21 research outputs found

    The hidden emotional labour behind ensuring the social value of research: Experiences of frontline health policy and systems researchers based in Kenya during COVID-19

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    Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is a multi-disciplinary, largely applied field of research aimed at understanding and strengthening the performance of health systems, often with an emphasis on power, policy and equity. The value of embedded and participatory HPSR specifically in facilitating the collection of rich data that is relevant to addressing real-world challenges is increasingly recognised. However, the potential contributions and challenges of HPSR in the context of shocks and crises are not well documented, with a particular gap in the literature being the experiences and coping strategies of the HPSR researchers who are embedded in health systems in resource constrained settings. In this paper, we draw on two sets of group discussions held among a group of approximately 15 HPSR researchers based in Nairobi, Kenya, who were conducting a range of embedded HPSR studies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers, including many of the authors, were employed by the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP), which is a long-standing multi-disciplinary partnership between the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the Wellcome Trust with a central goal of contributing to national and international health policy and practice. We share our findings in relation to three inter-related themes: 1) Ensuring the continued social value of our HPSR work in the face of changing priorities; 2) Responding to shifting ethical procedures and processes at institutional and national levels; and 3) Protecting our own and front-line colleagues' well-being, including clinical colleagues. Our experiences highlight that in navigating research work and responsibilities to colleagues, patients and participants through the pandemic, many embedded HPSR staff faced difficult emotional and ethical challenges, including heightened forms of moral distress, which may have been better prevented and supported. We draw on our findings and the wider literature to discuss considerations for funders and research leads with an eye to strengthening support for embedded HPSR staff, not only in crises such as the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, but also more generally

    Treatment-seeking and recovery among young undernourished children post-hospital discharge in Bangladesh: a qualitative study

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    Introduction: Post-hospital discharge mortality is high among undernourished children in many low and middle-income countries. Although a number of quantitative studies have highlighted a range of potential socio-cultural, economic and health system factors influencing paediatric post-discharge treatment-seeking and recovery, few studies have explored family and provider perspectives of the post-discharge period in-depth. Methods: This work was part of a large, multi-country prospective cohort study, the Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition (CHAIN) Network. We conducted a qualitative sub-study to understand the post-discharge treatment-seeking and recovery experiences of families of undernourished children aged 2–23 months admitted in a rural and urban icddr,b (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh) hospital. Methods included repeat in-depth interviews (73 interviews in total) with 29 family members of 17 purposively selected children. These data were supplemented by interviews with 33 health workers, and by observations in hospitals and homes. Results: Important drivers of treatment-seeking perceived to support recovery included advice provided to family members while in hospital, media campaigns on hygiene practice, availability of free treatment, and social and financial support from family members, relatives and neighbours. Key perceived challenges included low household incomes, mothers having to juggle multiple responsibilities in addition to caring for the sick child, lack of support (sometimes violence) from the child’s father, and family members’ preference for relatively accessible drug shops, physicians or healers over hospital admission. Conclusion: Development of interventions that address the challenges that families face is essential to support post-discharge adherence to medical advice and recovery. Potential interventions include strengthening information giving during hospitalization on what post-discharge care is needed and why, reducing direct and indirect costs associated with hospital visits, engaging fathers and other ‘significant others’ in post-discharge advice, and building mobile phone-based support for follow-up care

    Applying a gender lens to understand pathways through care for acutely ill young children in Kenyan urban informal settlements

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    Background: In many African settings, gender strongly influences household treatment-seeking and decision-making for childhood illnesses. While mothers are often the primary engagers with health facilities, their independence in illness-related decisions is shaped by various factors. Drawing on a gender lens, we explored treatment-seeking pathways pre- and post-hospital admission for acutely ill young children living in low income settlements in Nairobi, Kenya; and the gendered impact of child illness both at the household and health system level. Methods: Household members of 22 children admitted to a public hospital were interviewed in their homes several times post hospital discharge. In-depth interviews covered the child's household situation, health and illness; and the family's treatment-seeking choices and experiences. Children were selected from an observational cohort established by the Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition (CHAIN) Network. Results: Treatment-seeking pathways were often long and complex, with mothers playing the key role in caring for their children and in treatment decision-making. Facing many anxieties and dilemmas, mothers often consulted with significant influencers - primarily women - particularly where illnesses were prolonged or complex. In contrast to observations in rural African contexts, fathers were less prominent as influencers than (often female) neighbours, grandparents and other relatives. Mothers were sometimes blamed for their child's condition at home and at health facilities. Children's illness episode and associated treatment-seeking had significant gendered socio-economic consequences for households, including through mothers having to take substantial time off work, reduce their working hours and income, or even losing their jobs. Conclusion: Women in urban low-income settings are disproportionately impacted by acute child illness and the related treatment-seeking and recovery process. The range of interventions needed to support mothers as they navigate their way through children's illnesses and recovery include: deliberate engagement of men in child health to counteract the dominant perception of child health and care as a 'female-domain'; targeted economic strategies such as cash transfers to safeguard the most vulnerable women and households, combined with more robust labour policies to protect affected women; as well as implementing strategies at the health system level to improve interactions between health workers and community members.The primary author (KM) was funded through the DELTAS Africa Initiative [DEL-15-003]. The DELTAS Africa Initiative is an independent funding scheme of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS)’s Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) and supported by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD Agency) with funding from the Wellcome Trust [107769/Z/10/Z] and the UK government. This work was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded to the CHAIN Network (grant: OPP1131320)

    Strengthening the role of community health workers in supporting the recovery of ill, undernourished children post hospital discharge: qualitative insights from key stakeholders in Bangladesh and Kenya

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    Background: Even when undernourished children in low- and middle-income countries are treated using World Health Organisation recommended guidelines, they remain at elevated risk of death following hospital discharge. The role of community health workers (CHWs) in supporting post-discharge recovery to improve outcomes has not been adequately explored. Methods: Qualitative research was conducted as part of the Childhood Acute Illnesses and Nutrition (CHAIN) Network in rural and urban Bangladesh and Kenya. Interviews were conducted with family members of a total of 64 acutely ill children admitted in four hospitals (two rural and two urban- across both contexts). Children included those with undernutrition, and interviews were repeated in family members’ homes over several months. Data collected from families were supplemented by observations in facilities and homes, key informant interviews with CHWs and policy makers in Bangladesh, and a review of relevant guidelines. Findings: Guidelines suggest that CHWs could play a role not only in initially referring undernourished children to hospital, but also in supporting recovery post-discharge. However, the specific mechanisms to link CHWs into hospital discharge and post-discharge support processes are not specified. Data suggest a range of access and communication challenges that community health workers (CHWs) could potentially contribute towards overcoming. However, few families we interviewed reported any therapeutic interactions with CHWs post-discharge, especially in Kenya. Although CHWs are generally available in communities, they face significant challenges in conducting their roles, including unmanageable workloads, few incentives, lack of equipment and supplies and inadequate support from supervisors and some community members. Conclusion/recommendations: There is need for context sensitive policy and guidance documents that include specific recommendations on post-discharge linkage or down-referral to support for vulnerable children. Consideration should be given to introducing and supporting a dedicated staff member (whether defined as a CHW or patient advocate) whose tasks and responsibilities include playing a linking role between family members and community-based post-discharge support services. These additional tasks should take into consideration the broader responsibilities of CHWs, and consider recognised challenges such as appropriate recognition, training and remuneration. Potential interventions need to be evaluated in carefully designed and conducted studies

    “We are their eyes and ears here on the ground, yet they do not appreciate us”—Factors influencing the performance of Kenyan community health volunteers working in urban informal settlements

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    This study explored factors that influence CHV performance in urban informal settlements (UIS) within Nairobi Kenya and ways in which CHVs can be supported to enhance their wellbeing and strengthen community strategies. The study was undertaken in two UIS within Nairobi County. Thirteen focus group discussions and three key informant interviews were conducted with a range of respondents. Various topics covering the design of the Community Health Strategy (CHS) and broader contextual factors that affect CHVs’ performance, were discussed and data analysed using a framework analysis approach. The key programme design factors identified as influencing the performance of CHVs working in UIS included: CHV recruitment; training; availability of supplies and resources; and remuneration of CHVs. Health system factors that influenced CHVs performance included: nature of relationship between healthcare workers at local referral facilities and community members; availability of services and perceived corruption at referral facilities; and CHV referral outside of the local health facility. Whereas the broader contextual factors that affected CHV performance included: demand for material or financial support; perceived corruption in community programmes; and neighbourhood insecurity. These findings suggest that CHVs working in UIS in Kenya face a myriad of challenges that impact their wellbeing and performance. Therefore, to enhance CHVs’ well-being and improve their performance, the following should be considered: adequate and timely remuneration for CHVs, appropriate holistic training, adequate supportive supervision, and ensuring a satisfactory supply of resources and supplies. Additionally, at the facility level, healthcare workers should be trained on appropriate and respectful relations with both the community and the CHVs, clarity of roles and scope of work, ensure availability of services, and safeguard against corrupt practices in public health facilities. Lastly, there’s a need for improved and adequate security measures at the community level, to ensure safety of CHVs as they undertake their roles

    Intersectionality and global health leadership: parity is not enough

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    Abstract There has been a welcome emphasis on gender issues in global health in recent years in the discourse around human resources for health. Although it is estimated that up to 75% of health workers are female (World Health Organization, Global strategy on human resources for health: Workforce 2030, 2016), this gender ratio is not reflected in the top levels of leadership in international or national health systems and global health organizations (Global Health 50/50, The Global Health 50/50 report: how gender responsive are the world’s leading global health organizations, 2018; Clark, Lancet, 391:918–20, 2018). This imbalance has led to a deeper exploration of the role of women in leadership and the barriers they face through initiatives such as the WHO Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030, the UN High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, the Global Health 50/50 Reports, Women in Global Health, and #LancetWomen. These movements focus on advocating for increasing women’s participation in leadership. While efforts to reduce gender imbalance in global health leadership are critical and gaining momentum, it is imperative that we look beyond parity and recognize that women are a heterogeneous group and that the privileges and disadvantages that hinder and enable women’s career progression cannot be reduced to a shared universal experience, explained only by gender. Hence, we must take into account the ways in which gender intersects with other social identities and stratifiers to create unique experiences of marginalization and disadvantage

    The hidden financial burden of healthcare: a systematic literature review of informal payments in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Informal payments limit equitable access to health services. Despite being common, in-depth examination of informal charging practices in Sub-Saharan Africa is lacking. We therefore conducted a systematic literature review to synthesize evidence on the prevalence, characteristics, determinants, and impact of informal payments in SSA. The materials provided include characteristics of studies included in the review and the search strategies used to identify relevant literature across various electronic databases

    The hidden emotional labour behind ensuring the social value of research: Experiences of frontline health policy and systems researchers based in Kenya during COVID-19.

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    Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is a multi-disciplinary, largely applied field of research aimed at understanding and strengthening the performance of health systems, often with an emphasis on power, policy and equity. The value of embedded and participatory HPSR specifically in facilitating the collection of rich data that is relevant to addressing real-world challenges is increasingly recognised. However, the potential contributions and challenges of HPSR in the context of shocks and crises are not well documented, with a particular gap in the literature being the experiences and coping strategies of the HPSR researchers who are embedded in health systems in resource constrained settings. In this paper, we draw on two sets of group discussions held among a group of approximately 15 HPSR researchers based in Nairobi, Kenya, who were conducting a range of embedded HPSR studies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers, including many of the authors, were employed by the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP), which is a long-standing multi-disciplinary partnership between the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the Wellcome Trust with a central goal of contributing to national and international health policy and practice. We share our findings in relation to three inter-related themes: 1) Ensuring the continued social value of our HPSR work in the face of changing priorities; 2) Responding to shifting ethical procedures and processes at institutional and national levels; and 3) Protecting our own and front-line colleagues' well-being, including clinical colleagues. Our experiences highlight that in navigating research work and responsibilities to colleagues, patients and participants through the pandemic, many embedded HPSR staff faced difficult emotional and ethical challenges, including heightened forms of moral distress, which may have been better prevented and supported. We draw on our findings and the wider literature to discuss considerations for funders and research leads with an eye to strengthening support for embedded HPSR staff, not only in crises such as the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, but also more generally