5 research outputs found

    Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Mathematics Guidance and Counselling Needs: A Case of Secondary Schools in Maara District, Kenya

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    School counsellors collaborate with teachers, parents, school administrators and the local community in an attempt to influence students’ academic, social, personal and career domains. Basically, mathematics teachers hold key information necessary for identifying pertinent guidance and counselling needs related to students’ achievement in the subject. Therefore, to facilitate school counsellors’ role in providing comprehensive mathematics counselling services to students, this study sought to assess teachers’ perceptions of students’ mathematics guidance and counselling needs in secondary schools within Maara District, Kenya. The study utilized the descriptive survey research design on a sample comprising Heads of Mathematics Departments from 48 secondary schools in the District. Questionnaires were used for the collection of desired data which was analyzed by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 17.0. The findings indicated that secondary school students needed mathematics guidance and counselling services regarding attitude, study habits and test orientation. Thus, it was recommended that guidance and counselling programmes emphasize treatment of students’ negative attitude, study habits and test orientation in order to enhance progress in mathematics achievement. Key Words: Counselling, Mathematics, Perceptions, Assessment

    Effectiveness of Primary School Co-Curricular Activities in Instilling Democratic Values Among Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Igembe South Sub-County - A Critique Based on John Rawls Theory of Justice

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    This study focused on the effectiveness of primary school co-curricular activities in instilling democratic values among pupils in public primary schools in Igembe south sub-county. A critique based on John Rawls theory of justice. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The target population was 6700 comprising of 5950 standard seven pupils and 750 teachers in public primary schools in Igembe South Sub-County. Simple random sampling was used to select 325 pupils while purposive sampling was used to select 45 teachers forming a total sample of 370 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires. Collected data was cleaned, coded and entered in the computer for analysis using SPSS version 23. The study used Quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The findings of the study revealed that Primary school co-curriculum activities were found relevant in instilling democratic value of socio-economic equality highlighted in the John Rawls theory of justice. The study further revealed that co-curricular activities promoted democratic value of equal liberty among pupils because they inculcate culture of sharing. Based on this, the study recommended that, head teachers ought to emphasize on the importance of pupils’ participation in co-curriculum activities in the process of curriculum implementation and supervision. This is because the study has exposed that co-curriculum activities are significant in enhancing democratic values

    Depression and Adjustment to Retirement Among Retiree Teachers in Meru County, Kenya

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    Retirement is gradually becoming a topic of research in contemporary society. This is because it is one of the challenges associated with aging. Growing old is not easy and involves life changes which demand multiple adjustments requiring stamina, ability and flexibility. Studies have concluded that retirement leads to depression and it was therefore important to establish the between depression and adjustment to retirement. This study established a significant relationship between depression and adjustment to retirement among retiree teachers in Meru County. The target population of study was 1800 respondents comprising retiree teachers, spouses of retirees teachers and close relatives of the retiree teachers. A sample of 318 respondents was selected to participate in the study. Data was collected from retiree teachers and their spouses through questionnaires. Interview schedules were used to collect data from retiree teacher close relative. Quantitative data was analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23. Descriptive statistics included frequencies, percentages, standard deviation and mean. Inferential statistics used was Wilcoxon signed rank test. Qualitative data collected was analyzed by classifying the responses into meaningful categories thematically. The findings of this study revealed that there is a significant relationship depression and adjustment to retirement. The study recommends that government of Kenya to organize pre-retirement and post-retirement counseling to help teachers to handle challenges that lead to depression in retirement.DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-16-02Publication date:August 31st 202

    Self-Esteem and Adjustment to Retirement Among Retiree Teachers in Meru County, Kenya

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    Retirement poses psychological problem for many retirees. There is an increase in the number of retired teachers in Meru County in Kenya because majority of the pioneer teachers in Meru County have begun retiring since independence. It was necessary to establish the relationship between self-esteem and adjustment to retirement. The researcher established a relationship between self-esteem and adjustment to retirement among retiree teachers in Meru County. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study sampled 318 respondents from a population of 1800 comprising of 600 retirees, 600 spouses of retirees and 600 close relatives of the retiree teachers. A sample of 318 respondents was selected to participate in the study. Data was collected from retiree teachers and their spouses through questionnaires. Interview schedules were used to collect data from retiree teacher close relative. Quantitative data was analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23. Descriptive statistics included frequencies, percentages, standard deviation and mean. Inferential statistics used was wilcoxon signed rank test. Qualitative data collected was analyzed by classifying the responses into meaningful categories thematically. The findings of this study revealed that there is a significant relationship self-esteem and adjustment to retirement. The study recommends that Teacher Service Commission to organize pre-retirement training and counseling to prepare teachers to handle challenges that may affect their self-esteem in retirement. DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/68-05 Publication date:August 31st 2020

    Effects of Imprisonment on Depression among Female Inmates in Selected Prisons in Kenya

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    This study examined the effects of imprisonment on depression among female inmates in selected prisons in Kenya. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. A sample of 295 respondents was randomly selected to participant in the study. The study utilized semi structured questionnaires, interview schedules and observation guides to collect the desired data. The reliability of the instruments was estimated using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. The instrument yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.857. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The findings of the study indicated significant effects of imprisonment on depression among the female inmates. The study recommended reevaluation of the prisons’ physical, psychological and social environments to root out depression trigger factors. There was also need for recruitment of professional counselors to counsel the psychologically disturbed inmates. This would conveniently be achieved through partnership with religious institutions and non-governmental organizations that provide such services. Keywords: Imprisonment, Depression, Female Inmate