107 research outputs found


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    The contribution presents the level of living of population in Poland against the background of the selected countries of the European Union. The key to the selection of objects was the year of their accession to the European Union. All the selected countries joined the European Union in 2004. The study covered years 2004 and 2009. It was based on the data collected by the Central Statistical Office of Poland, the Statistical Office of the EU and the OECD. In order to estimate level of living methods of multivariate statistical analysis were applied. On the basis of the synthetic variable, created for the research purposes, a ranking of countries was constructed

    The spatial differentiation of Polish household food expenditures

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse spatial differentiation of food expenditures in Poland in the years 1998-2006. The study is based upon the data collected by the Central Statistical Office. In order to evaluate an influence of the determinants that differentiate the level of the food expenses, the error component regression models are estimated. The results of the statistical analysis of household food expenditures are presented as well

    The level of living of population in the EU countries

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    The article deals with differentiation of living standard of population in the European Union countries. The study was based on the data collected by the Central Statistical Office of Poland, the Statistical Office of the EU and the OECD. In order to estimate level of living methods of multivariate statistical analysis were applied. On the basis of the synthetic variable, created during the study, a ranking of countries was constructed

    Role of Age and Education as the Determinant of Income Inequality in Poland: Decomposition of the Mean Logarithmic Deviation

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    Measures of inequality can be used to illustrate inequality between and within groups, but the choice of the appropriate measure can have different implications. This study focused on the Mean Logarithmic Deviation, the measure proposed by Theil and based on the techniques of statistical information theory. The MLD was selected because of its attractive properties: fulfillment of the principle of monotonicity and the possibility of additive decomposition. The following study objectives were formulated: (1) to assess the degree of inequality in the population and in the distinguished subgroups, (2) to determine the extent to which education and age influence the level of inequality, and (3) to ascertain what factors contribute to changes in the level of inequality in Poland. The study confirmed an association between the level of education and the average income of the groups distinguished on this basis. The education level of the household head remains an important determinant of household income inequality in Poland, despite the decline in the "educational bonus". The study also found that differences in the age of the household head had a smaller effect on income inequality than the level of education. However, it can be concluded that the higher share of older people may contribute to an increase in income inequality between groups, as the income from pension in Poland is more homogeneous than the income from work in younger groups. Moreover, the current paper seeks to situate Theil’s approach in the context of scholarly writings since 1967

    The Impact of Family and Child-Allowances on Income Inequality in Poland: Gini Decomposition by Income Sources

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    Research background: This paper analyses how different income sources affect the level of inequality in Poland, with focus on the role of family and children related allowances in decreasing income inequalities in 2015–2017. Therefore, the study has focused on the various subgroups of households with children. Purpose: The paper is aimed at examining the extent to which family and children related allowances affect household income inequality and identifying whether they affect inequality in various groups of households in the same way. Methodology: The study was carried out on micro-data gathered by Eurostat. To examine the extent to which different income components affect income inequality, we decompose the Gini coefficient according to the method introduced by Lerman and Yitzhaki. Results: Our study revealed that for most households with children, the inequality-reducing effect due to family and children related allowances increased in 2017 compared to 2015. However, despite the additional child-raising benefit under the “Family 500+” programme, income taxes and social security contributions remained by far the most important factor in reducing household income inequalities in Poland. Novelty: To our knowledge, no study has yet attempted to assess the extent to which family and child- allowances affect income inequality based on real data. The present analysis takes a step towards filling this gap. Unlike other studies based on microsimulation, in this paper we made use of the representative micro- data derived from the EU-SILC study


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    The aim of the paper was to assess the regional differentiation of the level of agriculture and its changes over time. Based on the synthetic measure of development the rankings of regions (provinces) were created. The objects were also classified and divided into groups of a similar level of agriculture. In addition, in order to identify the long-term tendency in this sector of economy, the process of β-convergence of the level of agriculture has been studied. For the verification of hypotheses dynamic panel models were applied. All computations were performed in the Gretl, based on CSO data.Celem artykułu była ocena regionalnego zróżnicowania poziomu rolnictwa oraz jego zmian w czasie. Dla kolejnych okresów badania ustalono rankingi województw oraz dokonano ich klasyfikacji. Ponadto badano proces β-konwergencji poziomu rozwoju rolnictwa. Weryfikacja hipotezy o zachodzeniu konwergencji absolutnej pozwoliła na identyfikację długoterminowych tendencji w tym dziale gospodarki. W oparciu o analizę konwergencji warunkowej wskazano główne determinanty rozwoju. Do weryfikacji postawionych hipotez wykorzystano dynamiczne modele panelowe. Obliczenia przeprowadzono w programie GRETL

    Implementation of Europe 2020 Strategy : the taxonomic analysis

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    The article concerns the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The main aim was to analyse the spatial diversity of countries in terms of the degree of implementation of the strategy and the progress that countries have made in this regard. An attempt was made to assess the relative developmental disparities between countries. The methods of multivariate statistical analysis were applied. To assess the degree of implementation of the strategy a dynamic version of Hellwig’s synthetic variable method was used. The analysis of the disparities between countries was made with a dynamic measure of the relative taxonomy, proposed by Wydymus. The scientific aim was to evaluate the progress made by countries in implementing the objectives of the strategy and the relative developmental disparities between Member States with particular attention to the countries that joined the EU in 2004. The study confirmed the strong differentiation of EU Member States. The majority of countries that joined the Community in 2004, has made significant progress and reduced the disparities compared to others. The countries, political leaders of EU (Germany, France, Great Britain, and Italy) have achieved rather disappointing results. Most of the countries made significant progress in achieving specific objectives such as increasing investment in R & D, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of renewable energy and reducing the number of young people do not continue education. The biggest problem remains the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The evaluation of the progress made by individual EU members can not only help to identify good practices, but also to prevent making the same mistakes. The results of the study can be used by the European Commission as well as the institutions and authorities of the different countries of the Community to evaluate the progress made and to take appropriate actions


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    The research discussed in the article concerned the level of development of agriculture in Poland. The main aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis of convergence of the economic size of farms. The analysis confirmed the existence of beta-convergence, however, showed no occurrence of sigma-convergence and gamma-convergence. Based on the results of the analysis of marginal vertical beta-convergence, Poland was divided into two clubs with different paths of development. In one of them the process of convergence was confirmed, but in the second one the phenomenon of divergence was revealed.Badanie opisane w artykule dotyczyło upodabniania się poziomu rozwoju rolnictwa w Polsce, którego miernikiem była wielkość ekonomiczna przeciętnego w województwie gospodarstwa rolnego. Głównym jego celem była weryfikacja hipotezy o zachodzeniu konwergencji wielkości ekonomicznej gospodarstw. Przeprowadzona analiza potwierdziła zjawisko konwergencji typu beta, jednak nie wykazano zachodzenia konwergencji typu sigma ani gamma. Na podstawie wyników analizy krańcowej konwergencji typu beta, podzielono Polskę na dwa kluby o odmiennych ścieżkach rozwoju. W jednym stwierdzono zjawisko konwergencji, w drugim dywergencji

    Modelowanie danych panelowych

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    Celem artykułu było przedstawienie korzyści wynikających ze stosowania danych panelowych w modelowaniu ekonometrycznym. Omówiono także zasady budowy, estymacji i weryfikacji modeli panelowych. Rozważania teoretyczne poparto przykładem empirycznymThe aim of the paper was to present advantageous of panel data as well as panel data models. The methods of estimation and verification of panel data models were discussed as well. Theoretical discussion was accompanied by empirical example

    Analiza rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego w latach 2002 i 2008

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    Artykuł prezentuje analizę rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego w latach 2002 i 2008. Ocenę jego poziomu i dyspersji przestrzennej opracowano na podstawie danych statystycznych gromadzonych przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny. W roli narzędzi badawczych zastosowano metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej. Dla celów badania skonstruowano syntetyczny miernik rozwoju, na podstawie którego utworzono ranking powiatów, a następnie podzielono je na grupy o zbliżonym poziomie rozwoju