145 research outputs found

    Misuse Of Words And Its Implementation In Islamic Law: A Case Study Of Zihar

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    If husband says to his wife, "you are banned/prohibited to me, akin to my mother or sister, and or you are comparable to my mother or sister". If the intention of the husband by these words was not meant to divorce his wife, then this act is termed as Zihar in Islam, otherwise divorce. He would now be bound to expiate before having sex with his wife. Either of husband or wife can observe Zihar. Condition of Zihar is differnt for a woman than a man. She is bound to Zihar before marriage. However, a man is restricted to it after marriage. Such statement can be elaborated in the following way. If a woman compares, someone analogue to her brother or father and or, ask him to be her brother or father, and get married later on with him. In such situation she will have to pay atonement. In the same way if a man becomes committed to Zihar after marriage, he would be bound to pay atonement. Islam fixes the value of expiation equally by the offender either a male or a female. Islam commences society to Zihar to stop or restrict this offensive act. This article is an approach to comprehend the impact of words in the relationship of marriage in Islam

    A Social Custom “Vani”: Introduction And Critical Analysis

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    This paper reflects an introduction and critical analysis of a custom called Vani. It is widely practiced with diverse names in different areas of Pakistan. This ancient tradition is tied to blood feuds among the various tribes and clans, where the females are forcibly married to the members of different tribes for the dispute settlement. Habitually Vani is affected in the cases of murder, kidnapping and robbery. Inequality/discrimination, law disregard, poor education, poverty, landlord system etc. are fundamental reasons for existence of such type norms. It has become an evil of the society. This is an un-Islamic practice as Islam does not allow a forced marriage. Having different comprehensive laws about every clash Islam has no example/direction to give Vani to settle a heated discussion. It is necessary only to awake the heartfelt public about such type of customs and to allocate their influence to stop it

    A low-power delta-sigma modulator ADC for sensor system applications

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    This paper discusses a third-order tri-level quantizer delta-sigma modulator analog-digital converter (ADC) for cascaded integrators with distributed feedback (CIFB) and cascaded integrators with distributed feedforward (CIFF) structure for sensor system applications. The signal transfer function (STF) and noise transfer function (NTF) discussed for poles and zeroes. Oversampling ratio (OSR) and different quantizer level presented for the modulator structure to trade-off the targeted bandwidth and complexity of increased quantizer level. NTF zero optimization technique also implemented to further reduce inband quantization noise by shaping at high frequency, which is later filtered by digital low-pass filter. Mismatch simulation results also performed for quantizer levels considering the performance degradation of the modulator. Operational amplifier (op-amp) for the front-end integrator optimized for minimum power consumption by considering low finite DC-gain, limited slew-rate, minimum required gain-bandwidth product (GBW). The proposed model simulations provided and discussed. Non-ideal effect for the proposed complete modulator CIFF structure for switched-capacitor circuit level implementation performed. The non-ideal parameters like thermal noise, sampling jitter, white noise, and switch nonlinearity also discussed. Modeling simulation results for CIFF structure with trilevel quantizer, shows that proposed modulator structure can achieve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 133dB for sensor system bandwidth of 10kHz with OSR = 128

    Database independent Migration of Objects into an Object-Relational Database

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    This paper reports on the CERN-based WISDOM project which is studying the serialisation and deserialisation of data to/from an object database (objectivity) and ORACLE 9i.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures; CMS CERN Conference Report cr02_01

    Association of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio with Fatty Liver in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Objective: To find the association between neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, platelet to lymphocyte ratio and fatty liver in type 2 diabetes.Methodology: This comparative analytical study was conducted at Shifa International Hospital on diabetic patients visiting falahee OPD clinics from June 2018 to June 2019.  Nonprobability convenient sampling was used. Patients were segregated into two groups according to fatty liver status as assessed by ultrasonography. Complete blood count, lipid profile and liver profile were done. Data was analyzed by using statistical package for the social sciences (spss) version 21. Descriptive statistics were calculated for categorical variables. Kolmogorov smirnov test was used to ascertain the normality of the quantitative variables. For normal and dispersed variables, independent student t and Mann Whitney U test were applied, respectively. P Value below 0.05 was considered significant.Results: Out of total 93 patients, 33 (35.4 %) were males and 60(64.5%) were females. Female patients had increased incidence of fatty liver as compared to males. The mean duration of disease was 7.61 ± 5.8 years with 68.8% prevalence of fatty liver. BMI was elevated significantly in patients having fatty liver. There was no significant association between NLR, PLR and fatty liver. ALT, LDL and Triglycerides were increased significantly in patients having fatty liver.Conclusion: Patients having fatty liver have more deranged levels of lipid profile and hematological parameters increasing the risk of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases

    Factor Accumulation and Economic Growth in Pakistan: Incorporating Human Capital

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    The objective of this study is to analyze relationship between factor accumulation and economic growth in Pakistan for the time period of 1973 to 2014 using ARDL bound testing approach to cointegration. Considering human capital as a core factor of production we have constructed a series of human capital as average year of schooling and real capital stock is also generated on the basis of gross fixed capital formation. Under endogenous growth model bound testing approach to cointegration suggest that human capital stock, real physical capital stock per worker and GDP per worker are highly cointegrated. Moreover, human capital and real physical capital stock are highly significant and growth friendly. Our findings are consistent with the endogenous growth model suggesting that developing countries like Pakistan should increase share of education and health in GDP in order to accelerate economic growth

    Empirical Analysis of Farmers Preferences and Willingness towards Organic Farming in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

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    Background: Organic farming is an eco-friendly approach in the agricultural production system that ensures food safety, reduces health problems, promotes environmental conservation, and generates employment opportunities for local communities.Methods: The survey was conducted using a well-structured questionnaire that focused on the scope and potential of organic farming in Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Pakistan. The data were collected from randomly selected 150 respondents in nine districts of GB between May and June (2019). This survey analyzed the factors influencing the willingness of farmers to pay attention to organic farming and evaluated the possibilities of espousal organic farming as an effective approach.Results: In general, mixed perceptions were revealed by the behavior and attitudes of the farmers, however, it is necessary to notice the intentions of the farmers for substitute methods to make organic farming feasible. Based on the survey, people were not reluctant to adopt organic farming to ensure better market value for their products. As a result, they will sustainably get a better livelihood.Conclusion: The current study is concluded that the espousal of organic farming could have a positive and noteworthy outcome on a farmer’s life in terms of profitability, compatibility, productivity, and sustainability in GB. There is a dire need for organic certification to increase the market value both at local and international levels.Keywords: Gilgit-Baltistan; Eco-friendly; Organic farming; Practices; Survey

    Association of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte and Platelet To Lymphocyte ratio with Blood Glucose Regulation in Type 2 Diabetes Patients

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    INTRODUCTION:                              Diabetes is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. Disorders of lipid metabolism are common in diabetes causing greater cardiovascular risks. Leukocytosis is a major marker of metabolic syndrome. Both neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are related to subclinical inflammation worsening the glycemic control. HbA1c is used as a marker of blood glucose regulation. OBJECTIVE:  To investigate the association of  neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio with blood glucose regulation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.   METHODS: This comparative analytical study was conducted in Shifa  International Hospital on diabetic patients. Sample size was calculated as 62 by WHO sample size calculator .  Non randomized convenient sampling was used. Patients were divided into two groups according to HbA1c level taking 7% as cut off point. Full blood count, lipid profile and liver profile were carried out. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 21. Descriptive statistics were calculated for categorical   variables. For quantitative normal and dispersed variables, independent student t and Mann Whitney U test were applied respectively. P Value less than 0.05 was considered significant.   RESULTS: Out of total 93 patients,33 (35.4 %) were males and 60(64.5%) were females. The mean duration of disease was 8.26  Â± 5.8 years. NLR and PLR were elevated in patients having poor glucose control but that difference was not significant. Significant difference between the groups was found with random blood glucose. LDL, triglycerides , cholesterol ratio, ALT and AST were raised in patients having poor glycemic control.                              CONCLUSION:  Patients having poor blood glucose regulation have increased levels of   haematological and serological parameters posing greater cardiovascular health risks to patients with type 2 diabete
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