4 research outputs found

    The Model of Shoreline Change in Estuary of Porong River after Mud Volcano

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    The basic research of this paper is to produce the result of the model of extended area or/and degradasion area in estuary of Porong river after mud volcano phenomenon. The model is the part of conception of coastal management in the sector of coastal protection. This sector is concerning to the stability of shoreline change. This is obviously the extended area from sedimentation or/and degradasion area due to erosion processes in coastal vicinity.nbsp It means stable from the sedimentation and/or erosion processes that may not be wanted. This research is to create the model of shoreline change, based on the previous years to the recent condition, and then to estimate the feature condition.nbsp This model based on the conception of longshore transport (lonsgshore current) in the certain location of estuary of Porong river. The model works on the two stages.nbsp (1). Using data ofnbsp year 2000 for initial condition, the model produced three difference results for next 14 years from three difference sediment transport formulations.nbsp This is to find the most apropriate result when to be compared to the existing data of 2014 among those formulatios. The formulation of Komar-Inman [6] is the best one due to getting result that have the smallest error ofnbspnbsp 7 % to the existing data 2014.nbsp (2). By using data ofnbsp year 2014 as initial condition, the model have produced thenbsp estimation of shoreline change for the next period of 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. After 20 years implementation, the model gives resultnbsp of extended land area to the offshore direction in around of 1000 meters. The accuration of the result is depend on the accuration of Komar-Inman [6] formulation in the transport sediment conception

    Analisa Perubahan Garis Pantai Tuban, Jawa Timur Dengan Menggungakan Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola dominan dari variasi Perubahan garis pantai Tuban, yang dinyatakan dengan persamaan Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF). Persamaan EOF tersebut memerlukan data input garis pantai dua bulanan yang diperoleh dari peramalan menggunakan oneline model. Hasil analisa EOF dengan validasi peta tahun 2011 menunjukkan terjadi Perubahan pada pias 1-30, pias 31-60, pias 61-90, pias 91-120, dan pias 121-150. Perubahan terjadi pada pias 31-60 sebesar 0.0005%, sedangkan pada pias lainnya sebesar 0-0.0001%. Sebagian besar pias tetap stabil apabila dibandingkan dengan garis pantai awal tahun 2005. Setelah itu, eigenvalue dari hasil analisa EOF dihubungkan dengan parameter dekat pantai. Dari hasil analisa semakin besar eigenvalue yang dihasilkan, maka semakin besar pula nilai dari energi gelombang (E), Wave Stepness (Ho/Lo), Fluks energi gelombang cross shore (Fx) ataupun longshore (Fy) sehingga terjadi suatu perbandingan yang lurus. Sedangkan untuk eigentemporal c(t), dimana semakin besar sudut datang maka energi gelombang (E), Wave Stepness (Ho/Lo), Fluks energi gelombang cross shore (Fx) ataupun longshore (Fy) akan bernilai semakin kecil sehingga terjadi suatu perbandingan yang terbalik