6 research outputs found

    Survei Dan Pemetaan Unsur Hara N, P, K, Dan Ph Tanah Pada Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan Di Desa Durian Kecamatan Pantai Labu

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    The objective of this research are to survey and to map the nutrients which is nitrogen (N),phosphate (P), and potassium (K) and the soil pH of rain fed lowland in Desa Durian KecamatanPantai Labu. The soil analysis was conducted in Research and Technology Laboratory inAgricultural Faculty of North Sumatra University on July – November 2013. The researchconducted the survey grid method semi-detailed lavel with 1 sample each 250 meter observationdensity. For the nutrient the researcher used Khejdhal method for soil total nitrogen, Extraction HCl25% for soil Potential phosphate, extraction 1 N NH4OAc pH 7 for soil potassium exchange, forsoil pH the researcher used electrometric method, and the result will be interpreted on nutrientstatus map. The result showed that total nitrogen is classified into two status, low nitrogen (582,048Ha) and medium nitrogen (167,952 Ha). Potential phosphate is classified into very low status (750Ha). And potassium exchange is classified into three status, medium potassium (137,202 Ha), highpotassium (515,303 Ha) and very high potassium (97,495 Ha). Soil pH classified into aciditytendency

    Efek Interaksi Pemberian Silikat Dan Mikoriza Pada Andisol Terhadap P-tersedia Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

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    The objective of this research is to know the interaction effects of Silicate and Mycorrhizaapplication to Andisol on the phosphorus and maize growth. The experiment was conducted at thescreen house, at Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility, and Research and TechnologyLaboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatera, Medan from July until December2012 . Andisol soil was taken from horticultural farms at Kuta Rakyat Village, Naman Teran Subdistrict, Karo District. The design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 replicationand 2 (two) factors, namely Silicate (Si) consists which of 5 level: Si0(control), Si1(0.89 g/4 kg soil)Si2(1.78 g/4 kg of soil), Si3(2.67 g/4 kg soil), Si4(3.56 g/4 kg soil) and Mycorrhiza factor (Mi),which consists of three levels, that is: Mi0 (0 g/4 kg soil), Mi1(15 g/4 kg soil) Mi2(30 g /4 kg soil)and 3(three) replication to meet 45 experimental units. The results of this research showed thatapplication of Silicate on Andisol without mycorrhizal and higher dosage did not increase Pabsorptionand corn growth, while Silicate application at medium dosage (15 g/4 kg soil) increasedP-Available, P-absorption and corn growt

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Kulit Durian Dan Kompos Kulit Kakao Pada Ultisol Terhadap Beberapa Aspek Kimia Kesuburan Tanah

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    Ultisol is a quite large of soil and have many constraints to be used as agricultural soil. Some of theconstraints are: Low level of the organic content, soil acidity, high level of Al saturation and lowCEC so that this land productivity is quite low. To increase the productivity can be done by increasethe availability of nutrient by adding organic compost i.e. Durian Shell compost and Cacao Shellcompost. The experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Design methode with 3replications consistedof nine treatment. I.e by adding Durian's Shell compost and Cacao's Shellcompost consisting of ;1,5 g (Z1), 3,0 g (Z2), 4,5 g (Z3), 6,0 g (Z4)Durian's Shell compost in every300 g Ultisol, and 1,5 g (C1), 3,0 g (C2), 4,5 g (C3), 6,0 (C4) Cacao's Shell in every 300 g Ultisol,and Blanko treatment (Z0). The result shows that the addition of Durian's Shell Compost andCacao's Shell Compost give very real effect on Al-dd, and generally tend to increase the pH, CEC,Organic C, Total N of the soil and decrease the level of exchangeable Al

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Kulit Durian Pada Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, Dan Typic Kandiudult Terhadap Beberapa Aspek Kesuburan Tanah (Ph, C Organik, Dan N Total) Serta Produksi Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

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    The objective of this research is to know the influencing of the Husk-pulp compost of Duriozibethinus to Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, dan Typic Kandiudult on some the soilfertility aspect (pH, C organic, and N total) and the maize production. The experiment wasconducted at the green house, at Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility, and Research andTechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. Groun planof experiment was maked agree with Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors and 3replications, namely durio husk-pulp compost consist which of 5 levels: D0 (0 g), D1 (109,5 g), D2(219 g), D3 (328,5 g), D4 (438 g) and soil\u27s ordos, which consist of 3 levels, that are: T1 (TypicHydraquent), T2 (Umbrik Dystrudept), dan T3 (Typic Kandiudult), and 3 replications to meet 45experimental units.The results of this research showed that the increasing bend of Typic Hydraquentwas been the highest of them because of the increasing of the durio husk-pulp compost\u27s doses, theincreasing bend of Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, and Typic Kandiudult\u27s C organic werebeen same relativy because of the increasing of the durio husk-pulp compost\u27s doses, the increasingbend of Umbrik Dystrudept and Typic Kandiudult\u27s N total were been same relativy because of theincreasing of the durio husk-pulp compost\u27s doses, except to the increasing bend of TypicHydraquent\u27s N total, and maize dry-weights in Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, and TypicKandiudult are several increase until the same doses

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Kompos Sampah Kota Dan Kompos Residu Rumah Tangga Pada Tanah Terhadap Kadar Pb Serta Cd Tersedia Dan Produksi Sawi (Brasillia Oleraceae L.)

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    The effect of domestyc waste compost and residual of household waste compost for Pb and Cd andmustard (Brassica oleraceae L.) product.This research is done in the land of cassa room ofagricultural faculty and is analised central labor of agricultural faculty, North Sumatera University.The design of this research is arranged in non-factorial random design which is consisting of 9treatments with 3 replications. The treatmentis treatmentis M1 (100% Soil), M2 (75% Soil + 25%domestyc waste compost), M3 (50% Soil + 50 % domestyc waste compost), M4 (25 % Soil + 75 %domestyc waste compost), M5(75% Soil + 25 % residual of household waste compost), M6 (50%Soil + 50% residual of household waste compost), M7(25% % Soil + 75% residual of householdwaste compost), M8 (50 % domestyk waste compost + 50 residual of household waste compost),M9 (100 % residual of household waste compost). The result of this research is showed thatcomposing domestyc waste compost and residual of household waste compost and combination ofboth very significantly increased to increase pH soil, Pb, Cd soil and production of weigh themustard in a good treatment is M3 (50% Soil + 50% domestyc waste compost) is 142,47 g

    Kajian P-tersedia Pada Tanah Sawah Sulfat Masam Potensial

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    The research was conducted to examine P-available of paddy soil potential of acid sulfate withBray II, Truog and Olsen. The research held in Seed Technology Laboratory (seeding), green houseand also in Research and Technology Laboratory Agriculture Faculty University of SumateraUtara. The research used non factorial Randomized Block Design with 3 repetition, which as mainfactor is the giving of Natural Phosphate with 9 kind of dosages, that is: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250,300, 350, and 400 ppm. The giving of Natural Phosphate was significant to the phosphorus sorptionwith the best dosage is P7 (350 ppm) and pH with the best dosage is P8 (400 ppm). The examiningof P-available from the giving of natural phosphate results that the value of P-available by usingBray II and Truog method was higher than the value of P-available by using Olsen method, andthere is no appropriate value of P critical limit for each method