274 research outputs found

    A Study about a Jar with Long Neck and Attached Foot of the Yayoi Period in the Chūgoku Region

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    At the Satadao burial mound No.2, a jar with long neck and attached foot (kyakutsuki -chōkeiko) with an unusual shape for this region was unearthed. I took the opportunity and put together pottery of this kind ranging from the middle third of the Middle Yayoi to the middle third of the Late Yayoi period in the Chūgoku region for a comparative study. As a result of this compilation, most jars are distributed in the southern part of the Okayama Prefecture, especially in the lower reaches of the Asahikawa River and the Takahashigawa River. In most cases, the jars with long neck are utilized in settlements in these areas. Concerning this fact, one can assume that in the region of Okayama Prefecture this kind of vessels were for daily use. On the other hand, only a small quantity of jars was discovered in other regions. Even among them, one should take notice that most jars were utilized at graves in Hiroshima and Shimane Prefecture. One can assume that these jars were made to furnish graves in these areas. In Okayama Prefecture, the features of the jars clearly changed from the Middle Yayoi period to the Late Yayoi period. More specific, the foot part was shortened, the bending of the body was emphasized among others. In terms of the features and the usage of the jars, Hiroshima Prefecture and the east part of Shimane Prefecture are alike. In addition, one can assume mutual influences between both regions according to examples from the Narahama, the Shiomachi and the Nishimoto site.本論は、2015年7月12日に広島大学文学部棟で行われた中国四国歴史学地理学協会(考古学部会)において、同題で発表した内容を基にまとめたものである

    Regional Variations Among Pot-shaped Earthenware in the Northern Region of Bingo

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    It is generally assumed that regional variations among earthenware from the latter third of the Middle Yayoi period onwards are becoming more distinctive in Hiroshima prefecture. Earthenware of the “Shiomachi type”, referred to as highly decorated, has also been unearthed in the northern part of Bingo (the eastern part of Hiroshima prefecture). In this study, I examined the difference of patterns found among wide-mouthed pots with bellied body (kame) from those areas. As a result, regional differences between patterns found in the Basen River basin and Saijō River basin, specifically regarding decorative combinations and pot shapes were revealed. These differences likely exist due to the different manufacturing techniques of the pots used in each area, particularly based on observations such as brush marks (hakeme) surface finishing and clay-joint marks in cross-sections. In general, manufacturers applied patterns on pottery to achieve visual effects in the course of usage. However, we should also consider the possibility that such applications on the surface were placed on items to denote the manufacturing process. And of course it needs to be examined why different decorations were applied on pottery based on observations of the actual materials from each region.本稿は2014年1月10日に広島大学大学院文学研究科に提出した修士論文の一部、2019年9月14日開催の考古学研究会岡山9月例会における発表内容の一部、2019年10月27日開催の広島史学研究会考古学部会における発表内容の一部をもとに文章化したものである

    Surface Finds from the Kaidahara Mounded Tomb No. 20 in Kisa-chō, Miyoshi City

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    The Kaidahara mounded tomb No. 20 is the largest burial in the Kaidahara mounded tomb group. It became clear, that the burial mound is scallop shell-shaped (hotategaigata kofun) and is about 36 meters in length and five meters high. A report on the artefacts collected from this site is presented in this study, The finds are all kept in the Kisa Museum of History and Folklore. They include Sue ware and cylindrical ceramic clay figures (entō haniwa). The Sue ware mostly consists of pots with bellied body (kame), kinds of jars (tsubo), but also dishes (tsuki), dishes with pedestal (takatsuki), vessels with a funnel-shaped wide mouth and a small hole in the spherical body (hasō), handles and vessel stands etc. Previously, due to the characteristic mound shape type the construction date was placed in the middle of the 5th century AD. But one of the results of this study is, that the associated Sue ware is more consistent with a construction during the second half of the 6th century AD. Kaidahara mounded tomb No. 20 is an important example of a large scallop shell-shaped mounded tomb which was built during the Late Kofun Period

    Vascular Adhesion Protein-1 Blockade Suppresses Ocular Inflammation After Retinal Laser Photocoagulation in Mice

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    PURPOSE. To investigate the effect of the vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) inhibitor RTU-1096 on retinal morphologic changes and ocular inflammation after retinal laser photocoagulation in mice. METHODS. C57BL/6JJcl mice were fed a diet containing RTU-1096, a specific inhibitor for VAP-1, or a control diet ad libitum for 7 days. Laser photocoagulation was performed on the peripheral retina of the animals. The semicarbazide sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) activities in plasma and chorioretinal tissues were measured. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images were acquired before and at 1, 3, and 7 days after laser photocoagulation, and thickness of the individual retinal layers was measured. Intravitreal leukocyte infiltration was assessed by histologic analysis. The expression level of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in retinal tissues were examined by quantitative real-time PCR. RESULTS. One day after laser photocoagulation, the thickness of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) increased in the laser group compared with in the control group, and RTU-1096 administration abrogated the ONL thickening. Histologic analysis and OCT observation revealed that laser photocoagulation caused infiltration of inflammatory cells and the appearance of hyperreflective foci at the vitreoretinal surface, both of which were suppressed by RTU-1096 administration. In addition, systemic administration of RTU-1096 reduced upregulation of the leukocyte adhesion molecules ICAM-1 in the retina. CONCLUSIONS. The current data indicate that VAP-1/SSAO inhibition may be a potential therapeutic strategy for the prevention of macular edema secondary to scatter laser photocoagulation in patients with ischemic retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy

    Optimal Transmission Scheduling for a Hybrid of Full- and Half-Duplex Relaying

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    Full-duplex relaying (FDR), i.e., simultaneous transmission and reception using the same frequency channel at a radio relay, can be used to achieve a spectral efficiency higher than that in the case of half-duplex relaying (HDR) if loop-back interference is well-managed. To achieve spectral efficiency that is higher than that achieved when using FDR and HDR separately, an optimal transmission-scheduling scheme for an FDR-HDR hybrid is proposed. The scheme is formulated as an optimization problem. The conditions required to achieve the maximum spectral efficiency are determined analytically. Numerical results confirm that the proposed scheme is superior to FDR and HDR

    Ο Βιβλιοθηκονόμος - Επιστήμονας Πληροφόρησης

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    Resolution of pulmonary multiplanar reconstruction images from 0.5-mm theoretical isotropic data: a fundamental study using an inflated and fixed lung specimen.

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    The aim of the present study was to define the resolution of multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) of the lung from &#34;theoretical isotropic data.&#34; Using inflated and fixed lung specimens of the pig placed in the chest wall phantom, 0.5-mm isotropic data were obtained with 2 different helical pitches: 1:7 (high-quality mode) or 1:13, (high-speed mode), and 2 different tube currents: 250 mAs (high-tube-current mode) or 100 mAs (low-tube-current mode), with or without overlapping reconstruction. MPRs were created from these axial data. The diameter of the smallest visible pulmonary artery and bronchi of these CT images were measured on the corresponding slices of the specimen. The high-speed and low-tube-current mode significantly degraded the image quality due to increased noise. The smallest visible pulmonary artery and bronchus resolved on MPRs from axial-spiral data with 0.5-mm collimation were approximately 100 micrometer and 1,000 micrometer in diameter, respectively. In conclusion, helical pitch and tube current influence the resolution of MPR of the lung.</p