200 research outputs found

    Antibiotic Resistance:Adaptive Evolution & Dissemination of Resistance Genes

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    Time-Resolved Tracking of Mutations Reveals Diverse Allele Dynamics during Escherichia coli Antimicrobial Adaptive Evolution to Single Drugs and Drug Pairs

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    Understanding the evolutionary processes that lead to antibiotic resistance can help to achieve better treatment strategies. Yet, little is known about the dynamics of the resistance alleles during adaptation. Here, we use population sequencing to monitor genetic changes in putative resistance loci at several time-points during adaptive evolution experiments involving five different antibiotic conditions. We monitor the mutational spectra in lineages evolved to be resistant to single antibiotics [amikacin (AMK), chloramphenicol (CHL), and ciprofloxacin (CIP)], as well as antibiotic combinations (AMK + CHL and CHL + CIP). We find that lineages evolved to antibiotic combinations exhibit different resistance allele dynamics compared with those of single-drug evolved lineages, especially for a drug pair with reciprocal collateral sensitivity. During adaptation, we observed interfering, superimposing and fixation allele dynamics. To further understand the selective forces driving specific allele dynamics, a subset of mutations were introduced into the ancestral wild type enabling differentiation between clonal interference and negative epistasis

    Efficient and Practical Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones Catalyzed by a Simple Bidentate Mn−NHC Complex

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    Catalytic reductions of carbonyl‐containing compounds are highly important for the safe, sustainable, and economical production of alcohols. Herein, we report on the efficient transfer hydrogenation of ketones catalyzed by a highly potent Mn(I)−NHC complex. Mn−NHC 1 is practical at metal concentrations as low as 75 ppm, thus approaching loadings more conventionally reserved for noble metal based systems. With these low Mn concentrations, catalyst deactivation is found to be highly temperature dependent and becomes especially prominent at increased reaction temperature. Ultimately, understanding of deactivation pathways could help close the activity/stability‐gap with Ru and Ir catalysts towards the practical implementation of sustainable earth‐abundant Mn‐complexes

    Survival and evolution of a large multidrug resistance plasmid in new clinical bacterial hosts

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    Large conjugative plasmids are important drivers of bacterial evolution and contribute significantly to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance. Although plasmid borne multidrug resistance is recognized as one of the main challenges in modern medicine, the adaptive forces shaping the evolution of these plasmids within pathogenic hosts are poorly understood. Here we study plasmid–host adaptations following transfer of a 73 kb conjugative multidrug resistance plasmid to naïve clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. We use experimental evolution, mathematical modelling and population sequencing to show that the long-term persistence and molecular integrity of the plasmid is highly influenced by multiple factors within a 25 kb plasmid region constituting a host-dependent burden. In the E. coli hosts investigated here, improved plasmid stability readily evolves via IS26 mediated deletions of costly regions from the plasmid backbone, effectively expanding the host-range of the plasmid. Although these adaptations were also beneficial to plasmid persistence in a naïve K. pneumoniae host, they were never observed in this species, indicating that differential evolvability can limit opportunities of plasmid adaptation. While insertion sequences are well known to supply plasmids with adaptive traits, our findings suggest that they also play an important role in plasmid evolution by maintaining the plasticity necessary to alleviate plasmid–host constrains. Further, the observed evolutionary strategy consistently followed by all evolved E. coli lineages exposes a trade-off between horizontal and vertical transmission that may ultimately limit the dissemination potential of clinical multidrug resistance plasmids in these hosts

    Functional Metagenomic Investigations of the Human Intestinal Microbiota

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    The human intestinal microbiota encode multiple critical functions impacting human health, including metabolism of dietary substrate, prevention of pathogen invasion, immune system modulation, and provision of a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes accessible to pathogens. The complexity of this microbial community, its recalcitrance to standard cultivation, and the immense diversity of its encoded genes has necessitated the development of novel molecular, microbiological, and genomic tools. Functional metagenomics is one such culture-independent technique, used for decades to study environmental microorganisms, but relatively recently applied to the study of the human commensal microbiota. Metagenomic functional screens characterize the functional capacity of a microbial community, independent of identity to known genes, by subjecting the metagenome to functional assays in a genetically tractable host. Here we highlight recent work applying this technique to study the functional diversity of the intestinal microbiota, and discuss how an approach combining high-throughput sequencing, cultivation, and metagenomic functional screens can improve our understanding of interactions between this complex community and its human host

    Adaptive Laboratory Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance Using Different Selection Regimes Lead to Similar Phenotypes and Genotypes

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    Antibiotic resistance is a global threat to human health, wherefore it is crucial to study the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance as well as its emergence and dissemination. One way to analyze the acquisition of de novo mutations conferring antibiotic resistance is adaptive laboratory evolution. However, various evolution methods exist that utilize different population sizes, selection strengths, and bottlenecks. While evolution in increasing drug gradients guarantees high-level antibiotic resistance promising to identify the most potent resistance conferring mutations, other selection regimes are simpler to implement and therefore allow higher throughput. The specific regimen of adaptive evolution may have a profound impact on the adapted cell state. Indeed, substantial effects of the selection regime on the resulting geno- and phenotypes have been reported in the literature. In this study we compare the geno- and phenotypes of Escherichia coli after evolution to Amikacin, Piperacillin, and Tetracycline under four different selection regimes. Interestingly, key mutations that confer antibiotic resistance as well as phenotypic changes like collateral sensitivity and cross-resistance emerge independently of the selection regime. Yet, lineages that underwent evolution under mild selection displayed a growth advantage independently of the acquired level of antibiotic resistance compared to lineages adapted under maximal selection in a drug gradient. Our data suggests that even though different selection regimens result in subtle genotypic and phenotypic differences key adaptations appear independently of the selection regime

    Short and long-read ultra-deep sequencing profiles emerging heterogeneity across five platform Escherichia coli strains

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    Reprogramming organisms for large-scale bioproduction counters their evolutionary objectives of fast growth and often leads to mutational collapse of the engineered production pathways during cultivation. Yet, the mutational susceptibility of academic and industrial Escherichia coli bioproduction host strains are poorly understood. In this study, we apply 2nd and 3rd generation deep sequencing to profile simultaneous modes of genetic heterogeneity that decimate engineered biosynthetic production in five popular E. coli hosts BL21(DE3), TOP10, MG1655, W, and W3110 producing 2,3-butanediol and mevalonic acid. Combining short-read and longread sequencing, we detect strain and sequence-specific mutational modes including single nucleotide polymorphism, inversion, and mobile element transposition, as well as complex structural variations that disrupt the integrity of the engineered biosynthetic pathway. Our analysis suggests that organism engineers should avoid chassis strains hosting active insertion sequence (IS) subfamilies such as IS1 and IS10 present in popular E. coli TOP10. We also recommend monitoring for increased mutagenicity in the pathway transcription initiation regions and recombinogenic repeats. Together, short and long sequencing reads identified latent low-frequency mutation events such as a short detrimental inversion within a pathway gene, driven by 8-bp short inverted repeats. This demonstrates the power of combining ultra-deep DNA sequencing technologies to profile genetic heterogeneities of engineered constructs and explore the markedly different mutational landscapes of common E. coli host strains. The observed multitude of evolving variants underlines the usefulness of early mutational profiling for new synthetic pathways designed to sustain in organisms over long cultivation scales

    Dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes from antibiotic producers to pathogens

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    AbstractIt has been hypothesized that some antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) found in pathogenic bacteria derive from antibiotic-producing actinobacteria. Here we provide bioinformatic and experimental evidence supporting this hypothesis. We identify genes in proteobacteria, including some pathogens, that appear to be closely related to actinobacterial ARGs known to confer resistance against clinically important antibiotics. Furthermore, we identify two potential examples of recent horizontal transfer of actinobacterial ARGs to proteobacterial pathogens. Based on this bioinformatic evidence, we propose and experimentally test a ‘carry-back’ mechanism for the transfer, involving conjugative transfer of a carrier sequence from proteobacteria to actinobacteria, recombination of the carrier sequence with the actinobacterial ARG, followed by natural transformation of proteobacteria with the carrier-sandwiched ARG. Our results support the existence of ancient and, possibly, recent transfers of ARGs from antibiotic-producing actinobacteria to proteobacteria, and provide evidence for a defined mechanism.</jats:p

    Dose painting based on tumor uptake of Cu-ATSM and FDG:a comparative study

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    BACKGROUND: Hypoxia and increased glycolytic activity of tumors are associated with poor prognosis. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in radiotherapy (RT) dose painting based on the uptake of 2-deoxy-2-[(18) F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and the proposed hypoxia tracer, copper(II)diacetyl-bis(N(4))-methylsemithiocarbazone (Cu-ATSM) using spontaneous clinical canine tumor models. METHODS: Positron emission tomography/computed tomography scans of five spontaneous canine sarcomas and carcinomas were obtained; FDG on day 1 and (64)Cu-ATSM on day 2 and 3 (approx. 3 and 24 hours pi.). Sub-volumes for dose escalation were defined by a threshold-based method for both tracers and five dose escalation levels were formed in each sub-volume. Volumetric modulated arc therapy plans were optimized based on the dose escalation regions for each scan for a total of three dose plans for each dog. The prescription dose for the GTV was 45 Gy (100%) and it was linearly escalated to a maximum of 150%. The correlations between dose painting plans were analyzed with construction of dose distribution density maps and quality volume histograms (QVH). Correlation between high-dose regions was investigated with Dice correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Comparison of dose plans revealed varying degree of correlation between cases. Some cases displayed a separation of high-dose regions in the comparison of FDG vs. (64)Cu-ATSM dose plans at both time points. Among the Dice correlation coefficients, the high dose regions showed the lowest degree of agreement, indicating potential benefit of using multiple tracers for dose painting. QVH analysis revealed that FDG-based dose painting plans adequately covered approximately 50% of the hypoxic regions. CONCLUSION: Radiotherapy plans optimized with the current approach for cut-off values and dose region definitions based on FDG, (64)Cu-ATSM 3 h and 24 h uptake in canine tumors had different localization of the regional dose escalation levels. This indicates that (64)Cu-ATSM at two different time-points and FDG provide different biological information that has to be taken into account when using the dose painting strategy in radiotherapy treatment planning