27 research outputs found

    Contraceptive Adoption, Discontinuation, and Switching among Postpartum Women in Nairobi's Urban Slums.

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    Unmet need for contraception is highest within 12 months post-delivery, according to research. Using longitudinal data from the Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System, we assess the dynamics of contraceptive use during the postpartum period among women in Nairobi's slums. Results show that by 6 months postpartum, 83 percent of women had resumed sexual activity and 51 percent had resumed menses, yet only 49 percent had adopted a modern contraceptive method. Furthermore, almost half of women discontinued a modern method within 12 months of initiating use, with many likely to switch to another short-term method with high method-related dissatisfaction. Women who adopted a method after resumption of menses had higher discontinuation rates, though the effect was much reduced after adjusting for other variables. To reduce unmet need, effective intervention programs are essential to lower high levels of discontinuation and encourage switching to more effective methods

    Childbearing desires and behaviour: a prospective assessment in Nairobi slums.

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    BACKGROUND: Advancing an understanding of childbearing desires is an important precursor to achievement of the policy goal of reducing unintended pregnancies. It has been long debated that concepts of fertility desires and planning may be particularly problematic in sub-Saharan Africa. However, examination of the utility of fertility preference measures and their link to reproductive behaviour is still rare in the region. The aim of this study is to assess the predictive validity of future childbearing desires on subsequent reproduction among women living in the highly unpredictable circumstances of Nairobi slums. METHODS: We used data from a longitudinal study (2007-2010) nested in the Nairobi Urban Health Demographic Surveillance System that is located in two slums in Nairobi, Kenya. We analysed baseline fertility desires among 4577 postpartum women. Cox proportional hazard model was employed to examine the effect of fertility desires on subsequent reproduction. RESULTS: One-third of the women wanted no more children and 37% wanted to wait for at least five years at baseline. While two-thirds of the women who wanted to have a child soon became pregnant within three years, less than one-third of those wanting no more children became pregnant. The multivariable analysis shows that the probability of becoming pregnant among women who expressed desires to stop or delay childbearing at least for five years was 50% less than among women who wanted to have a child in two to four years. In addition to prospective fertility desires, level of woman's education, residence and ethnicity exerted important influences on implementation of baseline preferences. CONCLUSIONS: Our study finds a strong link between baseline fertility desires and subsequent reproduction. A large difference in pregnancy risk was observed between those who wanted no more children and those who wanted another child. The link between a woman's stated desire to stop childbearing and subsequent childbearing is just as strong in the Nairobi slums as elsewhere. In addition, the findings revealed a pronounced gradient in pregnancy risk according to preferred spacing length, which support other evidence on the important contribution of long-term spacing or postponement to fertility decline in sub-Saharan Africa

    Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Qualitative report

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    The Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya (AGI-K) is currently delivering multisectoral interventions, targeting violence prevention, education, health, and wealth creation, to adolescent girls aged 11–14 in two marginalized areas of Kenya. This report provides a brief overview of the research design and intervention components being delivered in AGI-K, and presents findings from the first round of qualitative data collection intended to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation processes thus far. The findings provide important information about the perceived effects of the program from a diverse set of respondents. Overall, beneficiaries, their parents/guardians, and other key stakeholders value the program and have observed positive changes in girls’ education, knowledge, self-esteem, and money management. In addition, the findings have revealed key areas for improvement within each intervention sector which teams will focus on in the second year

    Method-Specific Attributes that Influence Choice of Future Contraception Among Married Women in Nairobi's Informal Settlements.

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    Despite an extensive evidence base on contraceptive method choice, it remains uncertain which factors are most influential in predisposing women toward certain methods and against others. This paper addresses this gap in knowledge by making use of rarely-measured perceptions about specific methods, perceived social network experience of methods, and women's own past experiences using specific methods. We draw on baseline data from the project, "Improving Measurement of Unintended Pregnancy and Unmet Need for Family Planning." Using conditional logit analysis, we ascertain which perceived method-specific attributes, including past experience of methods by women themselves and by their friends, predict preferred future contraceptive method among 317 women living in Nairobi slums who are using no method but intend to start in the next 12 months. Results show that satisfaction with past use, positive experience of use by a woman's social network, husband/partner's approval, lack of interference with menses, and perception of safety for long term use were all associated with choice of a future method

    Influence of parental factors on adolescents’ transition to first sexual intercourse in Nairobi, Kenya: a longitudinal study

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    Abstract Background Several studies have demonstrated a link between young people’s sexual behavior and levels of parental monitoring, parent-child communication, and parental discipline in Western countries. However, little is known about this association in African settings, especially among young people living in high poverty settings such as urban slums. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of parental factors (monitoring, communication, and discipline) on the transition to first sexual intercourse among unmarried adolescents living in urban slums in Kenya. Methods Longitudinal data collected from young people living in two slums in Nairobi, Kenya were used. The sample was restricted to unmarried adolescents aged 12–19 years at Wave 1 (weighted n = 1927). Parental factors at Wave 1 were used to predict adolescents’ transition to first sexual intercourse by Wave 2. Relevant covariates including the adolescents’ age, sex, residence, school enrollment, religiosity, delinquency, and peer models for risk behavior were controlled for. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to assess the associations of interest. All analyses were conducted using Stata version 13. Results Approximately 6 % of our sample transitioned to first sexual intercourse within the one-year study period; there was no sex difference in the transition rate. In the multivariate analyses, male adolescents who reported communication with their mothers were less likely to transition to first sexual intercourse compared to those who did not (p < 0.05). This association persisted even after controlling for relevant covariates (OR: ≤0.33; p < 0.05). However, parental monitoring, discipline, and communication with their fathers did not predict transition to first sexual intercourse for male adolescents. For female adolescents, parental monitoring, discipline, and communication with fathers predicted transition to first sexual intercourse; however, only communication with fathers remained statistically significant after controlling for relevant covariates (OR: 0.30; 95 % C.I.: 0.13–0.68). Conclusion This study provides evidence that cross-gender communication with parents is associated with a delay in the onset of sexual intercourse among slum-dwelling adolescents. Targeted adolescent sexual and reproductive health programmatic interventions that include parents may have significant impacts on delaying sexual debut, and possibly reducing sexual risk behaviors, among young people in high-risk settings such as slums

    Educational Status and HIV Disparities in Cameroon: Are Uneducated Women at Reduced Risk of HIV Infection?

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    The socioeconomic gradient in health and mortality is a persistent finding in social epidemiology. Indicators of socioeconomic status (SES) such as wealth and education are routinely found to be strongly and inversely related to various health outcomes. However, data from the 2004 Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) show that educational status is positively associated with HIV prevalence, particularly among women. In this investigation, we analyzed data from 5,287 women in the 2004 Cameroon DHS to explore possible demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral mechanisms that could account for this association. After controlling for variables such as age, marital status, region of residence, and partner’s educational attainment, the association between education and HIV was not merely attenuated, but essentially eliminated. This research contributes to a growing body of literature on SES and HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, which has the potential to improve our collective understanding and refine current social policies

    Relationship between SES and Sexual Behaviors, Women Respondents, CDHS 2004.

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    <p>χ<sup>2</sup> = Chi Square.</p><p><i>**p</i><.01.</p><p><i>***p</i><.001.</p

    Relationship between Access to Health Care, Knowledge, and Sexual Behaviors, for Women Only, CDHS 2004.

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