crimean Peninsula territory. The degree of identification reliability of oregano collection samples by morphological traits was checked. The construction of relationship dendrograms was carried out by the Ward’s method based on the Manhattan distances. It was found that qualitative traits (coloration of corolla, leaf, bract, stalk and male fertility) showed themselves more consistently than quantitative ones. It was recommended to use the most polymorphic traits (entropy, H > 1.50 bits) for reliable identification of oregano samples from the Crimean peninsula: coloration of bract, stem, leaf and corolla, as well as the number of shoots and mass fraction of essential oil. The structure of the association differed by the years of study when constructing dendrograms (r = 0.58).Nevertheless, a fairly clear correspondence of the clusters of different years’ clusters to each other was established (78% of the samples). The established correspondence indicates the reliability of the genotypes combination into separate groups (clusters) and their similar reaction to environmental conditions. The most interesting combinations of samples for further breeding work were identified – these are clusters 2 and 5 (according to the 2018 data). In 42.7% of genotypes from the second cluster, the mass fraction of essential oil was at the level of 0.25–0.55% of the absolute dry mass (4–6 points). The samples from the second cluster could be used as high-oil sources, whereas samples from fifth cluster – as sources of high productivity of ‘green’ raw materials (up to 1,200 g plant-1 ). It is advisable to select parental forms from these two clusters for hybridization. The grouping of origanum samples used in the work divides the samples quite accurately separated them not only on qualitative, but also on economically valuable traits

    Comparative anatomical and morphological characteristics of two subspecies of Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)

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    Received: February 23rd, 2022 ; Accepted: May 22nd, 2022 ; Published: July 30th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] aim of the research is to comprehensively compare the anatomical and morphological structures of plants of Melissa officinalis subsp. officinalis (‘Krymchanka’ and ‘Lada’ varieties) and of M. officinalis subsp. аltissima (Sm.) Arcang. These plants have pronounced differences in morphological features and production indexes. They are grown in the collection of aromatic plants of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea (Krymskaya Roza village, Belogorsky district of Crimea). These studies will allow us to supplement the botanical characteristics of both subspecies of M. officinalis, and also to evaluate their plasticity and possibilities of adaptation to growing conditions. For examination we collected plants in the flowering phase. Anatomical study was carried out using a fixed (alcohol: glycerin : water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1) and native preparation. A complex of mesomorphic and xeromorphic characters is established, that confirms the high plasticity and determines the adaptive capabilities of the species when introduced into various soil and climatic conditions. A variety of epidermal structures was revealed, which are represented by single and multicellular non-glandular trichomes and various types of glandular structures. Among them, trichomes with a multicellular pedicle and a unicellular head, which we found only in M. officinalis subsp. officinalis

    Quantitative content of flavonoids in plant samples from the Crimean population of oregano (

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    The aim of the research was to analyze the quantitative content of flavonoids in raw oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) from indigenous flora from different geographical locations of the Crimean peninsula. The objectives of the research included: the selection of promising samples for breeding, conclusion on the potential use of raw materials collected from regional indigenous populations for medical purposes. It was found that the raw oregano material in most cases did not conform to the requirements of the pharmacopoeial monograph RF XIV in terms of the total flavonoids content equivalent to luteolin and can not be recommended for use as an official raw material. The total content of flavonoids in herbal raw materials varied from 0.40 to 1.05% with an average value of 0.69%. Only three of the tested samples exceeded the threshold of 0.80%, with 0.81–1.05% value, one sample had this index at the level of the lower threshold, 0.80%. No high-flavonoid samples that would be valuable as donors of this trait for breeding varieties of medicinal direction have been identified. The conclusion was made that it is advisable to grow high-flavonoid varieties specially created for this purpose instead of collecting oregano herbal materials in their natural habitat